ase/memory.hh file


namespace Ase
The Anklang C++ API namespace.
namespace Ase::FastMemory
Utilities for allocating cache line aligned memory from huge pages.


template <typename T, size_t ALIGNMENT = FastMemory::cache_line_size>
class Ase::FastMemArray
Array with cache-line-alignment containing a fixed numer of PODs.
struct Ase::FastMemory::Block
Reference for an allocated memory block.
struct Ase::FastMemory::Arena
Memory area (over-)aligned to cache size and utilizing huge pages.
struct Ase::FastMemory::HugePage
Interface to the OS huge page allocator.
class Ase::CString
Compact, deduplicating string variant for constant strings.


size_t cache_line_size constexpr
Minimum alignment >= cache line size, see getconf LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE.