Namespace Ase
The Anklang C++ API namespace. More...
Type | Name |
namespace | AnsiColors The AnsiColors namespace contains utility functions for colored terminal output. |
namespace | Aux Auxillary algorithms brodly useful. |
namespace | DBus |
namespace | FastMemory Utilities for allocating cache line aligned memory from huge pages. |
namespace | Impl |
namespace | Lib |
namespace | Loft Loft - A special purpose memory allocator for lock- and obstruction-free thread progress. |
namespace | MakeIcon |
namespace | MidiLib Namespace used for Midi Processor implementations. |
namespace | Path The Path namespace provides functions for file path manipulation and testing. |
namespace | SortingNetworks |
namespace | Test Helper namespace for unit testing. |
namespace | Unicode |
Type | Name |
struct | AlignedPOD <SIZE> |
class | AsyncBlockingQueue <class Value> This is a thread-safe asyncronous queue which blocks in pop() until data is provided through push(). |
class | AtomicBits Vector of atomic bits, operates in blocks of 64 bits. |
class | AtomicIntrusiveStack <class T> |
struct | AtomicStack <typename Value, GrowOnlyAllocator> |
class | AudioChain |
class | AudioCombo |
class | AudioEngine |
class | AudioEngineThread |
struct | AudioParams Audio parameter handling, internal to AudioProcessor . |
class | AudioProcessor Audio signal AudioProcessor base class, implemented by all effects and instruments. |
struct | AudioProcessorInfo Detailed information and common properties of AudioProcessor subclasses. |
struct | AudioProcessorRegistry |
class | AudioPropertyImpl |
struct | AudioTransport Transport information for AudioSignal processing. |
class | AutoSeeder AutoSeeder provides non-deterministic seeding entropy. |
class | Blob Binary large object storage container. |
class | BlobImpl |
struct | BusInfo Structure providing supplementary information about input/output buses. |
class | ByteBlob <class Deleter> |
struct | CPUInfo Acquire information about the runtime architecture and CPU type. |
class | CString Compact, deduplicating string variant for constant strings. |
class | CStringTable Map std::string <-> uint IDs, thread safe. |
class | CallbackList <A> Reentrant callback list with configurable arguments. |
struct | Choice Representation of one possible choice for selection properties. |
class | ClapAudioProcessor |
class | ClapDeviceImpl |
class | ClapFileHandle |
struct | ClapParamInfo |
struct | ClapParamInfoImpl |
struct | ClapParamUpdate |
class | ClapPluginDescriptor |
class | ClapPluginHandle |
class | ClapPluginHandleImpl |
struct | ClapPropertyImpl |
class | Clip Container for MIDI note and control events. |
class | ClipImpl |
struct | ClipNote Part specific note event representation. |
class | CoalesceNotifies |
struct | ConvertJsTrigger Convert between Jsonipc::JsonValue to JsTrigger . |
struct | ConvertValue Convert between Value and Jsonipc::JsonValue. |
struct | ConvertValueP Convert between ValueP and Jsonipc::JsonValue. |
struct | ConvertValueR Convert between ValueR and Jsonipc::JsonValue. |
struct | ConvertValueRP Convert between std::shared_ptr<ValueR> and Jsonipc::JsonValue. |
class | CustomDataContainer |
class | CustomDataKey <typename T> CustomDataKey objects are used to identify and manage custom data members ofCustomDataContainer objects. |
struct | CustomServerConfig |
class | Device Interface to access Device instances. |
class | DeviceImpl |
struct | DeviceInfo Info for device types. |
class | DispatcherSource EventLoop source for handler execution. |
class | Driver Base class for a PCM and MIDI devices. |
struct | DriverEntry Driver information for PCM and MIDI handling. |
struct | DriverSet |
class | Emittable Base type for classes with Event subscription. |
class | EmittableImpl Implementation type for classes with Event subscription. |
struct | EngineJobImpl |
class | EngineMidiInput |
struct | EnumInfo Get auxiallary enum information. |
struct | Event Structure for callback based notifications. |
class | EventConnection |
class | EventFd Wakeup facility for IPC. |
class | EventList <class Event, class Compare> Maintain an array of unique Event structures with change notification. |
class | EventLoop Loop object, polling for events and executing callbacks in accordance. |
class | EventSource EventLoop source for callback execution. |
class | FastMemArray <typename T, ALIGNMENT> Array with cache-line-alignment containing a fixed numer of PODs. |
class | FileCrawler Class implementing a file system crawler. |
class | FileStreamWriter |
class | FlacWriter |
class | Gadget Base type for classes that have a Property . |
struct | GadgetClassMemberList |
class | GadgetImpl Base type for classes that have a Property . |
struct | Gtk2DlWrapEntry |
struct | Gtk2WindowSetup |
struct | Has_serialize_f <class, class> Has_serialize_f<T> - Check if serialize(T&, WritNode &) is provided forT . |
struct | Has_serialize_f< T, void_t< decltype(serialize(std::declval< T & >(), std::declval< WritNode & >())) > > <class T> |
struct | IconString |
struct | Id32 Helper class for integer IDs up to 32 Bit, possibly of enum type. |
class | IniFile Class to parse INI configuration file sections and values. |
class | IniWriter Class to write INI configuration file sections and values. |
struct | JobQueue |
class | JsTrigger Callback mechanism for Jsonapi/Jsonipc. |
class | JsonapiConnection |
class | KeccakCryptoRng |
class | KeccakFastRng |
class | KeccakGoodRng |
class | KeccakRng |
struct | L2DMatrix <typename T> |
struct | LocalResourceEntry |
struct | LoftConfig Configuration for Loft allocations. |
struct | LoftFree A std::unique_ptr<> deleter for Loft allocations. |
struct | LoftStats Statistics for Loft allocations. |
struct | LogFormat Wrap a string together with its source code location. |
struct | Logscale Logarithmically map (and invert) a range onto 0…+1. |
struct | LoopState |
struct | MainApp |
struct | MainAppImpl |
class | MainLoop An EventLoop implementation that offers public API for running the loop. |
class | Member <setter, getter> Implement C++ member field API with a 0-sized class from setter and getter, maybe combined with [[no_unique_address]] . |
class | Member< accessor, nullptr > <accessor> Member accessor class based on a single accessor, maybe combined with [[no_unique_address]] . |
struct | MemberAccessor |
struct | MemberDetails |
class | MidiDriver Base class for a MIDI devices. |
struct | MidiEvent MidiEvent data structure. |
class | MidiEventOutput A stream of writable MidiEvent structures. |
class | MidiEventReader <MAXQUEUES> An in-order MidiEvent reader for multipleMidiEvent sources. |
struct | MidiNote Components of a MIDI note. |
class | Monitor Interface for monitoring output signals. |
class | MonitorImpl |
struct | MpmcStack <typename Node> |
struct | Mutable <class T> Helper to modify const struct contents, e.g. asyn job lambda members. |
class | Mwc256 Marsaglia multiply-with-carry generator, period ca 2^255. |
class | NativeDevice Interface to access NativeDevice instances. |
class | NativeDeviceImpl |
struct | NoDelete |
class | NullMidiDriver |
class | NullPcmDriver |
class | Object Base type for classes with Property interfaces. |
class | ObjectImpl Implementation type for classes with Property interfaces. |
class | OpusWriter |
struct | OrderedEventList <class Event, class CompareOrder> Container for a sorted array of opaque Event structures with binary lookup. |
struct | Param Structured initializer for Parameter . |
struct | ParamExtraVals Helper to specify parameter ranges. |
struct | Parameter Structure to provide information about properties or preferences. |
struct | ParameterMap Parameter list construction helper. |
class | ParameterProperty Abstract base type for Property implementations withParameter meta data. |
struct | PcRe2 |
class | Pcg32Rng |
class | PcmDriver Base class for a PCM devices. |
struct | PcmDriverConfig PCM device configuration. |
class | Persistent <class Class> |
struct | PollFD Mirrors struct pollfd for poll(3posix) |
class | PollFDSource EventLoop source for IO callbacks. |
class | Preference Class for preference parameters (global settings) |
struct | PrefsValue |
struct | ProbeFeatures Bits representing a selection of probe sample data features. |
class | ProcessorManager Interface for management, connecting and processing of AudioProcessor instances. |
class | Project Projects support loading, saving, playback and act as containers for all other sound objects. |
class | ProjectImpl |
class | Property A Property allows querying, setting and monitoring of an object property. |
class | PropertyImpl Property implementation forGadgetImpl , using lambdas as accessors. |
struct | PwdUser |
struct | QueueMultiplexer <MAXQUEUES, class ForwardIterator> |
class | QuickArray <class Data> |
struct | QuickSourcePArray |
class | Re Wrapper for std::regex to simplify usage and reduce compilation time. |
struct | RegisteredDriver <typename DriverP> |
struct | RegisteredLoader |
struct | Resource Description of a resource, possibly nested. |
class | ResourceCrawler Helper to crawl hierarchical resources. |
struct | RtCall Wrap simple callback pointers, without using malloc (obstruction free). |
struct | RtCallJob |
struct | RtJobQueue Add a simple callback to the main event loop, without using malloc (obstruction free). |
struct | SHA3_224 |
struct | SHA3_256 |
struct | SHA3_384 |
struct | SHA3_512 |
struct | SHAKE128 |
struct | SHAKE256 |
class | ScopedPosixLocale Class to push the POSIX/C locale_t (UTF-8) for the scope of its lifetime. |
class | ScopedSemaphore |
class | Serializable Interface for serializable objects with Reflink support. |
class | Server Central singleton, serves as API entry point. |
class | ServerImpl |
class | SharedBase Common base type for polymorphic classes managed by std::shared_ptr<> . |
class | SortedVector <class T, class Less> Vector that keeps its elements sorted. |
class | Stopwatch |
class | Storage |
class | StorageReader |
class | StorageWriter |
class | StreamReader |
class | StreamReaderFile |
class | StreamReaderZStd |
class | StreamReaderZipMember |
class | StreamWriter |
class | StreamWriterZStd |
class | StringBlob |
class | Strings Convenience Constructor for StringSeq or std::vector<std::string> |
