ANKLANG Development Details

The Anklang Project <>

February 2025

API documentation and development internals of the Anklang project.

API documentation and development internals of the Anklang project.

1 ANKLANG Development Details

Technically, Anklang consists of a user interface front-end based on web technologies (HTML, DOM, CSS, JavaScript, Lit) and a synthesis engine backend written in C++.

1.1 ASE - Anklang synthesis engine

The ase/ subdirectory contains the C++ implementation of the AnklangSynthEngine executable which contains the core component for audio data processing and audio plugin handling. It interfaces with the HTML DOM based user interface via an IPC layer with JSON messages that reflect the C++ API.

The synthesis engine can load various audio rendering plugins which are executed in audio rendering worker threads. The main synthesis engine thread coordinates synchronization and interafces between the engine and the UI via an IPC interface over a web-socket that uses remote method calls and event delivery marshalled as JSON messages.

1.1.1 Serialization

Building on Jsonipc, a small serialization framework provided by ase/serialize.hh is used to marshal values, structs, enums and classes to/from JSON. This is used to store preferences and project data. The intended usage is as follows:

  std::string jsontext = Ase::json_stringify (somevalue);
  bool success = Ase::json_parse (jsontext, somevalue);
  // The JSON root will be of type 'object' if somevalue is a class instance
  std::string s;                                          // s contains:
  s = json_stringify (true);                              // true
  s = json_stringify (-0.17);                             // -0.17
  s = json_stringify (32768);                             // 32768
  s = json_stringify (Ase::Error::IO);                    // "Ase.Error.IO"
  s = json_stringify (String ("STRing"));                 // "STRing"
  s = json_stringify (ValueS ({ true, 5, "HI" }));        // [true,5,"HI"]
  s = json_stringify (ValueR ({ {"a", 1}, {"b", "B"} })); // {"a":1,"b":"B"}

In the above examples, Ase::Error::IO can be serialized because it is registered as Jsonipc::Enum<Ase::Error> with its enum values. The same works for serializable classes registered through Jsonipc::Serializable<SomeClass>.

[_] Serialization of class instances will have to depend on the Scope/InstanceMap, so instance pointers in copyable classes registered as Jsonipc::Serializable<> can be marshalled into a JsonValue (as {$id,$class} pair), then be resolved into an InstanceP stored in an Ase::Value and from there be marshalled into a persistent relative object link for project data storage.

1.2 Jsonipc

Jsonipc is a header-only IPC layer that marshals C++ calls to JSON messages defined in jsonipc/jsonipc.hh. The needed registration code is very straight forward to write manually, but can also be auto-genrated by using jsonipc/ which parses the exported API using CastXML.

The Anklang API for remote method calls is defined in api.hh. Each class with its methods, struct with its fields and enum with its values is registered as a Jsonipc interface using conscise C++ code that utilizes templates to derive the needed type information.

The corresponding Javascript code to use api.hh via async remote method calls is generated via Jsonipc::ClassPrinter::to_string() by AnklangSynthEngine --js-api.

1.2.1 Callback Handling

Javascript can register/unregister remote Callbacks with create and remove. C++ sends events to inform about a remote Callback being called or unregistered killed.

void    Jsonapi/Trigger/create (id);     // JS->C++
void    Jsonapi/Trigger/remove (id);     // JS->C++
void    Jsonapi/Trigger/_<id>  ([...]);  // C++->JS
void    Jsonapi/Trigger/killed (id);     // C++->JS

1.3 Ase Class Inheritance Tree

         |  |
         |  +Ase::Device
         |  |  |
         |  |  +Ase::NativeDevice
         |  |  |
         |  |  +Ase::Track
         |  |  |
         |  |  +Ase::Project
         |  |
         |  +Ase::Clip
         |  |
         |  +Ase::Monitor
         |  |
         |  +Ase::Server

2 Web Component Implementations

The user interface components used in Anklang are implemented as custom HTML elements and are generally composed of a single file that provides:

  1. A brief documentation block;
  2. CSS style information, that is extracted at build time via JsExtract;
  3. An HTML layout specified with lit-html expressions;
  4. An assorted JavaScript class that defines a new custom HTML element, possibly via Lit.

Simple components that have no or at most one child element and do not require complex HTML layouts with lit-html can be implemented directly via customElements.define().

Components with complex layouts that need lit-html or that act as containers with several HTMLSlotElements (for multiple types of children) which require a ShadowRoot, should be implemented as LitElements by extending LitComponent (our convenience wrapper around LitElement.

Note that a Lit component is an HTML element, it extends ReactiveElement which always extends HTMLElement and none of the other HTML element interfaces.

2.1 Guidelines for Web Components

Guidelines capturing past experiences:

2.2 Legacy Vue Components

Some components are still implemented via Vue and are slowly phased out. We often use <canvas> elements for Anklang specific displays, and Vue canvas handling comes with certain caveats:

  1. Use of the Util.vue_mixins.dom_updates mixin (now default) allows to trigger the dom_update() component method for $forceUpdate() invocations and related events.
  2. A methods: { dom_update() {}, } component entry should be provided that triggers the actual canvas rendering logic.
  3. Using a document.fonts.ready promise, Anklang re-renders all Vue components via $forceUpdate() once all webfonts have been loaded, <canvas> elements containing text usually need to re-render themselves in this case.

Envue components:

Envue components are created to simplify some of the oddities of dealing with Vue-3 components. The function Envue.Component.vue_export creates a Vue component definition, so that the Vue component instance ($vm) is tied to an Envue.Component instance ($object). Notes:

Vue uses a template compiler to construct a render() function from HTML <template/> strings. The Javascript expressions in templates are sandboxed and limited in scope, but may refer to Vue component properties that are exposed through hasOwnProperty(). In order to support Envue instance methods and fields in template expressions, all members present after Envue construction are forwarded into the Vue component.

3 UI Component Reference

3.1 BAboutDialog

The <b-aboutdialog> element is a modal [b-dialog] that displays version information about Anklang.

