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Class Ase::Lib::KeccakF1600

ClassList > KeccakF1600

The Keccak-f[1600] Permutation, see the Keccak specification Keccak11 .

Public Functions

Type Name
KeccakF1600 ()
Zero the state.
uint8_t & byte (size_t state_index)
uint64_t & operator[] (int index)
uint64_t operator[] (int index) const
void permute (uint32_t n_rounds)
Apply Keccak permutation with n_rounds .
void reset ()
Zero the state.

Public Functions Documentation

function KeccakF1600

Zero the state.

explicit KeccakF1600::KeccakF1600 () 

function byte

inline uint8_t & KeccakF1600::byte (
    size_t state_index

function operator[]

inline uint64_t & KeccakF1600::operator[] (
    int index

function operator[]

inline uint64_t KeccakF1600::operator[] (
    int index
) const

function permute

Apply Keccak permutation with n_rounds .

void KeccakF1600::permute (
    uint32_t n_rounds

The Keccak-f[1600] permutation for up to 254 rounds, see Keccak11 Keccak11 .

function reset

Zero the state.

void KeccakF1600::reset () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /__w/anklang/anklang/ase/randomhash.hh