class | SubLoop |
class | TaskRegistry The task registry keeps track of runtime threads for profiling and statistical purposes. |
struct | TaskStatus Acquire information about a task (process or thread) at runtime. |
struct | TelemetryField Telemetry segment location. |
class | TelemetryPlan |
struct | TelemetrySegment Telemetry segment location. |
struct | TickSignature Musical time signature and tick conversions. |
class | TimedSource EventLoop source for timer execution. |
class | Track Container for Clip objects and sequencing information. |
class | TrackImpl Ase::Track implementation. |
struct | TransportLimits |
class | USignalSource EventLoop source for handler execution. |
class | UndoScope |
struct | UserNote Contents of user interface notifications. |
struct | Value Value type used to interface with various property types. |
struct | ValueField |
struct | ValueR |
struct | ValueS |
struct | VirtualBase Common base type to allow casting between polymorphic classes. |
class | WavWriterImpl |
class | WaveWriter |
class | WebSocketConnection |
class | WebSocketServer |
struct | WebSocketServerImpl |
class | Writ Document containing all information needed to serialize and deserialize a Value . |
struct | WritConverter <typename T, typename> Template to specialize string conversion for various data types. |
struct | WritConverter< T, REQUIRESv< !std::is_base_of< Serializable, T >::value &&!Jsonipc::DerivesVector< T >::value &&!Jsonipc::DerivesSharedPtr< T >::value &&std::is_class< T >::value > > <typename T> |
struct | WritConverter< T, REQUIRESv< std::is_base_of< Serializable, T >::value > > <typename T> |
struct | WritConverter< T, REQUIRESv< std::is_enum< T >::value > > <typename T> |
struct | WritConverter< T, REQUIRESv< std::is_integral< T >::value||std::is_floating_point< T >::value > > <typename T> |
class | WritLink |
class | WritNode One entry in a Writ serialization document. |
Public Types
Type | Name |
enum | Ase |
union | ClapEventUnion |
union | FloatIEEE754 |
typedef boost::atomic< T > | Atomic Substitute for std::atomic<> with fixes for GCC. |
typedef std::atomic< uint64 > | AtomicU64 |
typedef std::vector< CString > | CStringS |
enum | CacheType |
typedef std::vector< std::function< void()> > | CallbackS |
typedef std::function< ChoiceS(const CString &)> | ChoicesFunc Handler to generate all possible parameter choices dynamically. |
typedef std::vector< clap_event_param_value > | ClapEventParamS |
typedef std::vector< ClapEventUnion > | ClapEventUnionS |
typedef std::tuple< clap_id, double > | ClapParamIdValue |
typedef std::vector< ClapParamIdValue > | ClapParamIdValueS |
typedef std::unordered_map< clap_id, ClapParamInfoImpl * > | ClapParamInfoMap |
typedef std::vector< ClapParamInfo > | ClapParamInfoS |
typedef std::vector< ClapParamUpdate > | ClapParamUpdateS |
typedef std::tuple< clap_id, String > | ClapResourceHash |
typedef std::vector< ClapResourceHash > | ClapResourceHashS |
typedef std::vector< ClipImpl::Generator > | ClipImplGeneratorS |
typedef std::vector< std::function< void(double)> > | DCallbackS |
typedef std::shared_ptr< DispatcherSource > | DispatcherSourceP |
typedef Driver::DriverP | DriverP |
enum int32_t | Error Enum representing Error states. |
typedef std::shared_ptr< EventConnection > | EventConnectionP |
typedef std::weak_ptr< EventConnection > | EventConnectionW |
typedef std::function< void(const Event &)> | EventHandler |
typedef std::shared_ptr< EventLoop > | EventLoopP |
typedef std::shared_ptr< EventSource > | EventSourceP |
typedef Mwc256 | FastRng |
enum uint16 | IBusId ID type for AudioProcessor input buses, buses are numbered with increasing index. |
typedef typename ::std::enable_if< I==J, bool >::type | IDX |
typedef std::shared_ptr< SharedBase > | InstanceP |
typedef std::function< bool(const String &)> | JsonapiBinarySender |
typedef std::shared_ptr< JsonapiConnection > | JsonapiConnectionP |
typedef std::weak_ptr< JsonapiConnection > | JsonapiConnectionW |
typedef std::unique_ptr< T, LoftFree > | LoftPtr A std::unique_ptr<> for Loft allocations. |
enum | LogFlags Flags to configure logging behaviour. |
typedef std::shared_ptr< MainLoop > | MainLoopP |
typedef MidiDriver::MidiDriverP | MidiDriverP |
enum uint8_t | MidiEventType Type of MIDI Events. |
enum int32_t | MidiMessage Extended type information for MidiEvent . |
typedef std::tuple< double, double, double > | MinMaxStep Min, max, stepping for double ranges. |
typedef std::shared_ptr< MonitorImpl > | MonitorImplP |
enum uint8 | MusicalTuning Musical tunings, see: . |
enum uint16 | OBusId ID type for AudioProcessor output buses, buses are numbered with increasing index. |
typedef std::shared_ptr< ObjectImpl > | ObjectImplP |
enum uint32 | ParamId ID type for AudioProcessor parameters, the ID numbers are user assignable. |
typedef std::variant< bool, int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t, int64_t, uint64_t, float, double, const char *, std::string > | ParamInitialVal Initial value for parameters. |
typedef std::shared_ptr< const Parameter > | ParameterC |
typedef PcmDriver::PcmDriverP | PcmDriverP |
typedef std::shared_ptr< PollFDSource > | PollFDSourceP |
typedef std::unordered_map< CString, PrefsValue > | PrefsMap |
typedef CallbackList< CString, const Value & > | PrefsValueCallbackList |
typedef std::shared_ptr< ProjectImpl > | ProjectImplP |
typedef std::function< void(Value &)> | PropertyGetter Function type for Property value getters. |
typedef std::function< ChoiceS(const ParameterProperty &)> | PropertyLister Function type to list Choice __Property values. |
typedef std::function< bool(const Value &)> | PropertySetter Function type for Property value setters. |
typedef typename ::std::enable_if< value, bool >::type | REQUIRES REQUIRES<value> - Simplified version of std::enable_if<cond,bool>::type to use SFINAE in function templates. |
typedef typename ::std::enable_if< value, void >::type | REQUIRESv REQUIRESv<value> - Simplified version of std::enable_if<cond,void>::type to use SFINAE in struct templates. |
enum | RPath |
typedef Error(*)() | RegisteredLoaderFunc |
typedef std::vector< RegisteredLoader > | RegisteredLoaderVector |
enum | ResourceType |
enum uint64_t | SpeakerArrangement |
typedef AsyncBlockingQueue< char > | StartQueue |
typedef std::string | String Convenience alias for std::string. |
typedef std::tuple< String, String, String > | String3 |
typedef std::pair< std::string, std::string > | StringPair |
typedef std::vector< std::tuple< String, String > > | StringPairS |
typedef std::vector< String > | StringS Convenience alias for a std::vector<std::string>. |
typedef typename ::std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, C >::value, bool >::type | TYP |
typedef std: |
ThreadId |
typedef std::shared_ptr< TimedSource > | TimedSourceP |
typedef std::shared_ptr< USignalSource > | USignalSourceP |
typedef std::shared_ptr< Value > | ValueP |
typedef std::variant< std::monostate, bool, int64, double, String, ValueS, ValueR, InstanceP > | ValueVariant Variant type to hold different types of values. |
typedef std::shared_ptr< VirtualBase > | VirtualBaseP |
typedef std::function< void()> | VoidF |
typedef std::function< void()> | VoidFunc |
typedef std::shared_ptr< WaveWriter > | WaveWriterP |
typedef std::shared_ptr< WebSocketConnection > | WebSocketConnectionP |
typedef std::shared_ptr< WebSocketServerImpl > | WebSocketServerImplP |
typedef std::shared_ptr< WebSocketServer > | WebSocketServerP |
typedef WppConnectionP::element_type | WppConnection |
typedef WppServer::connection_ptr | WppConnectionP |
typedef websocketpp::connection_hdl | WppHdl |
typedef websocketpp::server< CustomServerConfig > | WppServer |
typedef std::vector< WritNode > | WritNodeS |
typedef std::shared_ptr< Writ > | WritP |
typedef int16_t | int16 A 16-bit signed integer. |
typedef int32_t | int32 A 32-bit signed integer. |
typedef int64_t | int64 A 64-bit unsigned integer, use PRI*64 in format strings. |
typedef int8_t | int8 An 8-bit signed integer. |
typedef uint32_t | uint Provide 'uint' as convenience type. |
typedef uint16_t | uint16 A 16-bit unsigned integer. |
typedef uint32_t | uint32 A 32-bit unsigned integer. |
typedef uint64_t | uint64 A 64-bit unsigned integer, use PRI*64 in format strings. |
typedef uint8_t | uint8 An 8-bit unsigned integer. |
typedef uint32_t | unichar A 32-bit unsigned integer used for Unicode characters. |
Public Attributes
Type | Name |
constexpr const uint | AUDIO_BLOCK_FLOAT_ZEROS_SIZE = 16384 Maximum number of values in the const_float_zeros block. |
const MainApp & | App = main\_app |
constexpr const double | DOUBLE_EPSILON = 1.1102230246251565404236316680908203125e-16 Double round-off error at 1.0, equals 2^-53. |
constexpr const uint | FIXED_N_CHANNELS = 2 |
constexpr const uint | FIXED_N_MIDI_DRIVERS = 4 |
constexpr const uint | FIXED_SAMPLE_RATE = 48000 |
constexpr const char | GUIONLY = ":G:r:w:" GUI READABLE WRITABLE. |
constexpr double | INVERSE_SEMIQUAVER = 1.0 / SEMIQUAVER\_TICKS |
constexpr const int64 | MAX_BPM = 1776 |
constexpr const int64 | MAX_SAMPLERATE = 192000 |
constexpr const uint | MIDI_NOTE_ID_FIRST = 0x10000001 First (internal) MIDI note event ID (lower IDs are reserved for external notes). |
constexpr const uint | MIDI_NOTE_ID_LAST = 0xfffffffe Last valid (internal) MIDI note event ID. |
constexpr const int64 | MIN_BPM = 10 |
constexpr const int64 | MIN_SAMPLERATE = 8000 |
constexpr const int64 | SEMIQUAVER_TICKS = [**TRANSPORT\_PPQN**]( / 4 |
ServerImpl * | SERVER = nullptr |
constexpr const char | STANDARD = ":S:G:r:w:" STORAGE GUI READABLE WRITABLE. |
constexpr const char | STORAGE = ":S:r:w:" STORAGE READABLE WRITABLE. |
constexpr const int64 | TRANSPORT_PPQN = 4838400 Maximum number of sample frames to calculate in Processor::render(). |
constexpr const bool | __DEV__ = false |
void | __noreturn__ |
Ts && | args = /* multi line expression */ |
bool | ase_debugging_enabled = true Global boolean to reduce debugging penalty where possible. |
bool | ase_fatal_warnings = false Global boolean to cause the program to abort on warnings. |
const char *const | ase_gettext_domain |
const int | ase_major_version |
const int | ase_micro_version |
const int | ase_minor_version |
const char *const | ase_sharedir |
