Ase::AudioProcessor class

Audio signal AudioProcessor base class, implemented by all effects and instruments.

Public types

class FloatBuffer

Public static variables

static const String GUIONLY
static const String STANDARD
static const String STORAGEONLY

Public static functions

static auto param_peek_mt(const AudioProcessorP proc, Id32 paramid) →  double
static void registry_add(CString aseid, StaticInfo, MakeProcessorP)
static void registry_foreach(const std::function<void(const String&aseid, StaticInfo)>& fun)
Iterate over the known AudioProcessor types.
static auto timestamp() →  uint64
The current timestamp in sample frames.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

AudioProcessor(const ProcessorSetup&) protected explicit
Constructor for AudioProcessor.
~AudioProcessor() protected virtual
The destructor is called when the last std::shared_ptr<> reference drops.

Public functions

auto atomic_bits_iter(size_t pos = 0) const →  AtomicBits::Iter
Allow iterations over the atomic bits.
auto bus_info(IBusId busid) const →  BusInfo
Retrieve BusInfo for an input bus.
auto bus_info(OBusId busid) const →  BusInfo
Retrieve BusInfo for an output bus.
auto check_dirty(Id32 paramid) const →  bool
void connect_event_input(AudioProcessor& oproc)
Connect event input to event output of AudioProcessor oproc.
auto connected(OBusId obusid) const →  bool
void disconnect_event_input()
Disconnect event input if a connection is present.
void enable_engine_output(bool onoff)
Configure if the main output of this module is mixed into the engine output.
auto engine() const ASE_CONST -> AudioEngine&
Retrieve AudioEngine handle for this AudioProcessor.
auto find_ibus(const String& name) const →  IBusId
Return the IBusId for input bus uilabel or else 0.
auto find_obus(const String& name) const →  OBusId
Return the OBusId for output bus uilabel or else 0.
auto find_param(const String& identifier) const →  MaybeParamId
Return the ParamId for parameter identifier or else 0.
auto get_device() const →  DeviceP
Gain access to the Device handle of this AudioProcessor.
auto get_normalized(Id32 paramid) →  double
Get param value normalized into 0…1.
auto get_param(Id32 paramid) →  double
Fetch value of parameter id.
auto has_event_input() const →  bool
Returns true if this AudioProcessor has an event input stream.
auto has_event_output() const →  bool
Returns true if this AudioProcessor has an event output stream.
auto ifloats(IBusId b, uint c) const →  const float*
Access readonly float buffer of input bus b, channel c, see also ofloats().
auto inyquist() const ASE_CONST -> double
Inverse Nyquist frequency, i.e. 1.0 / nyquist().
auto is_initialized() const →  bool
Check if AudioProcessor has been properly intiialized (so the parameter set is fixed).
auto n_ibuses() const →  uint
Number of input buses configured for this AudioProcessor.
auto n_ichannels(IBusId busid) const →  uint
Number of channels of input bus busid configured for this AudioProcessor.
auto n_obuses() const →  uint
Number of output buses configured for this AudioProcessor.
auto n_ochannels(OBusId busid) const →  uint
Number of channels of output bus busid configured for this AudioProcessor.
auto note_to_freq(int note) const →  float
Convert MIDI note to Hertz according to the current MusicalTuning.
auto nyquist() const ASE_CONST -> double
Half the sample rate in Hz as double, used for render().
auto ofloats(OBusId b, uint c) const →  const float*
Access readonly float buffer of output bus b, channel c, see also oblock().
auto param_range(Id32 paramid) const →  MinMax
Retrieve the minimum / maximum values for a parameter.
auto param_value_from_text(uint32_t paramid, const String& text) const →  double virtual
auto param_value_to_text(uint32_t paramid, double value) const →  String virtual
auto parameter(Id32 paramid) const →  ParameterC
Retrieve supplemental information for parameters, usually to enhance the user interface.
auto send_param(Id32 paramid, double value) →  bool
Set parameter id to value within ParamInfo.get_minmax().
auto set_normalized(Id32 paramid, double normalized) →  bool
Set param value normalized into 0…1.
auto text_param_from_quark(uint32_t paramid, uint vint) →  String
Helper for temporary uint<->string conversions.
auto text_param_to_quark(uint32_t paramid, const String& text) →  uint
Ase main-thread helper for temporary string<->uint conversions.
auto transport() const ASE_CONST -> const AudioTransport&
Sample rate mixing frequency in Hz as unsigned, used for render().