3.1.1 Events:

A close event is emitted once the "Close" button activated.

3.1.2 AppClass class

class AppClass

show_notice (text, timeout)
Show a notification notice, with adequate default timeout

3.2 BPushButton

The <push-button> element is a wrapper for an ordinary HTMLElement. It is styled like a <button> and can behave like it, but cannot become a focus element.

3.3 BHFlex

The <h-flex> element is a horizontal flex container element. See also the Flex visual cheatsheet.

3.4 BVFlex

The <v-flex> element is a vertical flex container element. See also the Flex visual cheatsheet.

3.5 BGrid

The <c-grid> element is a simple grid container element. See also Grid Container and the Grid visual cheatsheet.

3.6 BButtonBar

The <b-buttonbar> element is a container for tight packing of buttons.

3.6.1 Slots:

All contents passed into this element will be packed tightly and styled as buttons.

3.7 BChoiceInput

The <b-choiceinput> element provides a choice popup to choose from a set of options. It supports the Vue v-model protocol by emitting an input event on value changes and accepting inputs via the value prop.

3.7.1 Props:

The choice value to be displayed.
List of choices: [ { icon, label, blurb }... ]
Optional title for the popup menu.
A label used to extend the tip attached to the choice component.
Reduce padding and use small layout.
If label is unspecified, it can be fetched from prop->label instead.

3.7.2 Events:

Event emitted whenever the value changes, which is provided as

3.7.3 BClipList class

class BClipList
The <b-cliplist> element container holds BClipView elements.

3.8 BClipView

The <b-clipview> element displays a small view of a MIDI clip.

3.9 BContextMenu

The <b-contextmenu> element implements a modal popup that displays contextmenu choices, based on <button uri=... ic=... kbd=.../> elements, see also BMenuRow, BMenuTitle and BMenuSeparator. Menu actions are identified via URI attributes, they can be activated by calling a handler which is assigned via the .activate property, or the actions can be checked for being disabled by calling a handler which is assigned via the .isactivate property. The ic attribute on buttons embeds a <b-icon ic=.../> inside the buttons that are children of a <b-contextmenu>. Using the popup() method, the menu can be popped up via HTMLDialogElement.showModal. Example:

<div @contextmenu="e => querySelector('b-contextmenu').popup (e)">
  <b-contextmenu .activate="menuactivation">
    <button ic="mi-close" kbd="Shift+Ctrl+Q" uri="quit" > Quit </button>

Note that keyboard presses, mouse clicks, drag selections and event bubbling can all cause menu item clicks and contextmenu activation. In order to deduplicate multiple events that arise from the same user interaction, one popup request and one click activation is processed per animation frame.

3.9.1 Properties:

.activate (uri)
Callback handler which is called with a menu item URI once a menu item is activated.
Note, this handler can be called with an URI for which .isactive previously returned false, in particular via hotkeys.
.isactive (uri) -> Promise<bool>
Async callback used to check for a particular menu item by URI to stay active or be disabled, called during popup().

3.9.2 Attributes:

Consider a wider area than the context menu width for popup positioning.
Consider a taller area than the context menu height for popup positioning.

3.9.3 Events:

click (event)
Event signaling activation of a menu item, the uri can be found via get_uri (
close (event)
Event signaling closing of the menu, regardless of whether menu item activation occoured or not.

3.9.4 Methods:

popup (event, { origin, focus_uri, data-contextmenu })
Popup the contextmenu, propagation of event is halted and the event coordinates or target is
used for positioning unless origin is given.
The origin is a reference DOM element to use for drop-down positioning.
The focus_uri is a <button uri.../> menu item URI to receive focus after popup.
The data-contextmenu element (or origin) has the data-contextmenu=true attribute assigned during popup.
Hide the contextmenu.
map_kbd_hotkeys (active)
Activate/deactivate a global hotkey map containing the <button kbd=.../> hotkeys specified in menu items.
For hotkeys, no prior .isactive check is carried out.

3.9.5 BContextMenu class

class BContextMenu

map_kbd_hotkeys (active)
Activate or disable the kbd=... hotkeys in menu items.
find_menuitem (uri)
Find a menuitem via its URI.

3.9.6 Functions

render_contextmenu (b_contextmenu, make_lithtml, target, data)
Render and return a cached reusable <b-contextmenu/> from make_lithtml(target,data).
integrate_button (contextmenu)
Integrate b-contextmenu button into contextmenu handling.

3.10 BCrawlerDialog

Browse Ase::Crawler contents

3.10.1 BCrawlerDialog class

class BCrawlerDialog

folder ()
folder - getter for the current folder without protocol
update_inflight ()
update_inflight - indicates if the crawler is asynchronously updating
assign_utf8path (filepath, pickfile)
assign_utf8path - assign a path in UTF-8 encoding and possibly select it
entry_event (event, entry)
entry_event - handle events on the file entries
filtered_entries ()
filtered_entries - filter hidden entries
select_entry (entry)
select_entry - send 'select' event for entry or pathentry.value
close_click (ev)
close_click - send 'close' event for the dialog

3.11 DataBubbleImpl

The DataBubbleImpl and DataBubbleIface classes implement the logic required to extract and display data-bubble="" tooltip popups on mouse hover.

3.11.1 DataBubbleIface class

class DataBubbleIface

update (element, text)
Set the data-bubble attribute of element to text or force its callback
callback (element, callback)
Assign a callback function to fetch the data-bubble attribute of element
force (element)
Force data-bubble to be shown for element
unforce (element)
Cancel forced data-bubble for element
clear (element)
Reset the data-bubble attribute, its callback and cancel a forced bubble

3.12 BDeviceEditor

Editor for audio signal devices.

3.13 Props:

Audio signal processing device.

3.13.1 Functions

property_groups (asyncpropertylist)
Determine layout of properties.

3.14 BDevicePanel

Panel for editing of devices.

3.15 Props:

Container for the devices.

