template <class... A>
Ase::CallbackList class

Reentrant callback list with configurable arguments.

Public functions

auto add(const Callback& f) →  size_t
Add a callback, returns an id that can be used for deletion.
auto add_delcb(const Callback& f) →  std::function<void()>
Add a callback and return a deleter that removes the callback when invoked.
void call(const std::function<void(const Callback&, const A&...)>& wrapper, const A&... args)
Call all callbacks in the order they were added via wrapper function.
auto del(size_t id) →  bool
Delete a previously added callback via its id, returns if any was found.
auto empty() const →  bool
Check if the callback list is empty, i.e. invocation will not call any callbacks.
void operator()(const A&... args)
Call all callbacks in the order they were added.