Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
- namespace Ase The Anklang C++ API namespace.
- struct AlignedPOD
- namespace AnsiColors The AnsiColors namespace contains utility functions for colored terminal output.
- class AsyncBlockingQueue This is a thread-safe asyncronous queue which blocks in pop() until data is provided through push().
- class AtomicBits Vector of atomic bits, operates in blocks of 64 bits.
- class Iter
- class AtomicIntrusiveStack
- struct AtomicStack
- class AudioChain
- class AudioCombo
- class AudioEngine
- class JobQueue
- class AudioEngineThread
- struct UserNoteJob
- struct AudioParams Audio parameter handling, internal to AudioProcessor .
- class AudioProcessor Audio signal AudioProcessor base class, implemented by all effects and instruments.
- struct EventStreams
- class FloatBuffer
- struct IOBus
- struct ProcessorSetup
- struct RenderContext
- struct AudioProcessorInfo Detailed information and common properties of AudioProcessor subclasses.
- struct AudioProcessorRegistry
- class AudioPropertyImpl
- struct AudioTransport Transport information for AudioSignal processing.
- class AutoSeeder AutoSeeder provides non-deterministic seeding entropy.
- namespace Aux Auxillary algorithms brodly useful.
- class Blob Binary large object storage container.
- class BlobImpl
- struct BusInfo Structure providing supplementary information about input/output buses.
- class ByteBlob
- struct CPUInfo Acquire information about the runtime architecture and CPU type.
- class CString Compact, deduplicating string variant for constant strings.
- class CStringTable Map std::string <-> uint IDs, thread safe.
- class CallbackList Reentrant callback list with configurable arguments.
- struct Choice Representation of one possible choice for selection properties.
- class ClapAudioProcessor
- class ClapDeviceImpl
- union ClapEventUnion
- class ClapFileHandle
- struct ClapParamInfo
- struct ClapParamInfoImpl
- struct ClapParamUpdate
- class ClapPluginDescriptor
- class ClapPluginHandle
- class ClapPluginHandleImpl
- struct FdPoll
- struct ClapPropertyImpl
- class Clip Container for MIDI note and control events.
- class ClipImpl
- struct CmpNoteIds
- struct CmpNoteTicks
- class Generator Generator for MIDI events.
- struct ClipNote Part specific note event representation.
- class CoalesceNotifies
- struct ConvertJsTrigger Convert between Jsonipc::JsonValue to JsTrigger .
- struct ConvertValue Convert between Value and Jsonipc::JsonValue.
- struct ConvertValueP Convert between ValueP and Jsonipc::JsonValue.
- struct ConvertValueR Convert between ValueR and Jsonipc::JsonValue.
- struct ConvertValueRP Convert between std::shared_ptr<ValueR> and Jsonipc::JsonValue.
- class CustomDataContainer
- class CustomDataKey CustomDataKey objects are used to identify and manage custom data members ofCustomDataContainer objects.
- struct CustomServerConfig
- namespace DBus
- class Device Interface to access Device instances.
- class DeviceImpl
- struct DeviceInfo Info for device types.
- class DispatcherSource EventLoop source for handler execution.
- class Driver Base class for a PCM and MIDI devices.
- struct Flags
- struct DriverEntry Driver information for PCM and MIDI handling.
- struct DriverSet
- class Emittable Base type for classes with Event subscription.
- struct Connection
- class EmittableImpl Implementation type for classes with Event subscription.
- struct EventDispatcher
- struct EngineJobImpl
- class EngineMidiInput
- struct EnumInfo Get auxiallary enum information.
- struct Event Structure for callback based notifications.
- class EventConnection
- class EventFd Wakeup facility for IPC.
- class EventList Maintain an array of unique
structures with change notification. - class EventLoop Loop object, polling for events and executing callbacks in accordance.
- struct QuickPfdArray
- class EventSource EventLoop source for callback execution.
- class FastMemArray Array with cache-line-alignment containing a fixed numer of PODs.
- namespace FastMemory Utilities for allocating cache line aligned memory from huge pages.
- struct Allocator
- struct Arena Memory area (over-)aligned to cache size and utilizing huge pages.
- struct ArenaBlock
- struct Block Reference for an allocated memory block.
- struct EmptyArena
- struct Extent32
- struct FastMemoryArena
- struct HugePage Interface to the OS huge page allocator.
- struct LinuxHugePage
- struct MemoryMetaInfo
- class NewDeleteBase
- struct SequentialFitAllocator
- class FileCrawler Class implementing a file system crawler.
- class FileStreamWriter
- class FlacWriter
- union FloatIEEE754
- class Gadget Base type for classes that have a Property .