const char *const | ase_version_long |
const char *const | ase_version_short |
bool | assertion_failed_fatal = false Global flag to force aborting on assertion warnings. |
uint64_t | cached_hash_secret = 0 Use hash_secret() for access. |
const float *const | cent_table = cent\_table201 + 100 Finetune factor table with 201 entries for -100…0…+100 cent. |
uint64_t | columnline |
float | const_float_zeros = { 0, } Block of const floats allof value 0. |
bool const char * | fileglob |
uint64_t const char const char * | format |
uint64_t const char * | func |
size_t | level |
MainAppImpl | main_app |
JobQueue | main_jobs Execute a job callback in the Ase main loop. |
MainLoopP | main_loop |
RtJobQueue | main_rt_jobs Queue a callback for the main_loop without invoking malloc(), addition is obstruction free. |
bool const char const size_t | maxbytes = /* multi line expression */ |
const float *const | semitone_tables_265 = /* multi line expression */ Musical Tuning Tables, to be indexed by MusicalTuning __ |
size_t | size |
constexpr SpeakerArrangement | speaker_arrangement_channels_mask = { ~size\_t (SpeakerArrangement::AUX) } |
constexpr uint32_t | unicode_last_codepoint = 0x10FFFF |
Public Static Attributes
Type | Name |
constexpr int64_t | AUDIO_BLOCK_MAX_RENDER_SIZE = 2048 |
constexpr double | D64MAX = 1.7976931348623157e+308 |
constexpr float | F32EPS = 5.9604644775390625e-08 |
constexpr float | F32MAX = 3.40282347e+38 |
constexpr int32_t | I31MAX = +2147483647 |
constexpr int32_t | I31MIN = -2147483648 |
constexpr int64_t | I63MAX = +9223372036854775807 |
constexpr int64_t | I63MIN = -9223372036854775807 - 1 |
constexpr const uint8_t | KECCAK_RHO_OFFSETS = /* multi line expression */ |
constexpr const uint64_t | KECCAK_ROUND_CONSTANTS |
constexpr float | M23MAX = 16777216 |
constexpr double | M52MAX = 9007199254740992 |
constexpr const uint | MAX_LAUNCHER_CLIPS = 8 |
constexpr const size_t | MB = 1024 \* 1024 |
constexpr OBusId | OUT1 = [**OBusId**]( (1) |
constexpr bool | PRINT_ADAPTIVE = false |
constexpr uint32_t | U32MAX = +4294967295u |
constexpr uint64_t | U64MAX = +18446744073709551615ull |
const int16 | UNDEFINED_PRIORITY = -32768 |
std::vector< ProjectImplP > & | all_projects = \*new std::vector<ProjectImplP>() |
bool | arg_class_tree = false |
bool | arg_js_api = false |
const char *const | ase_linkid = "\u0012.ID" |
std::vector< std::function< void()> * > | atquit_funcs |
std::mutex | atquit_mutex |
std::atomic< uint8_t > | atquit_triggered_ = false |
const auto | audio_chain_id = [**register\_audio\_processor**](<AudioChain>() |
std: |
audio_engine_thread_id = {} |
constexpr const long double | c3_hertz = 261.6255653005986346778499935233 |
constexpr const long double | c3_hertz_inv = 0.0038222564329714297410505703465146 |
String | cached_application_name |
String | cached_program_alias |
std::vector< String > | cachedirs_list |
std::mutex | cachedirs_mutex |
const float | cent_table201 |
StringS | check_test_names |
CString | clap_audio_wrapper_aseid = [**register\_audio\_processor**](<ClapAudioProcessor>() |
CoalesceNotifies * | coalesce_notifies_head = nullptr |
jmp_buf | cpu_info_jmp_buf |
CString | cstring_early_test = "NULL" |
JsonapiConnectionP | current_message_conection |
int | embedding_fd = -1 |
const MidiEventOutput | empty_event_output |
std::atomic< AudioProcessor * > | enotify_queue_head = { enotify\_queue\_tail } |
AudioProcessor *const | enotify_queue_tail = ([**AudioProcessor**](\*) ptrdiff\_t (-1) |
std::vector< std::pair< const std::type_info *, std::function< EnumInfo(int64)> > > | enuminfo_funcs |
std::mutex | enuminfo_mutex |
CustomDataKey< String > | gadget_name_key |
volatile int | global_id_counter = 65536 |
const clap_host_audio_ports | host_ext_audio_ports = /* multi line expression */ |
const clap_host_file_reference | host_ext_file_reference = /* multi line expression */ |
const clap_host_gui | host_ext_gui = /* multi line expression */ |
const clap_host_log | host_ext_log = { .[**log**]( = host\_log } |
const clap_host_params | host_ext_params = /* multi line expression */ |
const clap_host_posix_fd_support | host_ext_posix_fd_support = /* multi line expression */ |
const clap_host_thread_check | host_ext_thread_check = /* multi line expression */ |
const clap_host_timer_support | host_ext_timer_support = /* multi line expression */ |
constexpr int | jsbin_logflags = 1 \| 256 |
constexpr int | jsipc_logflags = 1 \| 2 \| 4 \| 8 \| 16 |
size_t | last_loft_preallocation = 0 |
std::atomic< bool > | loft_needs_preallocation_mt = false |
bool | log_colorize = true |
int | log_fd = -1 |
uint32_t | log_flags = 0 |
AtomicIntrusiveStack< RtCallJob > | main_rt_jobs_ |
Preference | midi1_driver_pref = /* multi line expression */ |
Preference | midi2_driver_pref = /* multi line expression */ |
Preference | midi3_driver_pref = /* multi line expression */ |
Preference | midi4_driver_pref = /* multi line expression */ |
clockid_t | monotonic_clockid = CLOCK\_REALTIME |
uint64 | monotonic_resolution = 1000 |
uint64 | monotonic_start = 0 |
bool | musical_tuning_info__ = EnumInfo::impl (musical\_tuning\_info) |
constexpr uint | mwc256_MP_SIZE = 5 |
uint64_t | mwc256_mod = { 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff, Mwc256::MWC\_A3 - 1 } |
std::atomic< uint > | next_noteid = { [**MIDI\_NOTE\_ID\_FIRST**]( } |
CStringS | notify_preference_queue |
const String | null_midi_driverid = MidiDriver::register\_driver ("null", NullMidiDriver::create, NullMidiDriver::list\_drivers) |
const String | null_pcm_driverid = PcmDriver::register\_driver ("null", NullPcmDriver::create, NullPcmDriver::list\_drivers) |
Preference | pcm_driver_pref = /* multi line expression */ |
bool | preferences_autosave = false |
std::shared_ptr< CallbackList< CStringS > > | prefs_callbacks = [**CallbackList**](<CStringS>::make\_shared() |
uint64 | programstart_timestamp = [**timestamp\_now**]( |
uint64 | realtime_start = 0 |
bool | registered_loaders_executed = false |
std::atomic< const AudioProcessorRegistry * > | registry_first |
float | scratch_float_buffer |
std::atomic< bool > | seen_autostop = false |
const float | semitone_table265_diatonic_scale = /* multi line expression */ |
const float | semitone_table265_equal_temperament_12_tet = /* multi line expression */ |
const float | semitone_table265_equal_temperament_5_tet = /* multi line expression */ |
const float | semitone_table265_equal_temperament_7_tet = /* multi line expression */ |
const float | semitone_table265_indian_scale = /* multi line expression */ |
const float | semitone_table265_kirnberger_temperament = /* multi line expression */ |
const float | semitone_table265_pentatonic_5_limit = /* multi line expression */ |
const float | semitone_table265_pentatonic_blues = /* multi line expression */ |
const float | semitone_table265_pentatonic_gogo = /* multi line expression */ |
const float | semitone_table265_pythagorean_tuning = /* multi line expression */ |
const float | semitone_table265_quarter_comma_meantone = /* multi line expression */ |
const float | semitone_table265_silbermann_sorge_temperament = /* multi line expression */ |
const float | semitone_table265_werckmeister3_temperament = /* multi line expression */ |
const float | semitone_table265_werckmeister4_temperament = /* multi line expression */ |
const float | semitone_table265_werckmeister5_temperament = /* multi line expression */ |
const float | semitone_table265_werckmeister6_temperament = /* multi line expression */ |
const float | semitone_table265_young_temperament = /* multi line expression */ |
String | subprotocol_authentication |
Preference | synth_latency_pref = /* multi line expression */ |
Preference | synth_latency_pref = /* multi line expression */ |
std::mutex | task_registry_mutex_ |
TaskRegistry::List | task_registry_tasks_ |
CustomDataKey< TelemetryPlanP > | telemetry_key |
constexpr size_t | telemetry_size = 4 \* 1024 \* 1024 |
uint | timerid_maybe_save_preferences = 0 |
std::atomic< uint > | user_note_id = 1 |
std::atomic< uint32 > | usignals_notified = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } |
const char * | whitespaces = " \t\v\f\n\r" |
Gtk2DlWrapEntry * | x11wrapper = nullptr |
struct Ase | zstd_adaptive_level = /* multi line expression */ |
Public Functions
Type | Name |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (ClapAudioProcessor) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (ClapPluginHandleImpl) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (AudioChain) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (AudioCombo) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (AudioEngineThread) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (AudioProcessor) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (ClapDeviceImpl) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (ClapPluginHandle) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (DeviceImpl) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (Emittable) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (FileCrawler) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (GadgetImpl) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (NativeDevice) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (NativeDeviceImpl) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (Preference) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (ProjectImpl) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (Property) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (PropertyImpl) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (ResourceCrawler) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (ServerImpl) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (SharedBase) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (StreamReader) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (StreamWriter) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (MidiDriver) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (EngineMidiInput) |
ASE_CLASS_DECLS (TelemetryPlan) |
ASE_STRUCT_DECLS (AudioProcessorInfo) |
ASE_STRUCT_DECLS (ClapParamUpdate) |
ASE_STRUCT_DECLS (DriverEntry) |
ASE_STRUCT_DECLS (Parameter) |
ASE_STRUCT_DECLS (TelemetryField) |
ASE_STRUCT_DECLS (TelemetrySegment) |
int | QueueMultiplexer_priority (const MidiEvent & e) |
