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Class Ase::AutoSeeder

ClassList > Ase > AutoSeeder

AutoSeeder provides non-deterministic seeding entropy.

  • #include <randomhash.hh>

Public Functions

Type Name
void generate (RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end)
Fill the range [begin, end) with random unsigned integer values.
uint64 operator() () const
Generate non-deterministic 64bit random value.

Public Static Functions

Type Name
uint64 random ()
Generate non-deterministic 64bit random value.

Public Functions Documentation

function generate

Fill the range [begin, end) with random unsigned integer values.

template<typename RandomAccessIterator>
inline void Ase::AutoSeeder::generate (
    RandomAccessIterator begin,
    RandomAccessIterator end

function operator()

Generate non-deterministic 64bit random value.

inline uint64 Ase::AutoSeeder::operator() () const

Public Static Functions Documentation

function random

Generate non-deterministic 64bit random value.

static inline uint64 Ase::AutoSeeder::random () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /__w/anklang/anklang/ase/randomhash.hh