- struct GadgetClassMemberList
- class GadgetImpl Base type for classes that have a Property .
- struct Gtk2DlWrapEntry
- struct Gtk2WindowSetup
- struct Has_serialize_f Has_serialize_f<T> - Check if
serialize(T&, WritNode &)
is provided forT
. - struct Has_serialize_f< T, void_t< decltype(serialize(std::declval< T & >(), std::declval< WritNode & >())) > >
- struct IconString
- struct Id32 Helper class for integer IDs up to 32 Bit, possibly of enum type.
- namespace Impl
- struct StringFormatArg
- struct StringFormatDirective
- class IniFile Class to parse INI configuration file sections and values.
- class IniWriter Class to write INI configuration file sections and values.
- struct JobQueue
- class JsTrigger Callback mechanism for Jsonapi/Jsonipc.
- class Impl
- class JsonapiConnection
- class KeccakCryptoRng
- class KeccakFastRng
- class KeccakGoodRng
- class KeccakRng
- struct L2DMatrix
- namespace Lib
- struct FunctionTraits Match function pointers.
- struct FunctionTraits< R(Args...)>
- struct FunctionTraits< R(C::*)(Args...) const > Match const member function pointer.
- struct FunctionTraits< R(C::*)(Args...)> Match member function pointer.
- struct MemberFunctionTraits Member function traits.
- struct LocalResourceEntry
- namespace Loft Loft - A special purpose memory allocator for lock- and obstruction-free thread progress.
- class Allocator Allocator for STL containers.
- struct AllocatorBase Internal Helper.
- struct ArenaSpan
- struct BumpAllocator
- struct LoftBuckets
- struct LoftConfig Configuration for Loft allocations.
- struct LoftFree A std::unique_ptr<> deleter for Loft allocations.
- struct LoftStats Statistics for Loft allocations.
- struct LogFormat Wrap a string together with its source code location.
- struct Logscale Logarithmically map (and invert) a range onto 0…+1.
- struct LoopState
- struct MainApp
- struct MainAppImpl
- class MainLoop An EventLoop implementation that offers public API for running the loop.
- namespace MakeIcon
- class Member Implement C++ member field API with a 0-sized class from setter and getter, maybe combined with
. - class Member< accessor, nullptr > Member accessor class based on a single accessor, maybe combined with
. - struct MemberAccessor
- struct MemberDetails
- class MidiDriver Base class for a MIDI devices.
- struct MidiEvent MidiEvent data structure.
- class MidiEventOutput A stream of writable MidiEvent structures.
- class MidiEventReader An in-order MidiEvent reader for multipleMidiEvent sources.
- namespace MidiLib Namespace used for Midi Processor implementations.
- struct CmpTickEvents
- struct MidiFeed Aggregation of MIDI events and sequencing information.
- class MidiProducerIface
- struct Position
- class MidiProducerImpl
- struct TickEvent
- struct MidiNote Components of a MIDI note.
- class Monitor Interface for monitoring output signals.
- class MonitorImpl
- struct MpmcStack
- struct Mutable Helper to modify const struct contents, e.g. asyn job lambda members.
- class Mwc256 Marsaglia multiply-with-carry generator, period ca 2^255.
- class NativeDevice Interface to access NativeDevice instances.
- class NativeDeviceImpl
- struct NoDelete
- class NullMidiDriver
- class NullPcmDriver
- class Object Base type for classes with Property interfaces.
- class ObjectImpl Implementation type for classes with Property interfaces.
- class OpusWriter
- struct OrderedEventList Container for a sorted array of opaque
structures with binary lookup. - struct Param Structured initializer for Parameter .
- struct ParamExtraVals Helper to specify parameter ranges.
- struct Parameter Structure to provide information about properties or preferences.
- struct ParameterMap Parameter list construction helper.
- class ParameterProperty Abstract base type for Property implementations withParameter meta data.
- namespace Path The Path namespace provides functions for file path manipulation and testing.
- struct PcRe2
- class Pcg32Rng
- class PcmDriver Base class for a PCM devices.
- struct PcmDriverConfig PCM device configuration.
- class Persistent
- struct PollFD Mirrors struct pollfd for poll(3posix)
- class PollFDSource EventLoop source for IO callbacks.
- class Preference Class for preference parameters (global settings)
- struct PrefsValue
- struct ProbeFeatures Bits representing a selection of probe sample data features.
- class ProcessorManager Interface for management, connecting and processing of AudioProcessor instances.
- class Project Projects support loading, saving, playback and act as containers for all other sound objects.
- class ProjectImpl
- struct PStorage
- class Property A Property allows querying, setting and monitoring of an object property.
