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Struct Ase::Writ::InstanceMap

ClassList > InstanceMap

Inherits the following classes: Jsonipc::InstanceMap

Public Functions

Type Name
Wrapper * wrapper_from_json (const Jsonipc::JsonValue & value) override
Jsonipc::JsonValue wrapper_to_json (Wrapper * wrapper, size_t thisid, Jsonipc::JsonAllocator & allocator) override

Public Functions Documentation

function wrapper_from_json

Wrapper * InstanceMap::wrapper_from_json (
    const Jsonipc::JsonValue & value
) override

function wrapper_to_json

Jsonipc::JsonValue InstanceMap::wrapper_to_json (
    Wrapper * wrapper,
    size_t thisid,
    Jsonipc::JsonAllocator & allocator
) override

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /__w/anklang/anklang/ase/serialize.hh