This is the complete list of members for ServerImpl, including all inherited members.
_parent() const override | GadgetImpl | virtual |
_project() const | Gadget | |
_register_parameter(O *, M *, const Param::ExtraVals &) const | GadgetImpl | |
_set_parent(GadgetImpl *parent) override | GadgetImpl | virtual |
access_preference(const String &ident) override | ServerImpl | virtual |
access_properties() override | GadgetImpl | virtual |
access_property(String ident) | Gadget | virtual |
Block typedef | ServerImpl | |
broadcast_telemetry(const TelemetrySegmentS &plan, int32 interval_ms) override | ServerImpl | virtual |
canonify_key(const String &input) | GadgetImpl | protectedstatic |
create_project(String projectname) override | ServerImpl | virtual |
create_properties() | GadgetImpl | protectedvirtual |
custom_data_destroy() | CustomDataContainer | protected |
del_custom_data(CustomDataKey< T > *key) | CustomDataContainer | |
DEVICE_ACTIVE enum value | GadgetImpl | protected |
dir_crawler(const String &cwd="") | Server | |
emit_event(const String &type, const String &detail, const ValueR fields={}) override | EmittableImpl | virtual |
emit_notify(const String &detail) override | EmittableImpl | virtual |
engine_stats() | Server | |
error_blurb(Error error) const override | ServerImpl | virtual |
fallback_name() const | GadgetImpl | protectedvirtual |
Gadget() | Gadget | explicitprotected |
GADGET_DESTROYED enum value | GadgetImpl | protected |
gadget_flags() const | GadgetImpl | protected |
gadget_flags(uint64_t setbits, uint64_t mask=~uint64_t(0)) | GadgetImpl | protected |
get_build_id() override | ServerImpl | virtual |
get_clap_version() override | ServerImpl | virtual |
get_custom_data(CustomDataKey< T > *key) const | CustomDataContainer | |
get_data(const String &key) const override | ServerImpl | virtual |
get_flac_version() override | ServerImpl | virtual |
get_opus_version() override | ServerImpl | virtual |
get_value(String ident) | Gadget | |
get_version() override | ServerImpl | virtual |
has_custom_data(CustomDataKey< T > *key) const | CustomDataContainer | |
instance() | Server | static |
instancep() | ServerImpl | static |
js_trigger(const String &eventselector, JsTrigger callback) | Emittable | |
last_project() override | ServerImpl | virtual |
list_preferences() override | ServerImpl | virtual |
list_properties() | Gadget | virtual |
MASTER_TRACK enum value | GadgetImpl | protected |
MemberAccessF typedef | GadgetImpl | |
MemberClassT typedef | GadgetImpl | |
MemberInfosP typedef | GadgetImpl | |
musical_tuning_blurb(MusicalTuning musicaltuning) const override | ServerImpl | virtual |
musical_tuning_label(MusicalTuning musicaltuning) const override | ServerImpl | virtual |
name | Gadget | |
name_(const std::string *n, std::string *q) override | GadgetImpl | protectedvirtual |
on_event(const String &eventselector, const EventHandler &eventhandler) override | EmittableImpl | virtual |
props_ | GadgetImpl | protected |
serialize(WritNode &xs) override | GadgetImpl | protectedvirtual |
ServerImpl() | ServerImpl | explicit |
ServerP typedef | Server | |
set_custom_data(CustomDataKey< T > *key, T data) | CustomDataContainer | |
set_data(const String &key, const Value &v) override | ServerImpl | virtual |
set_value(String ident, const Value &v) | Gadget | |
shutdown() override | ServerImpl | virtual |
telemem_allocate(uint32 length) const | ServerImpl | |
telemem_release(Block telememblock) const | ServerImpl | |
telemem_start() const | ServerImpl | |
type_nick() const override | GadgetImpl | virtual |
url_crawler(const String &url="/") | Server | |
user_note(const String &text, const String &channel="misc", UserNote::Flags flags=UserNote::TRANSIENT, const String &rest="") override | ServerImpl | virtual |
user_reply(uint64 noteid, uint r) override | ServerImpl | virtual |
~CustomDataContainer() | CustomDataContainer | protected |
~EmittableImpl() | EmittableImpl | protectedvirtual |
~GadgetImpl() | GadgetImpl | protectedvirtual |
~Object()=0 | Object | protectedpure virtual |
~ObjectImpl()=0 | ObjectImpl | protectedpure virtual |
~ServerImpl() | ServerImpl | virtual |
~VirtualBase() noexcept=0 | VirtualBase | protectedpure virtual |