Protected functions

auto add_input_bus(CString uilabel, SpeakerArrangement speakerarrangement, const String& hints = "", const String& blurb = "") →  IBusId
Add an input bus with uilabel and channels configured via speakerarrangement.
auto add_output_bus(CString uilabel, SpeakerArrangement speakerarrangement, const String& hints = "", const String& blurb = "") →  OBusId
Add an output bus with uilabel and channels configured via speakerarrangement.
void apply_event(const MidiEvent& event)
Assign MidiEvent::PARAM_VALUE event values to parameters.
void apply_input_events()
void assign_oblock(OBusId b, uint c, float val)
Fill the output buffer of bus b, channel c with v.
auto atomic_bit_notify(size_t nth) →  bool
Set the nth atomic notification bit, return if enotify_enqueue_mt() is needed.
void atomic_bits_resize(size_t count)
Prepare count bits for atomic notifications.
void connect(IBusId ibus, AudioProcessor& oproc, OBusId obus)
Connect input ibusid to output obusid of AudioProcessor prev.
void disconnect(IBusId ibus)
Disconnect input ibusid.
void disconnect_ibuses()
Reset input bus buffer data.
void disconnect_obuses()
Disconnect inputs of all Processors that are connected to outputs of this.
void enotify_enqueue_mt(uint32 pushmask)
void initialize(SpeakerArrangement busses) pure virtual
void install_params(const AudioParams::Map& params)
Reset list of parameters, enqueues parameter value initializaiton events.
auto iobus(OBusId busid) →  IOBus&
Get internal output bus handle.
auto iobus(IBusId busid) →  IOBus&
Get internal input bus handle.
auto midi_event_input() →  MidiEventInput
Access the current MidiEvent inputs during render(), needs prepare_event_input().
auto midi_event_output() →  MidiEventOutput&
Access the current output EventStream during render(), needs prepare_event_output().
auto oblock(OBusId b, uint c) →  float*
auto peek_param_mt(Id32 paramid) const →  double
void prepare_event_input()
void prepare_event_output()
void redirect_oblock(OBusId b, uint c, const float* block)
Redirect output buffer of bus b, channel c to point to block, or zeros if block==nullptr.
void remove_all_buses()
Remove existing bus configurations, useful at the start of configure().
void reschedule()
Request recreation of the audio engine rendering schedule.
auto schedule_processor() →  uint
Schedule this node and its dependencies for engine rendering.

Private functions

void render(uint n_frames) pure virtual
void reset(uint64 target_stamp) pure virtual
Reset all state variables.

Function documentation

static double Ase::AudioProcessor::param_peek_mt(const AudioProcessorP proc, Id32 paramid)

Fetch the current parameter value of a AudioProcessor from any thread. This function is MT-Safe after proper AudioProcessor initialization.

static void Ase::AudioProcessor::registry_add(CString aseid, StaticInfo, MakeProcessorP)

Add a new type to the AudioProcessor type registry. New AudioProcessor types must have a unique URI (see query_info()) and will be created with the factory function create().

bool Ase::AudioProcessor::check_dirty(Id32 paramid) const

Check if the parameter dirty flag is set. Return true if the parameter value changed during render().

bool Ase::AudioProcessor::connected(OBusId obusid) const

Indicator for connected output buses. Not connected output bus buffers do not need to be filled.

double Ase::AudioProcessor::param_value_from_text(uint32_t paramid, const String& text) const virtual

Extract a parameter paramid value from a text string. The string might contain unit information or consist only of number characters. Non-recognized characters should be ignored, so a best effort conversion is always undertaken. This function may be called from any thread, so this must be treated as const (it might be used concurrently by a different thread).

String Ase::AudioProcessor::param_value_to_text(uint32_t paramid, double value) const virtual

Format a parameter paramid value as text string. Currently, this function may be called from any thread, so this must be treated as const (it might be used concurrently by a different thread).

void Ase::AudioProcessor::apply_input_events() protected

Process all input events via apply_event() and adjust_param(). This applies all incoming parameter changes, events like NOTE_ON are not handled.

void Ase::AudioProcessor::enotify_enqueue_mt(uint32 pushmask) protected

Queue an AudioProcessor notification This function is MT-Safe after proper AudioProcessor initialization.

void Ase::AudioProcessor::initialize(SpeakerArrangement busses) pure virtual protected

Mandatory method to setup parameters and I/O busses. See add_param(), add_input_bus() / add_output_bus(). This method will be called once per instance after construction.

float* Ase::AudioProcessor::oblock(OBusId b, uint c) protected

Reset buffer redirections and access float buffer of output bus b, channel c. See also ofloats() for readonly access and redirect_oblock() for redirections.

double Ase::AudioProcessor::peek_param_mt(Id32 paramid) const protected

Fetch the current parameter value of an AudioProcessor. This function does not modify the parameter dirty flag. This function is MT-Safe after proper AudioProcessor initialization.

void Ase::AudioProcessor::prepare_event_input() protected

Prepare the AudioProcessor to receive Event objects during render() via get_event_input(). Note, remove_all_buses() will remove the Event input created by this function.

void Ase::AudioProcessor::prepare_event_output() protected

Prepare the AudioProcessor to produce Event objects during render() via get_event_output(). Note, remove_all_buses() will remove the Event output created by this function.

void Ase::AudioProcessor::render(uint n_frames) pure virtual private

Method called for every audio buffer to be processed. Each connected output bus needs to be filled with n_frames, i.e. n_frames many floating point samples per channel. Using the AudioSignal::OBusId (see add_output_bus()), the floating point sample buffers can be addressed via the BusConfig structure as: bus[obusid].channel[nth].buffer, see FloatBuffer for further details. The AudioSignal::IBusId (see add_input_bus()) can be used correspondingly to retrieve input channel values.

Variable documentation

static const String Ase::AudioProcessor::GUIONLY



static const String Ase::AudioProcessor::STANDARD



static const String Ase::AudioProcessor::STORAGEONLY