ase/strings.hh file


namespace Ase
The Anklang C++ API namespace.


class Ase::Strings
Convenience Constructor for StringSeq or std::vector<std::string>


auto cstrings_to_vector(const char* s, ...) →  StringS
Construct a StringS from a NULL terminated list of string arguments.
auto current_locale_strtold(const char* nptr, char** endptr) →  long double
Parse a double from a string ala strtod(), trying locale specific characters and POSIX/C formatting.
void memset4(uint32* mem, uint32 filler, uint length)
Fill a memory area with a 32-bit quantitiy.
auto posix_locale_strtold(const char* nptr, char** endptr) →  long double
Parse a double from a string ala strtod(), trying locale specific characters and POSIX/C formatting.
auto strerror(int errno_num) →  const char*
Get POSIX locale strerror.
auto string_canonify(const String& string, const String& valid_chars, const String& substitute) →  String
auto string_capitalize(const String& str, size_t maxn, bool rest_tolower) →  String
Capitalize words, so the first letter is upper case, the rest lower case.
auto string_casecmp(const String& s1, const String& s2) →  int
Like strcasecmp(3) for UTF-8 strings.
auto string_casefold(const String& src) →  String
Yield UTF-8 string useful for case insensitive comparisons.
auto string_cmp(const String& s1, const String& s2) →  int
Like strcmp(3) for UTF-8 strings.
auto string_cmp_uuid(const String& uuid_string1, const String& uuid_string2) →  int
Returns whether uuid_string1 compares smaller (-1), equal (0) or greater (+1) to uuid_string2.
auto string_endswith(const String& string, const String& fragment) →  bool
Returns whether string ends with fragment.
auto string_endswith(const String& string, const StringS& fragments) →  bool
Returns whether string ends with any element of fragments.
auto string_find_word(const char* haystack, const char* word) →  const char*
Find occurance of word in haystack.
auto string_from_bool(bool value) →  String
Convert a boolean value into a string.
auto string_from_cquote(const String& input) →  String
Parse a possibly quoted C string into regular string.
auto string_from_double(double value) →  String
Convert a double into a string, using the POSIX/C locale.
auto string_from_double_vector(const std::vector<double>& dvec, const String& delim) →  String
Construct a string out of all double values passed in dvec, separated by delim.
auto string_from_errno(int errno_val) →  String
Returns a String describing the passed in errno value, similar to strerror().
auto string_from_float(float value) →  String
Convert a float into a string, using the POSIX/C locale.
auto string_from_int(int64 value) →  String
Convert a 64bit signed integer into a string.
auto string_from_long_double(long double value) →  String
Convert a long double into a string, using the POSIX/C locale.
auto string_from_pretty_function_name(const char* cxx_pretty_function) →  String
template <typename Type>
auto string_from_type(Type value) →  String
Create a string from a templated argument value, such as bool, int, double.
auto string_from_uint(uint64 value) →  String
Convert a 64bit unsigned integer into a string.
auto string_has_int(const String& string) →  bool
Checks if a string contains a digit, optionally preceeded by whitespaces.
auto string_hexdump(const void* addr, size_t length, size_t initial_offset) →  String
auto string_is_canonified(const String& string, const String& valid_chars) →  bool
Check if string_canonify() would modify string.
auto string_is_uuid(const String& uuid_string) →  bool
Returns whether uuid_string contains a properly formatted UUID string.
auto string_islower(const String& str) →  bool
Check if all string characters are Unicode lower case characters.
auto string_isupper(const String& str) →  bool
Check if all string characters are Unicode upper case characters.
auto string_join(const String& junctor, const StringS& strvec) →  String
auto string_locale_vprintf(const char* format, va_list vargs) →  String
Formatted printing like string_vprintf using the current locale.
auto string_lstrip(const String& input) →  String
Strip whitespaces from the left of a string.
auto string_match_identifier(const String& ident1, const String& ident2) →  bool
Check equality of strings canonicalized to "[0-9a-z_]+".
auto string_match_identifier_tail(const String& ident, const String& tail) →  bool
Variant of string_match_identifier() that matches tail against ident at word boundary.
auto string_multiply(const String& s, uint64 count) →  String
Reproduce a string s for count times.
auto string_normalize_nfc(const String& src) →  String
Yield normalized composed UTF-8 string.
auto string_normalize_nfd(const String& src) →  String
Yield normalized decomposed UTF-8 string.
auto string_normalize_nfkc(const String& src) →  String
Formatting stripped normalized composed UTF-8 string.
auto string_normalize_nfkd(const String& src) →  String
Formatting stripped normalized decomposed UTF-8 string.
auto string_option_check(const String& optionlist, const String& feature) →  bool
Check if an option is set/unset in an options list string.
