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[BIcon]{#BIcon data-4search="ui/b/icon.js:BIcon;section"}

The element displays icons from various icon fonts. In order to style the color of icon font symbols, simply apply the color CSS property to this element (styling fill as for SVG elements is not needed).


iconclass : A CSS class to apply to this icon. ic : A prefixed variant of fa, bc, mi, uc. : Either a prefixed icon font symbol or a unicode character literal, see : the Unicode Lists and Symbols. : The 'bc-' prefix indicates an icon from the "AnklangIcons Font" symbols. : The 'fa-' prefix indicates an icon from the "Fork Awesome" collection (compatible with "Font Awesome 4"), see the Fork Awesome Icons. : The 'mi-' prefix indicates an icon from the "Material Icons" collection, see the Material Design Icons. fw : Apply fixed-width sizing. lg : Make the icon 33% larger than its container. hflip : Flip the icon horizontally. vflip : Flip the icon vertically.