3.15.1 Component class

class Component

Component base class for wrapping Vue components.Let this.$vm point to the Vue component, and $vm.$object point to this.

new Component (vm)
Let this.$vm point to the Vue component, and $vm.$object point to this.
update ()
Force a Vue component update.
observable_from_getters (tmpl)
Wrapper for Util.observable_from_getters().
$watch (args)
Wrapper for Vue.$watch
vue_export (vue_object)   [static]
Create a Vue options API object from vue_object for SFC exports.

3.15.2 Functions

forward_access (vm, classinstance, ignores)
Forward all accesses to fields on vm to access fields on classinstance.
vue_export_from_class (Class, vue_object)
Create a Vue options API object that proxies access to a newly created Class instance.

3.16 BIcon

The <b-icon> element displays icons from various icon fonts. In order to style the color of icon font symbols, simply apply the color CSS property to this element (styling fill as for SVG elements is not needed).

3.16.1 Props:

A CSS class to apply to this icon.
A prefixed variant of fa, bc, mi, uc.
Either a prefixed icon font symbol or a unicode character literal, see
the Unicode Lists and Symbols.
The 'bc-' prefix indicates an icon from the "AnklangIcons Font" symbols.
The 'fa-' prefix indicates an icon from the "Fork Awesome" collection (compatible with "Font Awesome 4"), see the Fork Awesome Icons.
The 'mi-' prefix indicates an icon from the "Material Icons" collection, see the Material Design Icons.
Apply fixed-width sizing.
Make the icon 33% larger than its container.
Flip the icon horizontally.
Flip the icon vertically.

3.17 BKnob

The <b-knob> element provides a knob for scalar inputs. It supports the Vue v-model protocol by emitting an input event on value changes and accepting inputs via the value prop.

3.17.1 Props:

Boolean, flag indicating bidirectional inputs with value range -1…+1.
Float, the knob value to be displayed, the value range is 0…+1 if bidir is false.
String, format specification for popup bubbles, containinig a number for the peak amplitude.
String, text string for popup bubbles.
Boolean, adjust value with horizontal scrolling (without dragging).
Boolean, adjust value with vertical scrolling (without dragging).
Automatically determine width from externally specified height (default), otherwise determines height.

3.17.2 Implementation Notes

The knob is rendered based on an SVG drawing, which is arranged in such a way that adding rotational transforms to the SVG elements is sufficient to display varying knob levels. Chrome cannot render individual SVG nodes into seperate layers (GPU textures) so utilizing GPU acceleration requires splitting the original SVG into several SVG layers, each of which can be utilized as a seperate GPU texture with the CSS setting will-change: transform.

3.17.3 Functions

spin_drag_start (element, event, value_callback)
Setup drag handlers for numeric spin button behavior.
spin_drag_stop (event_or_element)
Stop sping drag event handlers and pointer grab.
spin_drag_pointermove (event)
Handle sping drag pointer motion.
spin_drag_change ()
Turn accumulated spin drag motions into actual value changes.
spin_drag_granularity (event)
Calculate spin drag acceleration (slowdown) from event type and modifiers.

3.18 BMenuBar

The <b-menubar> element contains main menus at the top of the window.

3.19 BMenuRow

The <b-menurow> element can contain <button/> menu items of a BContextMenu, that are packed horizontally inside a menurow.

3.19.1 Props:

Avoid turning the icon-label direction in menu items to be upside down.

3.19.2 Slots:

All contents passed into this slot will be rendered as contents of this element.

3.20 BMenuSeparator

The <b-menuseparator> element is a menu element that serves as a visual separator between other elements.

3.21 BMenuTitle

The <b-menutitle> element can be used as menu title inside a BContextMenu.

3.21.1 Slots:

All contents passed into this slot will be rendered as contents of this element.

3.22 BMore

The <b-more> element is an indicator for adding or dropping new UI elements.

3.23 BNoticeboard

Noticeboard to post notifications for end users.

3.24 BNumberInput

The <b-numberinput> element is a field-editor for integer or floating point number ranges. The input value will be constrained to take on an amount between min and max inclusively.

3.24.1 Properties:

Contains the number being edited.
The minimum amount that value can take on.
The maximum amount that value can take on.
A useful amount for stepwise increments.
Unless this setting is true, numbers are constrained to integer values.
Make this component non editable for the user.

3.24.2 Events:

Event emitted whenever the value changes, which is provided as

3.25 BObjectEditor

The <b-objecteditor> element is a field-editor for object input. A copy of the input value is edited, update notifications are provided via an input event.

3.25.1 Properties:

Object with properties to be edited.
Make this component non editable for the user.

3.25.2 Events:

This event is emitted whenever the value changes through user input or needs to be constrained.

3.26 BPartList

The <b-partlist> element allows to arrange Clip objects for playback.

3.26.1 Constants

List menu actions for PianoRoll.

3.26.2 Functions

ntool (toolmode, drag_event, cursor, predicate)
Add/register piano-roll canvas tool
notes_canvas_drag_select (event, MODE)

Select Tool

Crosshair The Select Tool allows selection of single notes or groups of notes. Modifier keys can be used to modify the selection behavior.

Horizontal Select

notes_canvas_drag_paint (event, MODE)

Paint Tool

Pen With the note Paint Tool, notes can be placed everywhere in the grid by clicking mouse button 1 and possibly keeping it held during drags.

notes_canvas_drag_move (event, MODE)

Move Tool

Pen With the note Move Tool, selected notes can be moved clicking mouse button 1 and keeping it held during drags. A copy will be made instead of moving the selected notes if the ctrl key is pressed during drag.

notes_canvas_drag_resize (event, MODE)

Resizing Notes

H-Resize When the Paint Tool is selected, the right edge of a note can be draged to make notes shorter or longer in duration.

notes_canvas_drag_erase (event, MODE)

Erase Tool

Eraser The Erase Tool allows deletion of all notes selected during a mouse button 1 drag. The deletion can be aborted by the Escape key.

note_hover_body (coords, tick, key, notes)
Detect note if hovering over its body
note_hover_tail (coords, tick, key, notes)
Detect note if hovering over its tail
note_hover_head (coords, tick, key, notes)
Detect note if hovering over its head
notes_canvas_tool_from_hover (piano_roll, pointerevent)
Get drag tool and cursor from hover position
target_coords (event, target)
Translate event offsetX,offsetY into taret element

3.27 BPianoRoll

The <b-piano-roll> element allows note editing.