- class PropertyImpl Property implementation forGadgetImpl , using lambdas as accessors.
- struct PwdUser
- struct QueueMultiplexer
- class QuickArray
- struct QuickSourcePArray
- class Re Wrapper for std::regex to simplify usage and reduce compilation time.
- struct RegisteredDriver
- struct RegisteredLoader
- struct Resource Description of a resource, possibly nested.
- class ResourceCrawler Helper to crawl hierarchical resources.
- struct RtCall Wrap simple callback pointers, without using malloc (obstruction free).
- struct RtCallJob
- struct RtJobQueue Add a simple callback to the main event loop, without using malloc (obstruction free).
- struct SHA3_224
- struct State
- struct SHA3_256
- struct State
- struct SHA3_384
- struct State
- struct SHA3_512
- struct State
- struct SHAKE128
- struct State
- struct SHAKE256
- struct State
- class SHAKE_Base
- class ScopedPosixLocale Class to push the POSIX/C locale_t (UTF-8) for the scope of its lifetime.
- class ScopedSemaphore
- class Serializable Interface for serializable objects with Reflink support.
- class Server Central singleton, serves as API entry point.
- class ServerImpl
- class SharedBase Common base type for polymorphic classes managed by
. - class SortedVector Vector that keeps its elements sorted.
- namespace SortingNetworks
- class Stopwatch
- class Storage
- class StorageReader
- class Impl
- class StorageWriter
- class Impl
- class StreamReader
- class StreamReaderFile
- class StreamReaderZStd
- class StreamReaderZipMember
- class StreamWriter
- class StreamWriterZStd
- class StringBlob
- class Strings Convenience Constructor for StringSeq or std::vector<std::string>
- class SubLoop
- class TaskRegistry The task registry keeps track of runtime threads for profiling and statistical purposes.
- struct TaskStatus Acquire information about a task (process or thread) at runtime.
- struct TelemetryField Telemetry segment location.
- class TelemetryPlan
- struct TelemetrySegment Telemetry segment location.
- namespace Test Helper namespace for unit testing.
- struct IntegrityCheck
- struct TestEntry
- class Timer
- struct TickSignature Musical time signature and tick conversions.
- class TimedSource EventLoop source for timer execution.
- class Track Container for Clip objects and sequencing information.
- class TrackImpl Ase::Track implementation.
- class ClipScout MIDI clip playback succession generator.
- struct TransportLimits
- class USignalSource EventLoop source for handler execution.
- class UndoScope
- namespace Unicode
- struct UserNote Contents of user interface notifications.
- struct Value Value type used to interface with various property types.
- struct ValueField
- struct ValueR
- struct ValueS
- struct VirtualBase Common base type to allow casting between polymorphic classes.
- class WavWriterImpl
- class WaveWriter
- class WebSocketConnection
- class WebSocketServer
- struct WebSocketServerImpl
- class Writ Document containing all information needed to serialize and deserialize a Value .
- struct WritConverter Template to specialize string conversion for various data types.
- struct WritConverter< T, REQUIRESv< !std::is_base_of< Serializable, T >::value &&!Jsonipc::DerivesVector< T >::value &&!Jsonipc::DerivesSharedPtr< T >::value &&std::is_class< T >::value > >
- struct WritConverter< T, REQUIRESv< std::is_base_of< Serializable, T >::value > >
- struct WritConverter< T, REQUIRESv< std::is_enum< T >::value > >
- struct WritConverter< T, REQUIRESv< std::is_integral< T >::value||std::is_floating_point< T >::value > >
- class WritLink
- class WritNode One entry in a Writ serialization document.
- namespace Ase
- struct Node
- struct OConnection
- struct BoundaryTag
- struct StrPtrEqual
- struct StrPtrHash
- struct Entry
- struct EventImage
- struct Notification
- struct NotificationHash
- struct CustomDataEntry
- struct Section
- class KeccakF1600 The Keccak-f[1600] Permutation, see the Keccak specification Keccak11 .
- union alignas
- struct MMSpan
- struct Block
- struct Head
- struct UndoFunc
- struct Callable
- struct InstanceMap
- struct LinkEntry
- struct LinkPtr
- namespace Jsonipc
- struct Convert< Ase::JsTrigger >
- struct Convert< Ase::Value >
- struct Convert< Ase::ValueP >
- struct Convert< Ase::ValueR >
- struct Convert< std::shared_ptr< Ase::ValueR > >
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/ase/}
- namespace anonymous namespace{/__w/anklang/anklang/devices/}
- namespace std
- struct hash<::Ase::CString >
- namespace literals
- namespace websocketpp
- namespace config