Ase::Server class

Central singleton, serves as API entry point.

Base classes

class Gadget virtual
Base type for classes that have a Property.

Public static functions

static auto instance() →  Server&
Retrieve global Server instance.
static auto instancep() →  ServerP
Retrieve global Server instance as std::shared_ptr.

Public functions

auto _parent() const →  GadgetImpl* pure virtual
Retrieve parent container.
auto _project() const →  ProjectImpl*
Find Project in parent ancestry.
void _set_parent(GadgetImpl* parent) pure virtual
Assign parent container.
auto access_preference(const String& ident) →  PropertyP pure virtual
Retrieve property handle for a Preference identifier.
auto access_properties() →  PropertyS pure virtual
Retrieve handles for all properties.
auto access_property(String ident) →  PropertyP virtual
Retrieve handle for a Property.
auto broadcast_telemetry(const TelemetrySegmentS& segments, int32 interval_ms) →  bool pure virtual
Broadcast telemetry memory segments to the current Jsonipc connection.
auto create_project(String projectname) →  ProjectP pure virtual
Create a new project (name is modified to be unique if necessary.
auto dir_crawler(const String& cwd = "") →  ResourceCrawlerP
Create crawler to navigate directories.
auto engine_stats() →  String
Print engine state.
auto get_build_id() →  String pure virtual
Retrieve ASE build id.
auto get_clap_version() →  String pure virtual
Retrieve CLAP support version.
auto get_data(const String& key) const →  Value pure virtual
Retrieve session data.
auto get_flac_version() →  String pure virtual
Retrieve FLAC handler version.
auto get_opus_version() →  String pure virtual
Retrieve Opus handler version.
auto get_value(String ident) →  Value
Get native property value.
auto get_version() →  String pure virtual
Retrieve ASE version.
auto last_project() →  ProjectP pure virtual
Retrieve the last created project.
auto list_preferences() →  StringS pure virtual
Retrieve a list of all preference identifiers.
auto list_properties() →  StringS virtual
List all property identifiers.
auto set_data(const String& key, const Value& v) →  bool pure virtual
Assign session data, prefix ephemerals with '_'.
auto set_value(String ident, const Value& v) →  bool
void shutdown() pure virtual
Shutdown ASE.
auto url_crawler(const String& url = "/") →  ResourceCrawlerP
Create crawler to navigate URL contents.