const char *() | _ (const char * string) Translate message strings in the Anklang/ASE text domain. |
std::string() | _ (const std::string & string) Translate message strings in the Anklang/ASE text domain. |
const char *() | _ (const char * string, const char * plural, int64_t n) Translate message strings in the Anklang/ASE text domain, use @plural forms if != 1. |
std::string() | _ (const std::string & string, const std::string & plural, int64_t n) Translate message strings in the Anklang/ASE text domain, use @plural forms if != 1. |
__attribute__ ((always_inline)) Call inplace new operator by automatically inferring the Type. |
__attribute__ ((always_inline)) Call inplace delete operator by automatically inferring the Type. |
__attribute__ ((noinline)) |
__attribute__ ((__noinline__)) const |
__attribute__ ((__always_inline__)) const |
const char *() | __format_arg__ (2) |
void | anklang_cachedir_clean_stale () Clean stale cache directories from past runtimes, may be called from any thread. |
void | anklang_cachedir_cleanup (const String & cachedir) Cleanup a cachedir previously created with anklang_cachedir_create() . |
String | anklang_cachedir_create () Create exclusive cache directory for this process' runtime. |
String | anklang_home_dir (const String & subdir) Get Anklang home dir, possibly adding subdir . |
std::string | anklang_runpath (RPath rpath, const String & segment) Retrieve various resource paths at runtime. |
String | application_name () Retrieve the localized program name intended for user display. |
void | application_name_init (String desktopname) Set the application_name to a name other than program_alias if desired. |
const char * | ase_build_id () Provide a string containing the ASE library build id. |
const char * | ase_error_blurb (Error error) Describe Error condition. |
Error | ase_error_from_errno (int sys_errno, Error fallback=Error::IO) |
const char * | ase_gettext (const String & untranslated) |
const char * | ase_gettext (const char * format, const A0 & a0, const Ar &... restargs) Translate a string, using the ASE locale. |
const char * | ase_version () Provide a string containing the package version. |
void | assertion_failed (const char * msg, const char * file, int line, const char * func) noexcept Print instructive message, handle "breakpoint", "backtrace" and "fatal-warnings" in $ASE_DEBUG. |
void | assertion_fatal (const char * msg, const char * file, int line, const char * func) noexcept Print a debug message via assertion_failed() and abort the program. |
void | atquit_add (std::function< void()> * func) |
void | atquit_del (std::function< void()> * func) |
void | atquit_run (int exitcode) |
bool | atquit_triggered () |
std::string | backtrace_command () Find GDB and construct command line. |
String | blake3_hash_file (const String & filename) |
String | blake3_hash_string (const String & input) |
void | breakpoint () Cause a debugging breakpoint, for development only. |
void | call_delete (T * o) Simple way to create a standalone callback to delete an object of type T . |
DeviceInfo | clap_device_info (const ClapPluginDescriptor & descriptor) |
String | clap_event_to_string (const clap_event_note_t * enote) |
const char * | clap_event_type_string (int etype) |
void | collect_runtime_entropy (uint64 * data, size_t n) Collect entropy from the current process, usually quicker than collect_system_entropy() . |
void | collect_system_entropy (uint64 * data, size_t n) Collect entropy from system devices, like interrupt counters, clocks and random devices. |
constexpr bool | constexpr_equals (const char * a, const char * b, size_t n) Test string equality at compile time. |
void | convert_clip_samples (size_t n, S * src, D * dst, uint16 byte_order) |
void | convert_clip_samples (size_t n, const float * src, int16_t * dst, uint16 byte_order) |
void | convert_samples (size_t n, S * src, D * dst, uint16 byte_order) |
void | convert_samples (size_t n, const int16_t * src, float * dst, uint16 byte_order) |
std::string | cpu_arch () Retrieve string identifying the CPU architecture. |
String | cpu_info () Retrieve string identifying the runtime CPU type. |
DeviceP | create_processor_device (AudioEngine & engine, const String & uri, bool engineproducer) |
bool | cstring_to_bool (const char * string, bool fallback) |
StringS | cstrings_to_vector (const char * s, ...) Construct a StringS from a NULL terminated list of string arguments. |
long double | current_locale_strtold (const char * nptr, char ** endptr) Parse a double from a string ala strtod(), trying locale specific characters and POSIX/C formatting. |
float | damerau_levenshtein_distance (const std::string & source, const std::string & target, const float ci, const float cd, const float cs, const float ct) |
float | damerau_levenshtein_restricted (const std::string & source, const std::string & target, const float ci, const float cd, const float cs, const float ct) |
Float | db2voltage (Float x) Convert Decibel to synthesizer value (Voltage). |
ASE_CONST Float | db2voltage (Float x) Convert Decibel to synthesizer value (Voltage). |
Float | db_changed (Float a, Float b) Determine a significant Decibel change. |
ASE_CONST Float | db_changed (Float a, Float b) Determine a significant Decibel change. |
void | debug (const char * cond, const char * format, const A &... args) |
void ASE_ALWAYS_INLINE | debug (const char * cond, const char * format, const Args &... args) Issue a printf-like debugging message if cond is enabled by $ASE_DEBUG. |
bool | debug_enabled () Check if any kind of debugging is enabled by $ASE_DEBUG. |
bool | debug_key_enabled (const char * conditional) Check if conditional is enabled by $ASE_DEBUG. |
bool | debug_key_enabled (const ::std::string & conditional) Check if conditional is enabled by $ASE_DEBUG. |
bool | debug_key_enabled (const std::string & conditional) |
::std::string | debug_key_value (const char * conditional) Retrieve the value assigned to debug key conditional in $ASE_DEBUG. |
void | debug_message (const char * cond, const std::string & message) Print a debug message, called from Ase::debug(). |
std::string | decodefs (const std::string & utf8str) Decode UTF-8 string back into file system path representation, extracting surrogate code points as bytes. |
void | diag_flush (uint8 code, const String & txt) Handle stdout and stderr printing with flushing. |
String | diag_prefix (uint8 code) Create prefix for warnings and errors. |
std::string | displayfs (const std::string & utf8str) Convert UTF-8 encoded file system path into human readable display format, the conversion is lossy but readable. |
std::string | encodefs (const std::string & fschars) Encode a file system path consisting of bytes into UTF-8, using surrogate code points to store non UTF-8 bytes. |
ChoiceS | enum_lister (const ParameterProperty &) Helper to list Jsonipc::Enum<> type values as Choice . |
std::string | executable_name () Retrieve the name part of executable_path() . |
std::string | executable_path () Retrieve the path to the currently running executable. |
void | fast_copy (size_t n, float * d, const float * s) Copy a block of floats. |
void | fast_copy (size_t n, uint32_t * d, const uint32_t * s) Copy a block of integers. |
float | fast_db2voltage (float x) Float precision variant of db2voltage using fast_exp2() . |
float | fast_exp2 (float x) |
float | fast_hz2voltage (float x) Float precision variant of hz2voltage using fast_log2() . |
float | fast_log2 (float x) |
void * | fast_mem_alloc (size_t size) |
void | fast_mem_free (void * mem) |
float | fast_voltage2db (float x) Float precision variant of voltage2db using fast_log2() . |
float | fast_voltage2hz (float x) Float precision variant of voltage2hz using fast_exp2() . |
void | fatal_error (const char * format, const A &... args) |
void ASE_NORETURN | fatal_error (const char * format, const Args &... args) |
void | fatal_system_error (const char * file, uint line, const char * format, ...) |
std::pair< std::shared_ptr< E >, ssize_t > | find_shared_by_ref (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< E > > & v, const E & e) |
void | fixed_sort (RandomIt first, RandomIt last, Compare comp=std::less< typename std::iterator_traits< RandomIt >::value_type >()) Use sorting networks to sort containers <= 16 elements without allocations. |
void | floatfill (float * dst, float f, size_t n) Fill n values ofdst withf . |
double | force_double (double d) Force number into double precision floating point format, even with -ffast-math . |
float | force_float (float f) Force number into single precision floating point format, even with -ffast-math . |
float | hz2value (float x) Convert Hertz to synthesizer value (Voltage). |
Float | hz2voltage (Float x) Convert Hertz to synthesizer value (Voltage). |
ASE_CONST Float | hz2voltage (Float x) Convert Hertz to synthesizer value (Voltage). |
Float | hz_changed (Float a, Float b) Determine a significant frequency change (audible Hertz). |
ASE_CONST Float | hz_changed (Float a, Float b) Determine a significant frequency change (audible Hertz). |
ASE_CONST int | irintf (float f) |
bool | is_aiff (const String & input) |
bool | is_arj (const String & input) |
bool | is_avi (const String & input) |
bool | is_compressed (const String & input) |
bool | is_gz (const String & input) |
bool | is_isz (const String & input) |
bool | is_jpg (const String & input) |
bool | is_lz4 (const String & input) |
bool | is_midi (const String & input) |
bool | is_ogg (const String & input) |
bool | is_pdf (const String & input) |
bool | is_png (const String & input) |
bool | is_wav (const String & input) |
bool | is_xz (const String & input) |
bool | is_zip (const String & input) |
bool | is_zstd (const String & input) |
bool | json_parse (const String & jsonstring, T & target) Parse a well formed JSON string and assign contents to target . |
T | json_parse (const String & jsonstring) Parse a well formed JSON string and return the resulting value. |
String | json_stringify (const T & source, Writ::Flags flags=Writ::Flags(0)) Create JSON string from source . |
CustomDataContainer * | jsonapi_connection_data () |
JsonapiBinarySender | jsonapi_connection_sender () |
WebSocketConnectionP | jsonapi_make_connection (WebSocketConnection::Internals & internals, int logflags) |
