Ase::TaskStatus struct

Acquire information about a task (process or thread) at runtime.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

TaskStatus(int pid, int tid = -1) explicit
Construct from process ID and optionally thread ID.

Public functions

auto string() →  String
Retrieve string representation of the status information.
auto update() →  bool
Update status information, might return false if called too frequently.

Public variables

int process_id
Process ID.
int task_id
Process ID or thread ID.
String name
Thread name (set by user).
State state
Thread state.
int processor
Rrunning processor number.
int priority
Priority or nice value.
uint64 utime
Userspace time.
uint64 stime
System time.
uint64 cutime
Userspace time of dead children.
uint64 cstime
System time of dead children.
uint64 ac_stamp
Accounting stamp.