auto string_option_find(const String& optionlist, const String& feature, const String& fallback) →  String
Retrieve the option value from an options list separated by ':' or ';' or fallback.
auto string_option_find_value(const char* string, const char* feature, const String& fallback, const String& denied, bool matchallnone) →  std::string_view
Low level option search, avoids dynamic allocations.
auto string_replace(const String& input, const String& marker, const String& replacement, size_t maxn) →  String
Replace substring marker in input with replacement, at most maxn times.
auto string_rstrip(const String& input) →  String
Strip whitespaces from the right of a string.
auto string_set_A2Z() →  const String&
Returns a string containing all of A-Z.
auto string_set_a2z() →  const String&
Returns a string containing all of a-z.
auto string_set_ascii_alnum() →  const String&
Returns a string containing all of 0-9, A-Z and a-z.
auto string_split(const String& string, const String& splitter, size_t maxn) →  StringS
auto string_split_any(const String& string, const String& splitchars, size_t maxn) →  StringS
auto string_startswith(const String& string, const String& fragment) →  bool
Returns whether string starts with fragment.
auto string_startswith(const String& string, const StringS& fragments) →  bool
Returns whether string starts with any element of fragments.
auto string_strip(const String& input) →  String
Strip whitespaces from the left and right of a string.
auto string_substitute_char(const String& input, const char match, const char subst) →  String
Replace all occouranes of match in input with subst.
auto string_to_bool(const String& string, bool fallback) →  bool
auto string_to_cescape(const String& str) →  String
auto string_to_cquote(const String& str) →  String
Returns a string as C string including double quotes.
auto string_to_double(const String& string) →  double
Parse a double from a string, trying locale specific characters and POSIX/C formatting.
auto string_to_double(const char* dblstring, const char** endptr) →  double
Similar to string_to_double(const String&), but returns the first failing character position in endptr.
auto string_to_double_vector(const String& string) →  std::vector<double>
Parse a string into a list of doubles, expects ';' as delimiter.
auto string_to_hex(const String& input) →  String
Convert bytes in string input to hexadecimal numbers.
auto string_to_identifier(const String& input) →  String
Force lower case, alphanumerics + underscore and non-digit start.
auto string_to_int(const String& string, size_t* consumed, uint base) →  int64
Parse a string into a 64bit integer, optionally specifying the expected number base.
auto string_to_long_double(const String& string) →  long double
Parse a long double from a string, trying locale specific characters and POSIX/C formatting.
auto string_to_long_double(const char* dblstring, const char** endptr) →  long double
Similar to string_to_long_double(const String&), but returns the first failing character position in endptr.
auto string_to_seconds(const String& string, double fallback) →  double
Parse string into seconds.
template <typename Type>
auto string_to_type(const String& string) →  Type
Convert a string to template argument type, such as bool, int, double.
auto string_to_uint(const String& string, size_t* consumed, uint base) →  uint64
Parse a string into a 64bit unsigned integer, optionally specifying the expected number base.
auto string_tolower(const String& str) →  String
Convert all string characters into Unicode lower case characters.
auto string_totitle(const String& str) →  String
Convert all string characters into Unicode title characters.
auto string_toupper(const String& str) →  String
Convert all string characters into Unicode upper case characters.
auto string_url_decode(const String& urlstr, const bool form_url_encoded) →  String
Decode URL %-sequences in a string, decode '+' if form_url_encoded.
auto string_url_encode(const String& rawstr, const bool form_url_encoded) →  String
Encode special characters to URL %-sequences, encode space as '+' if form_url_encoded.
void string_vector_erase_empty(StringS& svector)
Remove empty elements from a string vector.
auto string_vector_find(const StringS& svector, const String& prefix, const String& fallback) →  String
auto string_vector_find_value(const StringS& svector, const String& prefix, const String& fallback) →  String
void string_vector_lstrip(StringS& svector)
Left-strip all elements of a string vector, see string_lstrip().
void string_vector_rstrip(StringS& svector)
Right-strip all elements of a string vector, see string_rstrip().
void string_vector_strip(StringS& svector)
Strip all elements of a string vector, see string_strip().
auto string_vprintf(const char* format, va_list vargs) →  String
Formatted printing ala vprintf() into a String, using the POSIX/C locale.
auto text_convert(const String& to_charset, String& output_string, const String& from_charset, const String& input_string, const String& fallback_charset, const String& output_mark) →  bool