void | jsonapi_require_auth (const String & subprotocol) |
String | kvpair_key (const String & key_value_pair) |
String | kvpair_value (const String & key_value_pair) |
bool | kvpairs_assign (StringS & kvs, const String & key_value_pair, bool casesensitive) |
String | kvpairs_fetch (const StringS & kvs, const String & key, bool casesensitive) |
ssize_t | kvpairs_search (const StringS & kvs, const String & k, const bool casesensitive) |
StringS | list_clap_files () |
void | load_registered_drivers () Load all registered drivers. |
LoftPtr< T > | loft_make_unique (Args &&... args) Construct an object T fromLoft memory, wrapped in a unique_ptr. |
void | log (const LogFormat & format, const A &... args) Write a log message to the log file (or possibly stderr), using the POSIX/C locale. |
LogFlags | log_setup (int * logfd) Configurable handler to open log files. |
void | logmsg (const std::string & msg, const char *const filename, const uint64_t columnline, const char *const function_name) |
JobQueue | main_jobs (call_main_loop) |
void | main_loop_autostop_mt () |
void | main_loop_wakeup () |
MidiEvent | make_aftertouch (uint16 chnl, uint8 mkey, float velo, float tune, uint nid) |
AudioEngine & | make_audio_engine (const VoidF & owner_wakeup, uint sample_rate, SpeakerArrangement speakerarrangement) |
MidiEvent | make_control (uint16 chnl, uint prm, float val) |
MidiEvent | make_control8 (uint16 chnl, uint prm, uint8 cval) |
std::function< void(Value &)> | make_enum_getter (Enum * v) Value getter for enumeration types. |
std::function< bool(const Value &)> | make_enum_setter (Enum * v) Value setter for enumeration types. |
MidiEvent | make_note_off (uint16 chnl, uint8 mkey, float velo, float tune, uint nid) |
MidiEvent | make_note_on (uint16 chnl, uint8 mkey, float velo, float tune, uint nid) |
MidiEvent | make_param_value (uint param, double pvalue) |
MidiEvent | make_pitch_bend (uint16 chnl, float val) |
MidiEvent | make_pressure (uint16 chnl, float velo) |
MidiEvent | make_program (uint16 chnl, uint prgrm) |
void | memset4 (uint32 * mem, uint32 filler, uint length) Fill a memory area with a 32-bit quantitiy. |
uint64 | monotonic_counter () A monotonically increasing counter, increments are atomic and visible in all threads. |
String | now_strftime (const String & format) |
constexpr bool | operator! (Error error) |
ChoiceS & | operator+= (ChoiceS & choices, Choice && newchoice) Convenience ChoiceS construciton helper. |
bool | operator== (const std::vector< ValueP > & v1, const std::vector< ValueP > & v2) |
constexpr Re::Flags | operator| (Re::Flags a, Re::Flags b) |
String | parameter_guess_nick (const String & parameter_label) Create a few letter nick name from a multi word parameter label. |
long double | posix_locale_strtold (const char * nptr, char ** endptr) Parse a double from a string ala strtod(), trying locale specific characters and POSIX/C formatting. |
void void | printerr (const char * format, const A &... args) |
void | printerr (const char * format, const Args &... args) Print a message on stderr (and flush stderr) ala printf(), using the POSIX/C locale. |
void | printout (const char * format, const A &... args) |
void | printout (const char * format, const Args &... args) Print a message on stdout (and flush stdout) ala printf(), using the POSIX/C locale. |
String | program_alias () Retrieve the program name as used for logging or debug messages. |
void | program_alias_init (String customname) Set program_alias to a non-localized alias other than program_argv0 if desired. |
String | program_cwd () The current working directory during startup. |
double | random_float () |
double | random_frange (double begin, double end) |
uint64_t | random_int64 () |
int64_t | random_irange (int64_t begin, int64_t end) |
uint64_t | random_nonce () Provide a unique 64 bit identifier that is not 0, see also random_int64() . |
void | random_secret (uint64_t * secret_var) Generate a secret non-zero nonce in secret_var, unless it has already been assigned. |
CString | register_audio_processor (const char * aseid=nullptr) Add an AudioProcessor derived type to the audio processor registry. |
bool * | register_driver_loader (const char * staticwhat, Error(*)() loader) Register loader callbacks at static constructor time. |
bool | sched_fast_priority (int tid) Try to acquire low latency scheduling priority, returns true if nice level is < 0. |
int | sched_get_priority (int tid) Retrieve the nice level of process or thread tid . |
bool | sched_set_priority (int tid, int nicelevel) Try to set the nice level of process or thread tid tonicelevel . |
void | sha3_224_hash (const void * data, size_t data_length, uint8_t hashvalue) Calculate 224 bit SHA3 digest from data , see also classSHA3_224 . |
void | sha3_256_hash (const void * data, size_t data_length, uint8_t hashvalue) Calculate 256 bit SHA3 digest from data , see also classSHA3_256 . |
void | sha3_384_hash (const void * data, size_t data_length, uint8_t hashvalue) Calculate 384 bit SHA3 digest from data , see also classSHA3_384 . |
void | sha3_512_hash (const void * data, size_t data_length, uint8_t hashvalue) Calculate 512 bit SHA3 digest from data , see also classSHA3_512 . |
void | shake128_hash (const void * data, size_t data_length, uint8_t * hashvalues, size_t n) Calculate SHA3 extendable output digest for 128 bit security strength, see also class SHAKE128 . |
void | shake256_hash (const void * data, size_t data_length, uint8_t * hashvalues, size_t n) Calculate SHA3 extendable output digest for 256 bit security strength, see also class SHAKE256 . |
std::shared_ptr< typename std::remove_pointer< Target >::type > | shared_ptr_cast (Source * object) |
const std::shared_ptr< typename std::remove_pointer< Target >::type > | shared_ptr_cast (const Source * object) See shared_ptr_cast(Source*) . |
std::shared_ptr< typename std::remove_pointer< Target >::type > | shared_ptr_cast (std::shared_ptr< Source > & sptr) See shared_ptr_cast(Source*) . |
const std::shared_ptr< typename std::remove_pointer< Target >::type > | shared_ptr_cast (const std::shared_ptr< Source > & sptr) See shared_ptr_cast(Source*) . |
std::shared_ptr< typename std::remove_pointer< Source >::type > | shared_ptr_from (Source * object) Use shared_ptr_cast<>() to convert an object pointer into ashared_ptr<> . |
const char * | speaker_arrangement_bit_name (SpeakerArrangement spa) |
SpeakerArrangement | speaker_arrangement_channels (SpeakerArrangement spa) |
uint8 | speaker_arrangement_count_channels (SpeakerArrangement spa) |
std::string | speaker_arrangement_desc (SpeakerArrangement spa) |
bool | speaker_arrangement_is_aux (SpeakerArrangement spa) |
float | square_max (uint n_values, const float * ivalues) Find the maximum suqared value in a block of floats. |
float | square_sum (uint n_values, const float * ivalues) Calculate suqare sum of a block of floats. |
StreamReaderP | stream_reader_from_file (const String & file) |
StreamReaderP | stream_reader_zip_member (const String & archive, const String & member, Storage::StorageFlags f) |
StreamReaderP | stream_reader_zstd (StreamReaderP & istream) |
StreamWriterP | stream_writer_create_file (const String & filename, int mode) |
StreamWriterP | stream_writer_zstd (const StreamWriterP & ostream, int level) |
const char * | strerror (int errno_num) Get POSIX locale strerror. |
const char * | strerror () |
String | string_canonify (const String & string, const String & valid_chars, const String & substitute) |
String | string_capitalize (const String & str, size_t maxn, bool rest_tolower) Capitalize words, so the first letter is upper case, the rest lower case. |
int | string_casecmp (const String & s1, const String & s2) Like strcasecmp(3) for UTF-8 strings. |
String | string_casefold (const String & src) Yield UTF-8 string useful for case insensitive comparisons. |
int | string_cmp (const String & s1, const String & s2) Like strcmp(3) for UTF-8 strings. |
int | string_cmp_uuid (const String & uuid_string1, const String & uuid_string2) Returns whether uuid_string1 compares smaller (-1), equal (0) or greater (+1) to__uuid_string2 . |
const char * | string_demangle_cxx (const char * mangled_identifier) noexcept Demangle identifier via libcc. |
bool | string_endswith (const String & string, const String & fragment) Returns whether string ends withfragment . |
bool | string_endswith (const String & string, const StringS & fragments) Returns whether string ends with any element of fragments . |
const char * | string_find_word (const char * haystack, const char * word) Find occurance of word inhaystack . |
std::string | string_format (const char * format, const Args &... args) Format a string similar to sprintf(3) with support for std::string and std::ostringstream convertible objects. |
String | string_from_bool (bool value) Convert a boolean value into a string. |
String | string_from_cquote (const String & input) Parse a possibly quoted C string into regular string. |
String | string_from_double (double value) Convert a double into a string, using the POSIX/C locale. |
String | string_from_double_vector (const std::vector< double > & dvec, const String & delim) Construct a string out of all double values passed in dvec , separated by__delim . |
String | string_from_errno (int errno_val) Returns a String describing the passed in errno value, similar to strerror(). |
String | string_from_float (float value) Convert a float into a string, using the POSIX/C locale. |
String | string_from_float (double value) |
String | string_from_int (int64 value) Convert a 64bit signed integer into a string. |
String | string_from_long_double (long double value) Convert a long double into a string, using the POSIX/C locale. |
String | string_from_pretty_function_name (const char * cxx_pretty_function) |
String | string_from_type (Type value) Create a string from a templated argument value, such as bool, int, double. |
String | string_from_type< String > (String value) |
String | string_from_type< bool > (bool value) |
String | string_from_type< double > (double value) |
String | string_from_type< float > (float value) |
String | string_from_type< int > (int value) |
String | string_from_type< int16 > (int16 value) |