3.27.1 Functions

piano_layout ()
Determine layout in pixels.
set_canvas_font (ctx, size)
Assign canvas font to drawing context
paint_piano ()
Paint piano key canvas
paint_notes ()
Paint piano roll notes
paint_timeline ()
Paint timeline digits and indicators
paint_timegrid (canvas, with_labels)
Paint timegrid into any canvas

3.28 BPlayControls

The <b-playcontrols> element is a container holding the play and seek controls for a

3.29 BPositionView

The <b-positionview> element displays the project transport position pointer and related information.

3.30 ShellClass

The global Shell singleton carries all current UI and Ase.Project context

3.30.1 ShellClass class

class ShellClass

piano_roll ()
Access PianoRoll component
show_spinner ()
Show spinner to indicate "busy" state (increment reason)
hide_spinner ()
Hide spinner to indicate "busy" state (decrement reason)

3.31 BStatusBar

The <b-statusbar> element is an area for the display of status messages and UI configuration.

3.32 BSwitchInput

The <b-switchinput> element is a field-editor switch to change between on and off.

3.32.1 Properties:

Contains a boolean indicating whether the switch is on or off.
Make this component non editable for the user.

3.32.2 Events:

Event emitted whenever the value changes, which is provided as

3.33 BTextInput

The <b-textinput> element is a field-editor for text input.

3.33.1 Properties:

Contains the text string being edited.
Make this component non editable for the user.

3.33.2 Events:

Event emitted whenever the value changes, which is provided as

3.34 BToggle

The <b-toggle> element implements a simple toggle button for boolean audio processor input properties. Its value can be accessed as a property and valuechange is emitted on changes.

3.34.1 Props:

Boolean, the toggle value to be displayed, the values are true or false.
String, label to be displayed inside the toggle button.

3.34.2 Events:

Event emitted whenever the value changes, which is provided as

3.35 BTreeBrowser

This container can render tree structures with collapsible branches.

3.36 Props:

Expand all entries by default.

3.37 Events:

A close event is emitted once the "Close" button activated.

3.37.1 HueSaturation class

class HueSaturation
Class with logic and spline approximations to calculate ZHSV.

3.37.2 Functions

srgb_from_hsv (hue, saturation, value)
Calculate sRGB from hue, saturation, value.
hsv_from_srgb (srgb)
Calculate { hue, saturation, value } from srgb.
zhsl_from (srgb, gamut)
Calculate { hue, saturation, lightness } from srgb.
srgb_from_zhsv (hue, saturation, value, gamut)
Calculate sRGB from { hue, saturation, value }.
hex_from_zhsv (hue, saturation, value, gamut)
Calculate hexadecimal color from { hue, saturation, value }.
zhsv_from (srgb, gamut)
Calculate { hue, saturation, value } from srgb.
srgb_from_zhsl (hue, saturation, lightness, gamut)
Calculate sRGB from { hue, saturation, value }.
hex_from_zhsl (hue, saturation, lightness, gamut)
Calculate hexadecimal color from { hue, saturation, value }.
color2rgba (color)
Yield [ R, G, B, A ] from color.
zmod_assignop (col, prop, op, num, perc)
Re-assign a specific color property.
zmod (colorlike, mods)
Apply a variety of modifications to an input color.
zmod4 (colorlike)
Find zmod() for a color.
zcam4 (colorlike)
Find zcam() for a color.
zlerp (c1, c2, t)
Interpolate between 2 colors.
lgrey (lightness)
Yield a grey tone with CIELAB lightness.

3.37.3 Functions

markdown_to_html (element, markdown_text)
Generate element.innerHTML from markdown_text
font_family_loaded (options)
Check if a particular font is present (and deviates from the fallback font)
get_uri (element)
Fetch URI from a DOM element, returns undefined if none is found (e.g. Number(0) is a valid URI).
valid_uri (uri)
Check if URI is not undefined.
has_uri (element)
Check if DOM element has valid URI.
text_content (element, with_children)
Get .textContent with or without children from a DOM element.
show_modal (dialog)
Show a dialog via showModal() and close it on backdrop clicks.

3.38 WorkerClip

Ase::Clip proxy

3.39 WorkerHost

Global host instance for scripts.

3.39.1 WorkerHost class

class WorkerHost

piano_roll_clip ()
Create handle for the currently selected clip.
script_name ()
Retrieve the file name of the current user script.
script_uuid ()
Retrieve the UUID set via use_api().
api_level ()
Retrieve numeric API level supported by this runtime.
use_api (api_level, script_uuid)
Request use of API level api_level and provide UUID for controllers.
register (category, label, fun, blurb, params)
Register a script function.


jsextract.js - Script to extract snippets marked with JsExtract


node jsextract.js [OPTIONS] [file.js...]


The jsextract.js processes its input files by looking for markers such as JsExtract.css`...` and extracting the template string contents into a corresponding *.jscss file. This can be preprocessed or copied into a corresponding *.css file, to be loaded via JsExtract.fetch_css().


-O <dir>
Specify the directory for output files.

7.1 FocusGuard

Install a FocusGuard to allow only a restricted set of elements to get focus.

