Ase::AudioTransport struct

Transport information for AudioSignal processing.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

__attribute__((aligned(64))) double current_tick_d pure virtual
Current position measured via TRANSPORT_PPQN

Public variables

const uint samplerate
Sample rate (mixing frequency) in Hz used for rendering.
const uint nyquist
Half the samplerate.
const double isamplerate
Precalculated 1.0 / samplerate.
const double inyquist
Precalculated 1.0 / nyquist.
const SpeakerArrangement speaker_arrangement
Audio output configuration.
int64 current_frame
Number of sample frames processed since playback start.
int32 current_bar
Bar of current_tick position.
int8 current_beat
Beat within bar of current_tick position.
double current_semiquaver
The sixteenth with fraction within beat.
float current_bpm
Running tempo in beats per minute.
int32 current_minutes
Minute of current_tick position.
double current_seconds
Seconds of current_tick position.