Ase::Property class

A Property allows querying, setting and monitoring of an object property.

Base classes

class Emittable virtual
Base type for classes with Event subscription.

Derived classes

class ParameterProperty virtual
Abstract base type for Property implementations with Parameter meta data.

Public functions

auto blurb() const →  String
Short description for user interface tooltips (metadata).
auto choices() const →  ChoiceS pure virtual
Enumerate choices for choosable properties.
auto descr() const →  String
Elaborate description, e.g. for help dialogs (metadata).
auto get_max() const →  double pure virtual
Get the maximum property value, converted to double.
auto get_min() const →  double pure virtual
Get the minimum property value, converted to double.
auto get_normalized() const →  double pure virtual
Get the normalized property value, converted to double.
auto get_step() const →  double pure virtual
Get the property value stepping, converted to double.
auto get_text() const →  String pure virtual
Get the current property value, converted to a text String.
auto get_value() const →  Value pure virtual
Get the native property value.
auto group() const →  String
Group name for parameters of similar function (metadata).
auto hints() const →  String
Hints for parameter handling (metadata).
auto ident() const →  String pure virtual
Unique name (per owner) of this Property.
auto is_numeric() const →  bool pure virtual
Whether the property settings can be represented as a floating point number.
auto label() const →  String pure virtual
Preferred user interface name.
auto nick() const →  String pure virtual
Abbreviated user interface name, usually not more than 6 characters.
void reset() pure virtual
Assign default as normalized property value.
auto set_normalized(double v) →  bool pure virtual
Set the normalized property value as double.
auto set_text(String v) →  bool pure virtual
Set the current property value as a text String.
auto set_value(const Value& v) →  bool pure virtual
Set the native property value.
auto unit() const →  String pure virtual
Units of the values within range.