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Releases of the Anklang project are hosted on GitHub under Anklang Releases. A release encompasses a distribution tarball that has the release version number baked into the misc/ script.


The Anklang project uses MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO[.DEVEL][-SUFFIX] version numbers with the folloing uses: - MAJOR - The major number is currently 0, so all bets are off. It is planned to signify major changes to users. - MINOR - The minor number indicates significant changes, often these are user visible improvements. - MICRO - The micro number increases with every release. - DEVEL - The devel part is optional and increases with every new commit, it numbers builds between official releases. The presence of the [.DEVEL] part indicates a version ordered after its corresponding MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO release. - SUFFIX - An optional suffix is sometimes used for e.g. release candidates. The presence of the [-SUFFIX] part indicates a version ordered before its corresponding MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO release.

Git tags are used to store release versions, development versions are derived from those tags similar to how git describe works. The current version can always be obtained by invoking misc/

Release Assets

The script misc/ can be used to create and clean up a release build directory and it triggers the necessary rules to create a distribution tarball and to build the release assets. All assets are built from the distribution tarball without any Git dependency. Producing a distribution tarball depends on Git however.