7.1.1 Constants

Keyboard modifiers used for hotkeys.
Symbolic names for key codes

7.1.2 Functions

display_keyname (keyname)
Create display name from KeyEvent.code names.
hotkey_name_from_event (event)
Create hotkey name from KeyboardEvent.
match_key_event (event, keyname)
Match an event's key code, considering modifiers.
is_navigation_key_code (keycode)
Check if a key code is used of rnavigaiton (and non alphanumeric).
activeElement ()
Get the currently focussed Element, also inspecting open shadowRoot hierarchies.
list_focusables (element)
List elements that can take focus including shadow DOMs and are descendants of element or the document
push_focus_root (element, escapecb)
Constrain focus to element and its descendants
remove_focus_root (element)
Remove an element previously installed via push_focus_root()
element_rect (element)
Compute element rectangle, e.g. for focus movement
keydown_move_focus (event)
Move focus on UP/DOWN/HOME/END keydown events
move_focus (dir, subfocus)
Move focus to prev or next focus widget
forget_focus (element)
Forget the last focus element inside element
hotkey_handler (event)
Global key handler to dispatch key events according to global keymaps.
add_hotkey (hotkey, callback, subtree_element)
Add a global hotkey handler.
remove_hotkey (hotkey, callback)
Remove a global hotkey handler.
add_key_filter (keycode, callback)
Add a global keymap.
remove_key_filter (keycode)
Remove a global keymap.
add_keymap (keymap)
Add a global keymap.
remove_keymap (keymap)
Remove a global keymap.
is_button_input (element)
Check if element is button-like input
is_nav_input (element)
Check if element has inner input navigation
shortcut_lookup (mapname, label, shortcut)
Lookup shortcut for label in mapname, default to shortcut
shortcut_dialog (mapname, label, shortcut)
Display shortcut editing dialog

7.2 LitComponent

An interface extending LitElement with reactive render() and updated() methods.

7.2.1 Methods:

A this-bound Wrapper around LitElement.render() with JS Signal tracking.
updated (changedProps)
A this-bound Wrapper around LitElement.updated() with JS Signal tracking.
A this-bound wrapper around LitElement.requestUpdate().
A new WeakRef to this.
In addition to calling LitElement.createRenderRoot() this will call adopt_component_styles().

7.2.2 LitComponent class

class LitComponent

mkstate (str_olist)
Install reactive Signal.State for all props

7.2.3 Constants


API to mark template strings for extraction and fetch extracted assets.

  • JsExtract.css`body { font-weight:bold; }`
    Mark CSS text inside a Javascript file for extration by jsextract.js.
  • node jsextract.js inputfile.js
    Extract JsExtract.css`` strings into inputfile.jscss.
  • await JsExtract.fetch_css ('/path/to/inputfile.js');
    Use the browser fetch() API to retrieve the extracted string as text/css from '/path/to/inputfile.css'.
  • JsExtract.fetch_css (import.meta);
    Variant of the above that utilizes import.meta.url.
  • JsExtract.css_url (import.meta);
    Variant of the above that just provides the stylesheet URL.

7.2.4 Functions

lit_update_all (root)
Call requestUpdate() on all LitElements
css_url (base_url)
Construct the stylesheet URL from a base URL (enforcing .css extension).
fetch_css (base_url)
Fetch (extracted) asset from a base URL (enforcing .css extension) as "text/css"
adopt_component_styles (element)
Ensure that element has all stylesheets with [data-4litcomponent] applied to it

7.2.5 Constants

Flag indicating Chrome UserAgent.

7.2.6 Functions

chrome_movement_factor ()
Determine factor for Chrome to convert movementX to CSS px (based on event history)
event_movement (event, shift_swaps)
Determine movementX,movementY in CSS pixels, independent of browser quirks.
wheel_delta (event, shift_swaps)
Determine mouse wheel deltas in bare units, independent of zoom or DPI. This returns an object {deltaX,deltaY} with negative values pointing LEFT/UP and positive values RIGHT/DOWN respectively. For zoom step interpretation, the x/y pixel values should be reduced via Math.sign(). For scales the pixel values might feel more natural, because browsers sometimes increase the number of events with increasing wheel distance, in other cases values are accumulated so fewer events with larger deltas are sent instead. The members {x,y} approximate the wheel delta in pixels.
zmove_last ()
Peek at the last pointer coordination event.
zmove_add (hook)
Add hook to be called once the mouse position or stacking state changes, returns deleter.
zmove_trigger (ev)
Trigger zmove hooks, this is useful to get debounced notifications for pointer movements, including 0-distance moves after significant UI changes.

7.3 ScriptHost

A ScriptHost object represents a Worker script in the Main thread.

A ScriptHost object (defined in script.js) runs in the Main Javascript thread. It starts a Worker via host.js which creates a WorkerHost object in the Worker thread. The ScriptHost<->WorkerHost objects bridge needed API from the Main thread to the Worker thread. The WorkerHost then loads and calls into a user provided ES Module, the actual user script which communicates via the WorkerHost global variable host. See also #WorkerHost.

7.3.1 Functions

count_newlines (str)
Count newlines
find_tags (string)
List tag names matching ^</tag> in string.
process_file (filename, config)
Extract and process sections of an SFC file.
write_style (filename, ofile, config, stylestring)
Process and write style information

7.3.2 Functions

jsonapi_finalization_registration (object)
Jsonipc handler for object creation
jsonapi_finalization_gc (gcinfo)
Jsonipc handler for IDs of GC-ed objects.

7.3.3 Functions

hex (s, prefix)
Convert bytes in s into 2-digit hex representation.
displayfs (utf16pua)
Map a UTF-16 encoded filename with PUA byte encodings to visible characters.
basename (path)
Strip the directory parts of a path.
displaybasename (path)
Strip the directory parts of displayfs (path).
dirname (path)
Strip basename and return only directory parts of a path.
displaydirname (path)
Strip basename and return only directory parts of a displayfs (path).

7.3.4 PointerDrag class

class PointerDrag
Meld all pointer drag handling functions into a single drag_event(event,MODE) method

7.3.5 vue_mixins class

class vue_mixins

vuechildren ()   [static]
Provide $children (and $vue_parent) on every component
autodataattrs ()   [static]
Automatically add $attrs['data-*'] to $el
dom_updates ()   [static]

Vue mixin to provide DOM handling hooks. This mixin adds instance method callbacks to handle dynamic DOM changes such as drawing into a <canvas/>. Reactive callback methods have their data dependencies tracked, so future changes to data dependencies of reactive methods will queue future updates. However reactive dependency tracking only works for non-async methods.

