Anklang C++ API 0.0.0
No Matches
Parameter Member List

This is the complete list of members for Parameter, including all inherited members.

blurb() constParameter
choices() constParameter
constrain(const Value &value) constParameter
construct_hints(const String &hints, const String &more, double pmin=0, double pmax=0)Parameterstatic
dconstrain(const Value &value) constParameter
descr() constParameter
fetch(const String &key) constParameter
group() constParameter
has(const String &key) constParameter
has_hint(const String &hint) constParameter
hints() constParameter
ident() constParameter
initial() constParameter
initialsync(const Value &v)Parameter
is_choice() constParameter
is_numeric() constParameter
is_text() constParameter
label() constParameter
match_choice(const ChoiceS &choices, const String &text)Parameterstatic
metadata() constParameter
nick() constParameter
normalize(double val) constParameter
operator=(const Parameter &)=defaultParameter
Parameter(const Param &)Parameter
Parameter(const Parameter &)=defaultParameter
range() constParameter
rescale(double t) constParameter
store(const String &key, const String &value)Parameter
unit() constParameter
value_from_text(const String &text) constParameter
value_to_text(const Value &value) constParameter