This is the complete list of members for MainLoop, including all inherited members.
add(EventSourceP loop_source, int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL) | EventLoop | |
BoolSlot typedef | EventLoop | |
BPfdSlot typedef | EventLoop | |
check_sources_Lm(LoopState &, const QuickPfdArray &) | EventLoop | protected |
clear_source(uint *id_pointer) | EventLoop | |
collect_sources_Lm(LoopState &) | EventLoop | protected |
create() | MainLoop | static |
create_sub_loop() | MainLoop | |
destroy_loop(void) | EventLoop | |
dispatch_priority_ | EventLoop | protected |
dispatch_source_Lm(LoopState &) | EventLoop | protected |
DispatcherSlot typedef | EventLoop | |
EventLoop(MainLoop &) | EventLoop | explicitprotected |
exec_callback(BoolVoidFunctor &&bvf, int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL) | EventLoop | |
exec_dispatcher(const DispatcherSlot &sl, int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL) | EventLoop | |
exec_idle(BoolVoidFunctor &&bvf) | EventLoop | |
exec_io_handler(BoolVoidPollFunctor &&bvf, int fd, const String &mode, int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL) | EventLoop | |
exec_now(BoolVoidFunctor &&bvf) | EventLoop | |
exec_once(uint delay_ms, uint *once_id, const VoidSlot &vfunc, int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL) | EventLoop | |
exec_timer(BoolVoidFunctor &&bvf, uint delay_ms, int64 repeat_ms=-1, int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL) | EventLoop | |
exec_usignal(int8 signum, const USignalSlot &sl, int priority=PRIORITY_NOW -1) | EventLoop | |
find_first_L() | EventLoop | protected |
find_source_L(uint id) | EventLoop | protected |
finishable() | MainLoop | |
flag_primary(bool on) | EventLoop | |
has_primary(void) | EventLoop | |
has_primary_L(void) | EventLoop | protected |
iterate(bool block) | MainLoop | |
iterate_pending() | MainLoop | |
kill_sources_Lm(void) | EventLoop | protected |
main_loop() const | EventLoop | |
main_loop_ | EventLoop | protected |
mutex() | MainLoop | |
pending() | MainLoop | |
poll_sources_ | EventLoop | protected |
prepare_sources_Lm(LoopState &, QuickPfdArray &) | EventLoop | protected |
primary_ | EventLoop | protected |
PRIORITY_ASCENT | EventLoop | static |
PRIORITY_CEILING | EventLoop | static |
PRIORITY_HIGH | EventLoop | static |
PRIORITY_IDLE | EventLoop | static |
PRIORITY_LOW | EventLoop | static |
PRIORITY_NEXT | EventLoop | static |
PRIORITY_NORMAL | EventLoop | static |
PRIORITY_NOW | EventLoop | static |
PRIORITY_UPDATE | EventLoop | static |
quit(int quit_code=0) | MainLoop | |
remove(uint id) | EventLoop | |
remove_source_Lm(EventSourceP source) | EventLoop | protected |
run() | MainLoop | |
running() | MainLoop | |
set_g_main_context(GlibGMainContext *glib_main_context) | MainLoop | |
SourceList typedef | EventLoop | protected |
sources_ | EventLoop | protected |
try_remove(uint id) | EventLoop | |
unpoll_sources_U() | EventLoop | protected |
USignalSlot typedef | EventLoop | |
VoidSlot typedef | EventLoop | |
VPfdSlot typedef | EventLoop | |
wakeup() | EventLoop | |
~EventLoop() | EventLoop | protectedvirtual |