  • dom_create() - Called after this.$el has been created
  • dom_change() - Called after this.$el has been reassigned or changed. Note, may also be called for v-if="false" cases.
  • dom_update() - Reactive callback method, called with a valid this.$el and after Vue component updates. Dependency changes result in this.$forceUpdate().
  • dom_draw() - Reactive callback method, called during an animation frame, requested via dom_queue_draw(). Dependency changes result in this.dom_queue_draw().
  • dom_queue_draw() - Cause this.dom_draw() to be called during the next animation frame.
  • dom_destroy() - Callback method, called once this.$el is removed.

7.3.6 Constants

Copy PropertyDescriptors from source to target, optionally binding handlers against closure

7.3.7 Functions

now ()
Retrieve current time in milliseconds
frame_stamp ()
Retrieve a timestamp that is unique per (animation) frame
debounce (callback, options)

Yield a wrapper function for callback that throttles invocations. Regardless of the frequency of calls to the returned wrapper, callback will only be called once per requestAnimationFrame() cycle, or after milliseconds. The return value of the wrapper functions is the value of the last callback invocation. A cancel() method can be called on the returned wrapper to cancel the next pending callback invocation. Options:

  • wait - number of milliseconds to pass until callback may be called.
  • restart - always restart the timer once the wrapper is called.
  • immediate - immediately invoke callback and then start the timeout period.
capture_event (eventname, callback)
Process all events of type eventname with a single callback exclusively
coalesced_events (event)
Expand pointer event into a list of possibly coalesced events
vue_component (element)
Get Vue component handle from element or its ancestors
envue_object (element)
Get Envue $object from element or its ancestors
drag_event (event)
Start drag_event (event) handling on a Vue component's element, use @pointerdown="drag_event"
unrequest_pointer_lock (element)
Clear (pending) pointer locks Clear an existing pointer lock on element if any and ensure it does not get a pointer lock granted unless request_pointer_lock() is called on it again.
has_pointer_lock (element)

Check if element has a (pending) pointer lock Return:

  • 2- if element has the pointer lock;
  • 1- if the pointer lock is pending;
  • 0- otherwise.
request_pointer_lock (element)
Request a pointer lock on element and track its state Use this function to maintain pointer locks to avoid stuck locks that can get granted after exitPointerLock() has been called.
adopt_style (element, csstext, stylesheet_name)
Ensure the root node of element contains a csstext (replaceable via stylesheet_name)
add_style_sheet (element, url)
Ensure the root node of element has a url stylesheet link
vm_scope_selector (vm)
Retrieve CSS scope selector for vm_scope_style()
vm_scope_style (vm, css)
Attach css to Vue instance vm, use vm_scope_selector() for the vm CSS scope
assign_forin (target, source)
Loop over all properties in source and assign to target
assign_forof (target, source)
Loop over all elements of source and assign to target
array_remove (array, item)
Remove element item from array if present via indexOf
array_index_equals (array, item)
Find array index of element that equals item
map_from_kvpairs (kvarray)
Generate map by splitting the key=value pairs in kvarray
range (bound, end, step)
Generate integers [0..bound[ if one arg is given or [bound..end[ by incrementing step
freeze_deep (object)
Freeze object and its properties
copy_deep (src)
Create a new object that has the same properties and Array values as src
equals_recursively (a, b)
Check if a == b, recursively if the arguments are of type Array or Object
clamp (x, min, max)
Return @a x clamped into @a min and @a max
fwdprovide (injectname, keys)
Create a Vue component provide() function that forwards selected properties
hyphenate (string)
Generate a kebab-case ('two-words') identifier from a camelCase ('twoWords') identifier
weakid (object)
Fetch a unique id for any object
weakid_lookup (id)
Find an object from its unique id
uuname (object)
Get a universally unique name for any object
join_classes (args)
Join strings and arrays of class lists from args
object_zip (obj, keys, values)
Assign obj[k] = v for all k of keys, v of values
object_await_values (obj)
Await and reassign all object fields
extend_property (prop, disconnector, augment)
Extend Ase.Property objects with cached attributs. Note, for automatic .value_ updates, a disconnector function must be provided as second argument, to handle disconnection of property change notifications once the property is not needed anymore.
promise_state (p)
Extract the promise p state as one of: 'pending', 'fulfilled', 'rejected'
compile_expression (expression, context)
Turn a JS $event handler expression into a function. This yields a factory function that binds the scope to create an expression handler.
VueifyObject (object, vue_options)
VueifyObject - turn a regular object into a Vue instance. The object passed in is used as the Vue data object. Properties with a getter (and possibly setter) are turned into Vue computed properties, methods are carried over as methods on the Vue() instance.
fnv1a_hash (str)
Produce hash code from a String, using an FNV-1a variant
split_comma (str)
Split a string when encountering a comma, while preserving quoted or parenthesized segments
escape_html (unsafe)
Properly escape test into &amp; and related sequences
parse_hex_color (colorstr)
Parse hexadecimal CSS color with 3 or 6 digits into [ R, G, B ]
parse_hex_luminosity (colorstr)
Parse hexadecimal CSS color into luminosity
parse_hex_brightness (colorstr)
Parse hexadecimal CSS color into brightness
parse_hex_pgrey (colorstr)
Parse hexadecimal CSS color into perception corrected grey
parse_hex_average (colorstr)
Parse hexadecimal CSS color into average grey
parse_colors (colorstr)
Parse CSS colors (via invisible DOM element) and yield an array of rgba tuples
compute_style_properties (el, obj)
Retrieve a new object with the properties of obj resolved against the style of el
check_visibility (element)
Check visibility of element
is_displayed (element)
Check if element is displayed (has width/height assigned)
setup_shield_element (shield, containee, closer, capture_escape)
Setup Element shield for a modal containee. Capture focus movements inside containee, call closer(event) for pointer clicks on shield or when ESCAPE is pressed.
swallow_event (type, timeout)
Use capturing to swallow any type events until timeout has passed
prevent_event (event_or_null)
Prevent default or any propagation for a possible event
dialog_backdrop_mousedown (ev)
Close dialog on backdrop clicks via hiding at mousedown
dialog_backdrop_mouseup (ev)
Close dialog on backdrop clicks via actual closing at mouseup
dialog_backdrop_autoclose (dialog, install_or_remove)
Install handlers to close a dialog on backdrop clicks
popup_position (element, opts)
Determine position for a popup
resize_canvas (canvas, csswidth, cssheight, fill_style)
Resize canvas display size (CSS size) and resize backing store to match hardware pixels
dash_xto (ctx, x, y, w, d)
Draw a horizontal line from (x,y) of width w with dashes d
hstippleRect (ctx, x, y, width, height, stipple)
Draw a horizontal rect (x,y,width,height) with pixel gaps of width stipple
roundRect (ctx, x, y, width, height, radius, fill, stroke)
Fill and stroke a canvas rectangle with rounded corners
gradient_apply_stops (grad, stoparray)
Add color stops from stoparray to grad, stoparray is an array: [(offset,color)...]
linear_gradient_from (ctx, stoparray, x1, y1, x2, y2)
Create a new linear gradient at (x1,y1,x2,y2) with color stops stoparray
canvas_ink_vspan (font_style, textish)
Measure ink span of a canvas text string or an array
midi_label (numish)
Retrieve the 'C-1' .. 'G8' label for midi note numbers
align8 (int)
Align integer value to 8
telemetry_subscribe (fun, telemetryfields)
Call fun for telemtry updates, returns unsubscribe handler
telemetry_unsubscribe (telemetryobject)
Call fun for telemtry updates, returns unsubscribe handler
in_keyboard_click ()
Check if the current click event originates from keyboard activation
keyboard_click_event (fallback)
Retrieve event that triggers keyboard_click()
keyboard_click (element, event, callclick)
Trigger element click via keyboard
in_array (element, array)
Check whether element is contained in array
matches_forof (element, iteratable)
Check whether element is found during for (... of iteratable)
element_text (element, filter)
Extract filtered text nodes from Element
clone_menu_icon (menu, uri, title)
Clone a menuitem icon via its uri
keyboard_map_name (keyname)
Retrieve user-printable name for a keyboard button, useful to describe KeyboardEvent.code
has_ancestor (node, ancestor, escape_shadowdom)
Check if ancestor is an ancestor of node, maybe including shadowRoot elements
closest (element, selector)
Find the closest element or parent matching selector, traversing shadow DOMs
root_ancestor (element)
Retrieve root ancestor of element
find_element_from_point (root, x, y, predicate, visited)
Find an element at (x,y) for which predicate (element) is true
create_note (text, timeout)
Show a notification popup, with adequate default timeout
assign_async_cleanup (map, key, cleaner)
Assign map[key] = cleaner, while awaiting and calling any previously existing cleanup function
observable_force_update ()
Method to be added to a observable_from_getters() result to force updates
observable_from_getters (tmpl, predicate)