String | string_from_type< int64 > (int64 value) |
String | string_from_type< long double > (long double value) |
String | string_from_type< uint > (uint value) |
String | string_from_type< uint16 > (uint16 value) |
String | string_from_type< uint64 > (uint64 value) |
String | string_from_uint (uint64 value) Convert a 64bit unsigned integer into a string. |
bool | string_has_int (const String & string) Checks if a string contains a digit, optionally preceeded by whitespaces. |
String | string_hexdump (const void * addr, size_t length, size_t initial_offset) |
bool | string_is_ascii_alnum (const String & str) |
bool | string_is_canonified (const String & string, const String & valid_chars) Check if string_canonify() would modify__string . |
bool | string_is_ncname (const String & input) |
bool | string_is_uuid (const String & uuid_string) Returns whether uuid_string contains a properly formatted UUID string. |
bool | string_islower (const String & str) Check if all string characters are Unicode lower case characters. |
bool | string_isupper (const String & str) Check if all string characters are Unicode upper case characters. |
String | string_join (const String & junctor, const StringS & strvec) |
String | string_locale_vprintf (const char * format, va_list vargs) Formatted printing like string_vprintf using the current locale. |
String | string_lstrip (const String & input) Strip whitespaces from the left of a string. |
bool | string_match_identifier (const String & ident1, const String & ident2) Check equality of strings canonicalized to "[0-9a-z_]+". |
bool | string_match_identifier_tail (const String & ident, const String & tail) Variant of string_match_identifier() that matches__tail against__ident at word boundary. |
String | string_multiply (const String & s, uint64 count) Reproduce a string s for__count times. |
String | string_normalize_nfc (const String & src) Yield normalized composed UTF-8 string. |
String | string_normalize_nfd (const String & src) Yield normalized decomposed UTF-8 string. |
String | string_normalize_nfkc (const String & src) Formatting stripped normalized composed UTF-8 string. |
String | string_normalize_nfkd (const String & src) Formatting stripped normalized decomposed UTF-8 string. |
bool | string_option_check (const String & optionlist, const String & feature) Check if an option is set/unset in an options list string. |
String | string_option_find (const String & optionlist, const String & feature, const String & fallback) Retrieve the option value from an options list separated by ':' or ';' or fallback . |
std::string_view | string_option_find_value (const char * string, const char * feature, const String & fallback, const String & denied, bool matchallnone) Low level option search, avoids dynamic allocations. |
String | string_replace (const String & input, const String & marker, const String & replacement, size_t maxn) Replace substring marker in__input with__replacement , at most__maxn times. |
String | string_rstrip (const String & input) Strip whitespaces from the right of a string. |
const String & | string_set_A2Z () Returns a string containing all of A-Z. |
const String & | string_set_a2z () Returns a string containing all of a-z. |
const String & | string_set_ascii_alnum () Returns a string containing all of 0-9, A-Z and a-z. |
StringS | string_split (const String & string, const String & splitter, size_t maxn) |
StringS | string_split_any (const String & string, const String & splitchars, size_t maxn) |
bool | string_startswith (const String & string, const String & fragment) Returns whether string starts withfragment . |
bool | string_startswith (const String & string, const StringS & fragments) Returns whether string starts with any element of fragments . |
String | string_strip (const String & input) Strip whitespaces from the left and right of a string. |
String | string_substitute_char (const String & input, const char match, const char subst) Replace all occouranes of match in__input with__subst . |
bool | string_to_bool (const String & string, bool fallback) |
String | string_to_cescape (const String & str) |
String | string_to_cquote (const String & str) Returns a string as C string including double quotes. |
double | string_to_double (const String & string) Parse a double from a string, trying locale specific characters and POSIX/C formatting. |
double | string_to_double (const char * dblstring, const char ** endptr) Similar to string_to_double(const String&) , but returns the first failing character position in__endptr . |
std::vector< double > | string_to_double_vector (const String & string) Parse a string into a list of doubles, expects ';' as delimiter. |
double | string_to_float (const String & string) |
String | string_to_hex (const String & input) Convert bytes in string input to hexadecimal numbers. |
String | string_to_identifier (const String & input) Force lower case, alphanumerics + underscore and non-digit start. |
int64 | string_to_int (const String & string, size_t * consumed, uint base) Parse a string into a 64bit integer, optionally specifying the expected number base. |
long double | string_to_long_double (const String & string) Parse a long double from a string, trying locale specific characters and POSIX/C formatting. |
long double | string_to_long_double (const char * dblstring, const char ** endptr) Similar to string_to_long_double(const String&) , but returns the first failing character position in__endptr . |
String | string_to_ncname (const String & input, uint32_t substitute) |
double | string_to_seconds (const String & string, double fallback) Parse string into seconds. |
Type | string_to_type (const String & string) Convert a string to template argument type, such as bool, int, double. |
String | string_to_type< String > (const String & string) |
bool | string_to_type< bool > (const String & string) |
double | string_to_type< double > (const String & string) |
float | string_to_type< float > (const String & string) |
int | string_to_type< int > (const String & string) |
int16 | string_to_type< int16 > (const String & string) |
int64 | string_to_type< int64 > (const String & string) |
long double | string_to_type< long double > (const String & string) |
uint | string_to_type< uint > (const String & string) |
uint16 | string_to_type< uint16 > (const String & string) |
uint64 | string_to_type< uint64 > (const String & string) |
uint64 | string_to_uint (const String & string, size_t * consumed, uint base) Parse a string into a 64bit unsigned integer, optionally specifying the expected number base. |
String | string_tolower (const String & str) Convert all string characters into Unicode lower case characters. |
String | string_totitle (const String & str) Convert all string characters into Unicode title characters. |
String | string_toupper (const String & str) Convert all string characters into Unicode upper case characters. |
String | string_url_decode (const String & urlstr, const bool form_url_encoded) Decode URL %-sequences in a string, decode '+' if form_url_encoded . |
String | string_url_encode (const String & rawstr, const bool form_url_encoded) Encode special characters to URL %-sequences, encode space as '+' if form_url_encoded . |
void | string_vector_erase_empty (StringS & svector) Remove empty elements from a string vector. |
String | string_vector_find (const StringS & svector, const String & prefix, const String & fallback) |
String | string_vector_find_value (const StringS & svector, const String & prefix, const String & fallback) |
void | string_vector_lstrip (StringS & svector) Left-strip all elements of a string vector, see string_lstrip() . |
void | string_vector_rstrip (StringS & svector) Right-strip all elements of a string vector, see string_rstrip() . |
void | string_vector_strip (StringS & svector) Strip all elements of a string vector, see string_strip() . |
String | string_vprintf (const char * format, va_list vargs) Formatted printing ala vprintf() into a String, using the POSIX/C locale. |
String | stringify_clip_note (const ClipNote & n) |
StringS | strings_version_sort (const StringS & strings, bool reverse) |
void | strings_version_sort (StringS * strings, bool reverse) |
const char * | strrstr (const char * haystack, const char * needle) |
TelemetryField | telemetry_field (const String & name, const T * field) |
bool | text_convert (const String & to_charset, String & output_string, const String & from_charset, const String & input_string, const String & fallback_charset, const String & output_mark) |
String | this_thread_get_name () |
int | this_thread_getpid () |
int | this_thread_gettid () |
bool | this_thread_is_ase () |
int | this_thread_online_cpus () |
ThreadId | this_thread_self () |
void | this_thread_set_name (const String & name16chars) |
uint64 | timestamp_benchmark () Returns benchmark timestamp in nano-seconds, clock starts around program startup. |
String | timestamp_format (uint64 stamp, uint maxlength) Convert stamp into a string, adding µsecond fractions if space permits. |
uint64_t | timestamp_now () Current time in µseconds. |
uint64 | timestamp_realtime () Return the current time as uint64 in µseconds. |
uint64 | timestamp_resolution () Provide resolution of timestamp_benchmark() in nano-seconds. |
uint64 | timestamp_startup () Provides the timestamp_realtime() value from program startup. |
constexpr uint16_t | uint16_swap_le_be (uint16_t v) Swap 16-Bit integers between __BIG_ENDIAN and __LITTLE_ENDIAN systems. |
constexpr uint32_t | uint32_swap_le_be (uint32_t v) Swap 32-Bit integers between __BIG_ENDIAN and __LITTLE_ENDIAN systems. |
constexpr uint64_t | uint64_swap_le_be (uint64_t v) Swap 64-Bit integers between __BIG_ENDIAN and __LITTLE_ENDIAN systems. |
constexpr bool | unicode_is_assigned (uint32_t u) Return whether u matches any of the assigned Unicode planes. |
constexpr bool | unicode_is_character (uint32_t u) Return whether u is not one of the 66 Unicode noncharacters. |
constexpr bool | unicode_is_control_code (uint32_t u) Return whether u is one of the 65 Unicode control codes. |
constexpr bool | unicode_is_noncharacter (uint32_t u) Return whether u is one of the 66 Unicode noncharacters. |
constexpr bool | unicode_is_private (uint32_t u) Return whether u is in one of the 3 private use areas of Unicode. |
