Ase::PropertyImpl class

Property implementation for GadgetImpl, using lambdas as accessors.

Base classes

class ParameterProperty
Abstract base type for Property implementations with Parameter meta data.

Public functions

auto blurb() const →  String
Short description for user interface tooltips (metadata).
auto choices() const →  ChoiceS override
Enumerate choices for choosable properties.
auto descr() const →  String
Elaborate description, e.g. for help dialogs (metadata).
void emit_notify(const String& detail) override
Emit notify:detail, multiple notifications maybe coalesced if a CoalesceNotifies instance exists.
auto get_max() const →  double override
Get the maximum property value, converted to double.
auto get_min() const →  double override
Get the minimum property value, converted to double.
auto get_normalized() const →  double override
Get the normalized property value, converted to double.
auto get_step() const →  double override
Get the property value stepping, converted to double.
auto get_text() const →  String override
Get the current property value, converted to a text String.
auto get_value() const →  Value override
Get the native property value.
auto group() const →  String
Group name for parameters of similar function (metadata).
auto hints() const →  String
Hints for parameter handling (metadata).
auto ident() const →  String override
Unique name (per owner) of this Property.
auto is_numeric() const →  bool override
Whether the property settings can be represented as a floating point number.
auto label() const →  String override
Preferred user interface name.
auto nick() const →  String override
Abbreviated user interface name, usually not more than 6 characters.
void reset() override
Assign default as normalized property value.
auto set_normalized(double v) →  bool override
Set the normalized property value as double.
auto set_text(String v) →  bool override
Set the current property value as a text String.
auto set_value(const Value& v) →  bool override
Set the native property value.
auto unit() const →  String override
Units of the values within range.