Create a reactive dict from the fields in tmpl with async callbacks.

Once the resolved result from predicate() changes and becomes true-ish, the getter() of each field in tmpl is called, resolved and assigned to the corresponding field in the observable binding returned from this function. Optionally, fields may provide a notify setup handler to install a notification callback that re-invokes the getter. A destructor can be returned from notify() once resolved, that is executed during cleanup phases. The default of each field in tmpl may provide an initial value before getter is called the first time and in case predicate() becomes false-ish. The first argument to getter() is a function that can be used to register cleanup code for the getter result.

const data = {
  val: { getter: c => async_fetch(), notify: n => add_listener (n), },
dict = this.observable_from_getters (data, () => this.predicate());
// use dict.val

When the n() callback is called, a new getter call is scheduled. A handler can be registered with c (cleanup); to cleanup resources left over from an async_fetch() call.

tmplstr (a, e)
Join template literal arguments into a String
strpad (string, len, fill)
Pad string with fill until its length is len
lrstrip (str)
Strip whitespace from start and end of string
collect_text_content (node_or_array)
Gather text content from node_or_array
hash53 (key, seed)
Generate 53-Bit hash from key
add_destroy_callback (callback)
Add a callback to this to be called from call_destroy_callbacks()
del_destroy_callback (callback)
Remove a callback from this, previously added via add_destroy_callback()
call_destroy_callbacks ()
Call destroy callbacks of this, clears the callback list

7.4 AseCachingWrapper

Caching wrapper for ASE classes

7.4.1 AseCachingWrapper class

class AseCachingWrapper

__add__ (prop, defaultvalue, callback)
Add property to cache
__del__ (prop, callback)
Remove property caching request
__cleanup__ ()
Remove all references

7.4.2 Constants

FinalizationRegistry to call cleanup callback upon object destruction.

7.4.3 Functions

wrap_ase_object (aseobj, fields, callback)
Wrap AseObject to cache properties and support add, cleanup and auto cleanup.
define_reactive (object, properties_object)
Define reactive properties on object, to be used with reactive_wrapper(). See also Object.defineProperties.
reactive_wrapper (effect, notifier, keepwatching)
Make effect() wrapper to watch reactive properties, on changes run notifier().

7.4.4 Functions

lrstrip (str)
Strip whitespace from start and end of string.
fix_indent (txt)
Remove C-comment style \n\s\*\s
extract_md (txt)
Look for a markdown documentation block
process_file (filename, config)
Extract and process block comments of a file

8 Releasing

Releases of the Anklang project are hosted on GitHub under Anklang Releases. A release encompasses a distribution tarball that has the release version number baked into the misc/ script.

8.1 Versioning

The Anklang project uses MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO[.DEVEL][-SUFFIX] version numbers with the folloing uses:

Git tags are used to store release versions, development versions are derived from those tags similar to how git describe works. The current version can always be obtained by invoking misc/

8.2 Release Assets

The script misc/ can be used to create and clean up a release build directory and it triggers the necessary rules to create a distribution tarball and to build the release assets. All assets are built from the distribution tarball without any Git dependency. Producing a distribution tarball depends on Git however.

