ase/cxxaux.hh file


namespace Ase
The Anklang C++ API namespace.


struct Ase::VirtualBase
Common base type to allow casting between polymorphic classes.
template <class Class>
class Ase::Persistent
struct Ase::Id32
Helper class for integer IDs up to 32 Bit, possibly of enum type.


template <bool value>
using REQUIRES = typename ::std::enable_if<value, bool>::type
REQUIRES<value> - Simplified version of std::enable_if<cond,bool>::type to use SFINAE in function templates.
template <bool value>
using REQUIRESv = typename ::std::enable_if<value, void>::type
REQUIRESv<value> - Simplified version of std::enable_if<cond,void>::type to use SFINAE in struct templates.
using String = std::string
Convenience alias for std::string.
using StringS = std::vector<String>
Convenience alias for a std::vector<std::string>.
using int16 = int16_t
A 16-bit signed integer.
using int32 = int32_t
A 32-bit signed integer.
using int64 = int64_t
A 64-bit unsigned integer, use PRI*64 in format strings.
using int8 = int8_t
An 8-bit signed integer.
using uint = uint32_t
Provide 'uint' as convenience type.
using uint16 = uint16_t
A 16-bit unsigned integer.
using uint32 = uint32_t
A 32-bit unsigned integer.
using uint64 = uint64_t
A 64-bit unsigned integer, use PRI*64 in format strings.
using uint8 = uint8_t
An 8-bit unsigned integer.
using unichar = uint32_t
A 32-bit unsigned integer used for Unicode characters.


template <typename T>
static auto divmod(T dividend, T divisor, T* reminderp) →  T constexpr
Compute integers division and modulo with one X86 asm instruction.
template <typename UInt>
static auto rotl(UInt bits, uint32_t offset) →  UInt constexpr
Bitwise rotate-left pattern recognized by gcc & clang at -O1 iff sizeof (bits) == {8,16,32,64}.
template <typename UInt>
static auto rotr(UInt bits, uint32_t offset) →  UInt constexpr
Bitwise rotate-right pattern recognized by gcc & clang at -O1 iff sizeof (bits) == {8,16,32,64}.
template <typename T>
static auto unalias_ptr(T* ptr) →  T*
Force compiler to forget the origin of a possibly aliasing pointer.
template <class T>
Provide demangled stringified name for type T.
template <class T>
Provide demangled stringified name for object obj.
template <class Type, class ... Ts>
__attribute__((always_inline)) inline void new _inplace(Type &typemem
Call inplace new operator by automatically inferring the Type.
template <class Type>
Call inplace delete operator by automatically inferring the Type.
void assertion_failed(const char* msg, const char* file, int line, const char* func) noexcept
Print instructive message, handle "breakpoint", "backtrace" and "fatal-warnings" in $ASE_DEBUG.
void assertion_fatal(const char* msg, const char* file, int line, const char* func) noexcept
Print a debug message via assertion_failed() and abort the program.
auto backtrace_command() →  std::string
Find GDB and construct command line.
template <class T>
void call_delete(T* o)
Simple way to create a standalone callback to delete an object of type T.
auto constexpr_equals(const char* a, const char* b, size_t n) →  bool constexpr
Test string equality at compile time.
template <class Target, class Source>
auto shared_ptr_cast(Source* object) →  std::shared_ptr<typename std::remove_pointer<Target>::type>
template <class Target, class Source>
auto shared_ptr_cast(const Source* object) →  const std::shared_ptr<typename std::remove_pointer<Target>::type>
See shared_ptr_cast(Source*).
template <class Target, class Source>
auto shared_ptr_cast(std::shared_ptr<Source>& sptr) →  std::shared_ptr<typename std::remove_pointer<Target>::type>
See shared_ptr_cast(Source*).
template <class Target, class Source>
auto shared_ptr_cast(const std::shared_ptr<Source>& sptr) →  const std::shared_ptr<typename std::remove_pointer<Target>::type>
See shared_ptr_cast(Source*).
template <class Source>
auto shared_ptr_from(Source* object) →  std::shared_ptr<typename std::remove_pointer<Source>::type>
Use shared_ptr_cast<>() to convert an object pointer into a shared_ptr<>.
auto string_demangle_cxx(const char* mangled_identifier) →  const char* noexcept
Demangle identifier via libcc.
template <class C>
auto weak_ptr_fetch_or_create(std::weak_ptr<C>& wptr, const std::function<std::shared_ptr<C>()>& ctor) →  std::shared_ptr<C>
Fetch shared_ptr from wptr and create C with ctor if needed.


#define ASE_ABS(a)
Yield the absolute value of a.
#define ASE_ALIGN(size, base)
Round up size to multiples of base.
#define ASE_ARRAY_SIZE(array)
Yield the number of C array elements.
#define ASE_ASSERT(expr)
Issue an assertion warning if expr evaluates to false.
Like ASE_ASSERT_WARN(), enabled if expensive expr are allowed.
#define ASE_ASSERT_RETURN(expr, ...)
Return from the current function if expr evaluates to false and issue an assertion warning.
Return from the current function and issue an assertion warning.
Abort and issue an assertion error.
#define ASE_ASSERT_WARN(expr)
Issue an assertion warning if expr evaluates to false.
#define ASE_CLAMP(v, mi, ma)
Yield v clamped to [ mi .. ma ].
#define ASE_CLASS_DECLS(Klass)
Forward declare class Klass; as well as KlassP and KlassS as vector<KlassP>.
Delete copy ctor and assignment operator.
#define ASE_CPP_PASTE2(a, b)
Paste two macro arguments into one C symbol name.
Convert macro argument into a C const char*.
#define ASE_ISLIKELY(expr)
Compiler hint to optimize for expr evaluating to true.
#define ASE_MAX(a, b)
Yield the greater value of a and b.
#define ASE_MIN(a, b)
Yield the smaller value of a and b.
#define ASE_RETURN_UNLESS(cond, ...)
Return silently if cond does not evaluate to true, with return value ...
#define ASE_STRUCT_DECLS(Klass)
Forward declare struct Klass; as well as shared_ptr KlassP and vector KlassS.
#define ASE_UNLIKELY(expr)
Compiler hint to optimize for expr evaluating to false.

Define documentation


Define a member function static shared_ptr<CLASS> make_shared(ctorargs...);. As member function, access to a private dtor and ctors is granted, so no std::allocator friend declaration is needed to define make_shared() for its own class.