constexpr bool | unicode_is_valid (uint32_t u) Return whether u is an allowed Unicode codepoint within 0x10FFFF and not part of a UTF-16 surrogate pair. |
int | user_id () |
String | user_name () |
String | user_real_name () |
size_t | utf8_to_unicode (const char * str, uint32_t * codepoints) |
size_t | utf8_to_unicode (const std::string & str, std::vector< uint32_t > & codepoints) |
std::vector< uint32_t > | utf8decode (const std::string & utf8str) Convert valid UTF-8 sequences to Unicode codepoints, invalid sequences are treated as Latin-1 characters. |
std::string | utf8encode (const uint32_t * codepoints, size_t n_codepoints) Convert codepoints into an UTF-8 string, using the shortest possible encoding. |
std::string | utf8encode (const std::vector< uint32_t > & codepoints) Convert codepoints into an UTF-8 string, using the shortest possible encoding. |
size_t | utf8len (const char * str) Count valid UTF-8 sequences, invalid sequences are counted as Latin-1 characters. |
size_t | utf8len (const std::string & str) Count valid UTF-8 sequences, invalid sequences are counted as Latin-1 characters. |
float | value2hz (float x) Convert synthesizer value (Voltage) to Hertz. |
Float | voltage2db (Float x) Convert synthesizer value (Voltage) to Decibel. |
ASE_CONST Float | voltage2db (Float x) Convert synthesizer value (Voltage) to Decibel. |
Float | voltage2hz (Float x) Convert synthesizer value (Voltage) to Hertz. |
ASE_CONST Float | voltage2hz (Float x) Convert synthesizer value (Voltage) to Hertz. |
Float | voltage_changed (Float a, Float b) Determine a significant synthesizer value (Voltage) change. |
ASE_CONST Float | voltage_changed (Float a, Float b) Determine a significant synthesizer value (Voltage) change. |
void | warning (const char * format, const A &... args) |
void | warning (const char * format, const Args &... args) Issue a printf-like warning message. |
WaveWriterP | wave_writer_create_flac (int rate, int channels, const String & filename, int mode, int compresion) |
WaveWriterP | wave_writer_create_opus (int rate, int channels, const String & filename, int mode, int complexity, float bitrate) |
WaveWriterP | wave_writer_create_wav (int rate, int channels, const String & filename, int mode, uint8_t n_bits) |
String | wave_writer_flac_version () |
String | wave_writer_opus_version () |
std::shared_ptr< C > | weak_ptr_fetch_or_create (std::weak_ptr< C > & wptr, const std::function< std::shared_ptr< C >()> & ctor) Fetch shared_ptr fromwptr and createC withctor if needed. |
uint8 * | zintern_decompress (unsigned int decompressed_size, const unsigned char * cdata, unsigned int cdata_size) |
void | zintern_free (uint8 * dc_data) Free data returned from zintern_decompress() . |
String | zstd_compress (const String & input, int level) |
String | zstd_compress (const void * src, size_t src_size, int level) |
ssize_t | zstd_target_size (const String & input) |
ssize_t | zstd_uncompress (const String & input, void * dst, size_t dst_size) |
String | zstd_uncompress (const String & input) |
Public Static Functions
Type | Name |
bool | __attribute__ ((__unused__)) |
void | __attribute__ ((__noinline__)) |
const clap_plugin * | access_clap_plugin (ClapPluginHandle * handle) |
iconv_t | aliased_iconv_open (const String & tocode, const String & fromcode) |
uint | alloc_id () |
String | anklang_cachedir_base (bool createbase=false) Find base directory for the creation of temporary caches. |
const char * | anklang_host_name () |
void | apply_driver_preferences () |
void | assertion_abort (const char * msg, const char * file, int line, const char * func) noexcept |
void | atexit_clean_cachedirs () Clean temporary caches of this process. |
std::atomic< EngineJobImpl * > & | atomic_next_ptrref (EngineJobImpl * j) |
std::atomic< AudioEngineThread::UserNoteJob * > & | atomic_next_ptrref (AudioEngineThread::UserNoteJob * j) |
std::atomic< RtCallJob * > & | atomic_next_ptrref (RtCallJob * j) |
uint64_t | bit_rotate64 (uint64_t bits, unsigned int offset) Rotate left for uint64_t. |
ASE_CONST uint64_t | byte_hash64 (const Num * data, size_t length) Fast byte hashing with good dispersion and runtime randomization. |
bool | c_isalnum (uint8 c) |
void | call_main_loop (const std::function< void()> & fun) |
Choice | choice_from_driver_entry (const DriverEntry & e, const String & icon_keywords) |
String | clapid (const clap_host * host) |
auto & | cml_set () |
bool | codepoint_is_namestartchar (uint32_t c) |
bool | codepoint_is_ncname (uint32_t c) |
std::string | construct_ladspa_path () |
void ASE_NORETURN | cpu_info_sigill_handler (int dummy) |
String | current_locale_vprintf (const char * format, va_list vargs) |
const PwdUser & | current_user () |
float | damerau_levenshtein_unrestricted (const std::string_view & source, const std::string_view & target, const float ci, const float cd, const float cs, const float ct) |
std::string | determine_anklangsynthengine_installdir (bool * using_objdir) |
bool | dispatch_loft_lowmem (const Ase::LoopState & lstate) |
constexpr T | divmod (T dividend, T divisor, T * reminderp) Compute integers division and modulo with one X86 asm instruction. |
Blob | error_result (String url, int fallback_errno=EINVAL, String msg="failed to load") |
bool | event_unions_try_push (ClapEventUnionS & events, const clap_event_header_t * event) |
String | feature_canonify (const String & str) |
String | find_anklang_parent_dir (const String & path) |
const char * | find_option (const char * haystack, const char *const needle, const size_t l, const int allowoption) |
std::string | find_text_file (ptrdiff_t symbol_address) Find the binary file containing the runtime symbol at symbol_address . |
uint32_t | flags_to_pcre2_compile_options (Re::Flags flags) |
constexpr uint64_t | fnv1a_consthash64 (const Num * ztdata) |
constexpr uint64_t | fnv1a_consthash64 (const Num *const data, size_t length) Variant of fnv1a_consthash64() for memory blocks of arbitrary size. |
void | get_arc4random (uint64 * u, uint count) |
const char * | get_arch_name (void) |
std::string | get_executable_path () |
PwdUser | get_pwd_user (int uid) |
bool | get_rdrand (uint64 * u, uint count) |
bool | get_x86_cpu_features (CPUInfo * ci) |
const char * | getenv_ase_debug () |
int | getrandom (void * buffer, size_t count, unsigned flags) |
uint64_t | global_random64 () |
int | guess_zstd_level (size_t input_size) |
bool | handle_autostop (const LoopState & state) |
ClapPluginHandleImpl * | handle_ptr (const clap_host * host) |
ClapPluginHandleImplP | handle_sptr (const clap_host * host) |
bool | has_debug_key (const char *const debugkeys, const char *const key) Quick boolean check for a colon separated key in a haystack. |
void | hash_anything (KeccakRng & pool, const Data & data) |
void | hash_cpu_usage (KeccakRng & pool) |
bool | hash_file (KeccakRng & pool, const char * filename, const size_t maxbytes=16384) |
bool | hash_getrandom (KeccakRng & pool) |
bool | hash_macs (KeccakRng & pool) |
ASE_PURE uint64_t | hash_secret () Provide hashing nonce for reseeding hashes at program start to avoid collision attacks. |
bool | hash_stat (KeccakRng & pool, const char * filename) |
void | hash_sys_structs (KeccakRng & pool) |
bool | host_call_on_timer (ClapPluginHandleImplP handlep, clap_id timer_id) |
void | host_file_reference_changed (const clap_host_t * host) |
void | host_file_reference_set_dirty (const clap_host_t * host, clap_id resource_id) |
const void * | host_get_extension_mt (const clap_host * host, const char * extension_id) |
void | host_gui_closed (const clap_host_t * host, bool was_destroyed) |
ulong | host_gui_create_x11_window (ClapPluginHandleImplP handlep, int width, int height) |
void | host_gui_delete_request (ClapPluginHandleImplP handlep) |
bool | host_is_audio_thread (const clap_host_t * host) |
bool | host_is_main_thread (const clap_host_t * host) |
bool | host_is_rescan_flag_supported (const clap_host_t * host, uint32_t flag) |
void | host_log (const clap_host_t * host, clap_log_severity severity, const char * msg) |
bool | host_modify_fd (const clap_host_t * host, int fd, clap_posix_fd_flags_t flags) |
void | host_params_clear (const clap_host_t * host, clap_id param_id, clap_param_clear_flags flags) |
void | host_params_rescan (const clap_host_t * host, clap_param_rescan_flags flags) |
bool | host_register_fd (const clap_host_t * host, int fd, clap_posix_fd_flags_t flags) |
bool | host_register_timer (const clap_host * host, uint32_t period_ms, clap_id * timer_id) |
void | host_request_callback_mt (const clap_host * host) |
void | host_request_flush (const clap_host_t * host) |
bool | host_request_hide (const clap_host_t * host) |
void | host_request_process_mt (const clap_host * host) |
bool | host_request_resize (const clap_host_t * host, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) |
void | host_request_restart_mt (const clap_host * host) |
bool | host_request_show (const clap_host_t * host) |
void | host_rescan (const clap_host_t * host, uint32_t flag) |
void | host_resize_hints_changed (const clap_host_t * host) |
bool | host_unregister_fd (const clap_host_t * host, int fd) |
bool | host_unregister_timer (const clap_host * host, clap_id timer_id) |
char | identifier_char_canon (char c) |
bool | identifier_match (const char * str1, const char * str2) |
void | init_sigpipe () |
const char * | initialized_ase_gettext_domain () Initialize gettext domain for ASE. |
void | interleaved_stereo (const size_t n_frames, float * buffer, AudioProcessor & proc, OBusId obus) |
bool | is_anklang_dir (const String & path) |
bool | is_localhost (const String & url, int port) |
bool | is_separator (char c) |
long double | libc_strtold (const char * nptr, char ** endptr) |
void | logstart () |
bool | main_rt_jobs_pending () |
void | main_rt_jobs_process () |
bool | make_anklang_dir (const String & path) |
String | make_auth_string () |
auto | make_case_table (const MkFun & mkjump) |
Jsonipc::IpcDispatcher * | make_dispatcher () |
auto | make_indexed_table (const MkFun & mkjump, std::index_sequence< INDICES... >) Create a std::array<Fun,N> , whereFun is returned frommkjump (INDICES…) . |
String3 | make_nick3 (const String & label) |
bool | match_identifier_detailed (const String & ident, const String & tail) |