9 Appendix

9.1 One-dimensional Cubic Interpolation

With four sample values \(V_0\), \(V_1\), \(V_2\) and \(V_3\), cubic interpolation approximates the curve segment connecting \(V_1\) and \(V_2\), by using the beginning and ending slope, the curvature and the rate of curvature change to construct a cubic polynomial.

The cubic polynomial starts out as:

Where \(0 <= x <= 1\), specifying the sample value of the curve segment between \(V_1\) and \(V_2\) to obtain.

To calculate the coefficients \(w_0…w_3\), we set out the following conditions:

We obtain \(V_1'\) and \(V_2'\) from the respecting slope triangles:

With (f)→(d) and (g)→(e) we get:

The derivation of \(f(x)\) is:

From \(x=0\) →(a), i.e. (b), we obtain \(w_0\) and from \(x=0\) →(j), i.e. (h), we obtain \(w_1\). With \(w_0\) and \(w_1\) we can solve the linear equation system formed by (c)→(a) and (e)→(j) to obtain \(w_2\) and \(w_3\).

\((c)→(a): w_3 + w_2 + \frac {V_2 - V_0} {2} + V_1 = V_2\)

\((e)→(j): 3 w_3 + 2 w_2 + \frac {V_2 - V_0} {2} = \frac {V_3 - V_1} {2}\)

With the resulting coefficients:

\[ \begin{aligned} w_0 &= V_1 & &(initial\:value) \\ w_1 &= \frac{V_2 - V_0} {2} & &(initial\:slope) \\ w_2 &= \frac{-V_3 + 4 V_2 - 5 V_1 + 2 V_0} {2} & &(initial\:curvature) \\ w_3 &= \frac{V_3 - 3 V_2 + 3 V_1 - V_0} {2} & &(rate\:change\:of\:curvature) \end{aligned} \]

Reformulating (a) to involve just multiplications and additions (eliminating power), we get:

Based on \(V_0…V_3\), \(w_0…w_3\) and (k), we can now approximate all values of the curve segment between \(V_1\) and \(V_2\).

However, for practical resampling applications where only a specific precision is required, the number of points we need out of the curve segment can be reduced to a finite amount. Lets assume we require \(n\) equally spread values of the curve segment, then we can precalculate \(n\) sets of \(W_{0…3}[i]\), \(i=[0…n]\), coefficients to speed up the resampling calculation, trading memory for computational performance. With \(w_{0…3}\) in (a):

\[ \begin{alignedat} {2} f(x) \ &= & \frac{V_3 - 3 V_2 + 3 V_1 - V_0} 2 x^3 \ + & \\ & & \frac{-V_3 + 4 V_2 - 5 V_1 + 2 V_0} 2 x^2 \ + & \\ & & \frac{V_2 - V_0} 2 x \ + & \\ & & V1 \ \ \ \ & \end{alignedat} \]

sorted for \(V_0…V_4\), we have:

With (l) we can solve \(f(x)\) for all \(x = \frac i n\), where \(i = [0, 1, 2, …, n]\) by substituting \(g(i) = f(\frac i n)\) with

and using \(n\) precalculated coefficients \(W_{0…3}\) according to:

\[ \begin{alignedat}{4} m &= \frac i n \\ W_3[i] &=& 0.5 m^3 & - & 0.5 m^2 & & \\ W_2[i] &=& -1.5 m^3 & + & 2 m^2 & + 0.5 m & \\ W_1[i] &=& 1.5 m^3 & - & 2.5 m^2 & & + 1 \\ W_0[i] &=& -0.5 m^3 & + & m^2 & - 0.5 m & \end{alignedat} \]

We now need to setup \(W_{0…3}[0…n]\) only once, and are then able to obtain up to \(n\) approximation values of the curve segment between \(V_1\) and \(V_2\) with four multiplications and three additions using (m), given \(V_0…V_3\).

9.2 Modifier Keys

There seems to be a lot of inconsistency in the behaviour of modifiers (shift and/or control) with regards to GUI operations like selections and drag and drop behaviour.

According to the Gtk+ implementation, modifiers relate to DND operations according to the following list:

GDK drag-and-drop modifier keys
Modifier Operation Note / X-Cursor
none copy (else move (else link))

Regarding selections, the following email provides a short summary:

From: Tim Janik To: Hacking Gnomes Subject: modifiers for the second selection Message-ID: Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 18:10:52 +0200 (CEST)

hi all,

in the course of reimplementing drag-selection for a widget, i did a small survey of modifier behaviour in other (gnome/ gtk) programs and had to figure that there's no current standard behaviour to adhere to:

for all applications, the first selection works as expected, i.e. press-drag-release selects the region (box) the mouse was draged over. also, starting a new selection without pressing any modifiers simply replaces the first one. differences occour when holding a modifier (shift or ctrl) when starting the second selection.

Gimp: Shift upon button press: the new seleciton is added to the existing one Ctrl upon button press: the new selection is subtracted from the existing one Shift during drag: the selection area (box or circle) has fixed aspect ratio Ctrl during drag: the position of the initial button press serves as center of the selected box/circle, rather than the upper left corner

Gnumeric: Shift upon button press: the first selection is resized Ctrl upon button press: the new seleciton is added to the existing one

Abiword (selecting text regions): Shift upon button press: the first selection is resized Ctrl upon button press: triggers a compound (word) selection that replaces the first selection

Mozilla (selecting text regions): Shift upon button press: the first selection is resized

Nautilus: Shift or Ctrl upon buttn press: the new selection is added to or subtracted from the first selection, depending on whether the newly selected region was selected before. i.e. implementing XOR integration of the newly selected area into the first.

i'm not pointing this out to start a flame war over what selection style is good or bad and i do realize that different applications have different needs (i.e. abiword does need compound selection, and the aspect-ratio/centering style for gimp wouldn't make too much sense for text), but i think for the benfit of the (new) users, there should me more consistency regarding modifier association with adding/subtracting/resizing/xoring to/from existing selections.