void | maybe_save_preferences () |
ChoiceS | midi_driver_pref_list_choices (const CString & ident) |
MinMaxStep | minmaxstep_from_initialval (const Param::InitialVal & iv, bool * isbool) |
void | mpc_add (uint64_t *const a, const uint64_t *const b, const uint64_t *const m) |
void | mpc_bsub (uint64_t *const a, const uint64_t *const b) |
int | mpc_cmp (const uint64_t *const a, const uint64_t *const b) |
void | mpc_mul (uint64_t *const a, const uint64_t *const b, const uint64_t *const m) |
void | mpc_rem (uint64_t *const a, const uint64_t *const m) |
EnumInfo | musical_tuning_info (MusicalTuning musicaltuning) |
void | notify_loft_lowmem () |
void | notify_preference_listeners () |
bool | operator!= (const WppHdl & a, const WppHdl & b) |
bool | operator== (const WppHdl & a, const WppHdl & b) |
void | parse_args (int * argcp, char ** argv, MainAppImpl & config) |
bool | parse_assignment (const char ** stringp, size_t * linenop, String * keyp, String * localep, String * valuep) |
bool | parse_section (const char ** stringp, size_t * linenop, String * sectionp) |
bool | parse_whitespaces (const char ** stringp, int min_spaces) |
String | pathname_anklangrc () |
ASE_CONST uint32_t | pcg_hash32 (const Num * data, size_t length, uint64_t seed) |
ASE_CONST uint64_t | pcg_hash64 (const Num * data, size_t length, uint64_t seed) |
ASE_CONST uint64_t | pcg_hash64 (const char * ztdata, uint64_t seed) pcg_hash64() variant for zero-terminated strings. |
ChoiceS | pcm_driver_pref_list_choices (const CString & ident) |
pcre2_compile_context * | pcre2compilecontext () |
String | pid_string (int pid) Create process specific string for a .pid guard file. |
String | posix_locale_vprintf (const char * format, va_list vargs) |
void | preallocate_loft (size_t preallocation) |
void | prefault_pages (size_t stacksize, size_t heapsize) |
PrefsMap & | prefs_map () |
void | print_usage (bool help) |
void | queue_notify_preference_listeners (const CString & cident) |
RegisteredLoaderVector & | registered_loaders () |
void | release_id (uint id) |
constexpr UInt | rotl (UInt bits, uint32_t offset) Bitwise rotate-left pattern recognized by gcc & clang at -O1 iff sizeof (bits) == {8,16,32,64}. |
constexpr UInt | rotr (UInt bits, uint32_t offset) Bitwise rotate-right pattern recognized by gcc & clang at -O1 iff sizeof (bits) == {8,16,32,64}. |
void | run_tests_and_quit () |
void | runtime_entropy (KeccakRng & pool) |
bool | scan_escaped (const char ** stringp, size_t * linenop, const char term) |
bool | scan_value (const char ** stringp, size_t * linenop, String * valuep, const char * termchars="") |
ssize_t | search_first_digit (const String & s) |
ssize_t | search_last_digits (const String & s) |
size_t | separator_strlen (const char *const s) |
clap_event_note * | setup_evnote (ClapEventUnion * evunion, uint32_t time, uint16_t port_index) |
clap_event_note_expression * | setup_expression (ClapEventUnion * evunion, uint32_t time, uint16_t port_index) |
clap_event_midi * | setup_midi1 (ClapEventUnion * evunion, uint32_t time, uint16_t port_index) |
bool | skip_commentline (const char ** stringp, size_t * linenop, String * commentp=NULL) |
bool | skip_line (const char ** stringp, size_t * linenop, String * textp) |
bool | skip_to_eol (const char ** stringp, size_t * linenop) |
bool | skip_whitespaces (const char ** stringp) |
String | spaced_nums (String s) |
ASE_CONST uint64_t | string_hash64 (const std::string & string) Fast string hashing with good dispersion for std::string and runtime randomization. |
ASE_CONST uint64_t | string_hash64 (const char * ztdata) pcg_hash64() variant for zero-terminated strings. |
std::string_view | string_option_find_value (const char * string, const char * feature, const char * fallback, const char * denied, const int matching) |
String | string_read (const String & filename, const int fd, size_t guess) |
String | string_rtrim (String & str) |
StringS | string_whitesplit (const String & string, size_t maxn) |
void | system_entropy (KeccakRng & pool) |
constexpr const char * | telemetry_type (const int8 & field) |
constexpr const char * | telemetry_type (const int32 & field) |
constexpr const char * | telemetry_type (const float & field) |
constexpr const char * | telemetry_type (const double & field) |
void | timestamp_init_ () |
String | tmpdir_prefix () Prefix for temporary cache directories, also used for pruning of stale directories. |
void | try_load_x11wrapper () |
ASE_PURE const char * | typeid_name () Provide demangled stringified name for type T . |
ASE_PURE const char * | typeid_name (T & obj) Provide demangled stringified name for object obj . |
bool | unalias_encoding (String & name) |
T * | unalias_ptr (T * ptr) Force compiler to forget the origin of a possibly aliasing pointer. |
bool | update_task_status (TaskStatus & self) |
size_t | utf8character (const char * str, uint32_t * unicode) |
size_t | utf8codepoint (const char * str, uint32_t * unicode) Returns length of unicode character in bytes. |
size_t | utf8skip (const char * str) Returns length of unicode character in bytes. |
bool | validate_telemetry_segments (const TelemetrySegmentS & segments, size_t * payloadlength) |
String | value_array_to_string (const ValueS & vec) |
Value | value_from_initialval (const Param::InitialVal & iv) |
String | value_record_to_string (const ValueR & vec) |
std::vector< unsigned char > | wav_header (const uint8_t n_bits, const uint32_t n_channels, const uint32_t sample_freq, const uint32_t n_samples) |
int | wav_write (int fd, uint8_t n_bits, uint32_t n_channels, uint32_t sample_freq, const float * samples, size_t n_frames) |
std::array< char, 12 > | write_uint (uint32_t i) |
Detailed Description
@TODO: * StringFormatter: support directives: %n %S %ls * StringFormatter: support directive flags: I
Public Types Documentation
enum Ase
enum Ase::Ase {
union ClapEventUnion
union FloatIEEE754
Union to compartmentalize an IEEE-754 float. IEEE 754 single precision floating point layout:
31 30 23 22 0
| s 1bit | e[30:23] 8bit | f[22:0] 23bit |
typedef Atomic
Substitute for std::atomic<> with fixes for GCC.
using Ase::Atomic = typedef boost::atomic<T>;
typedef AtomicU64
using Ase::AtomicU64 = typedef std::atomic<uint64>;
typedef CStringS
using Ase::CStringS = typedef std::vector<CString>;
enum CacheType
enum Ase::CacheType {
typedef CallbackS
using Ase::CallbackS = typedef std::vector<std::function<void()> >;
typedef ChoicesFunc
Handler to generate all possible parameter choices dynamically.
using Ase::ChoicesFunc = typedef std::function<ChoiceS(const CString&)>;
typedef ClapEventParamS
using Ase::ClapEventParamS = typedef std::vector<clap_event_param_value>;
typedef ClapEventUnionS
using Ase::ClapEventUnionS = typedef std::vector<ClapEventUnion>;
typedef ClapParamIdValue
using Ase::ClapParamIdValue = typedef std::tuple<clap_id,double>;
typedef ClapParamIdValueS
using Ase::ClapParamIdValueS = typedef std::vector<ClapParamIdValue>;
typedef ClapParamInfoMap
using Ase::ClapParamInfoMap = typedef std::unordered_map<clap_id,ClapParamInfoImpl*>;
typedef ClapParamInfoS
using Ase::ClapParamInfoS = typedef std::vector<ClapParamInfo>;
typedef ClapParamUpdateS
using Ase::ClapParamUpdateS = typedef std::vector<ClapParamUpdate>;
typedef ClapResourceHash
using Ase::ClapResourceHash = typedef std::tuple<clap_id,String>;
typedef ClapResourceHashS
using Ase::ClapResourceHashS = typedef std::vector<ClapResourceHash>;
typedef ClipImplGeneratorS
using Ase::ClipImplGeneratorS = typedef std::vector<ClipImpl::Generator>;
typedef DCallbackS
using Ase::DCallbackS = typedef std::vector<std::function<void(double)> >;
typedef DispatcherSourceP
typedef std::shared_ptr<DispatcherSource> Ase::DispatcherSourceP;
typedef DriverP
using Ase::DriverP = typedef Driver::DriverP;
enum Error
Enum representing Error states.
enum Ase::Error {
NONE = 0,
INTERNAL = 0x30000000,
FILE_EOF = 0x30001000,
PARSE_ERROR = 0x30002000,
WAVE_NOT_FOUND = 0x30004000,
typedef EventConnectionP
using Ase::EventConnectionP = typedef std::shared_ptr<EventConnection>;
typedef EventConnectionW
using Ase::EventConnectionW = typedef std::weak_ptr<EventConnection>;
typedef EventHandler
using Ase::EventHandler = typedef std::function<void (const Event&)>;
typedef EventLoopP
typedef std::shared_ptr<EventLoop> Ase::EventLoopP;
typedef EventSourceP
typedef std::shared_ptr<EventSource> Ase::EventSourceP;
typedef FastRng
using Ase::FastRng = typedef Mwc256;
enum IBusId
ID type for AudioProcessor input buses, buses are numbered with increasing index.
enum Ase::IBusId;
typedef IDX
using Ase::IDX = typedef typename ::std::enable_if<I == J, bool>::type;
typedef InstanceP
using Ase::InstanceP = typedef std::shared_ptr<SharedBase>;
typedef JsonapiBinarySender
using Ase::JsonapiBinarySender = typedef std::function<bool(const String&)>;
typedef JsonapiConnectionP
using Ase::JsonapiConnectionP = typedef std::shared_ptr<JsonapiConnection>;
typedef JsonapiConnectionW
using Ase::JsonapiConnectionW = typedef std::weak_ptr<JsonapiConnection>;
typedef LoftPtr
A std::unique_ptr<> for Loft allocations.
using Ase::LoftPtr = typedef std::unique_ptr<T,LoftFree>;
enum LogFlags
Flags to configure logging behaviour.
enum Ase::LogFlags {
typedef MainLoopP
typedef std::shared_ptr<MainLoop> Ase::MainLoopP;
typedef MidiDriverP
using Ase::MidiDriverP = typedef MidiDriver::MidiDriverP;
enum MidiEventType
Type of MIDI Events.
enum Ase::MidiEventType {
NOTE_OFF = 0x80,
NOTE_ON = 0x90,
SYSEX = 0xF0
enum MidiMessage
Extended type information for MidiEvent .
enum Ase::MidiMessage {
NONE = 0,
NOTE_OFF = 0x80,
NOTE_ON = 0x90,
SYSEX = 0xF0
typedef MinMaxStep
Min, max, stepping for double ranges.
using Ase::MinMaxStep = typedef std::tuple<double,double,double>;
typedef MonitorImplP
using Ase::MonitorImplP = typedef std::shared_ptr<MonitorImpl>;
enum MusicalTuning
Musical tunings, see: .
enum Ase::MusicalTuning {
enum OBusId
ID type for AudioProcessor output buses, buses are numbered with increasing index.
enum Ase::OBusId;
typedef ObjectImplP
using Ase::ObjectImplP = typedef std::shared_ptr<ObjectImpl>;
enum ParamId
ID type for AudioProcessor parameters, the ID numbers are user assignable.
enum Ase::ParamId;
typedef ParamInitialVal
Initial value for parameters.
using Ase::ParamInitialVal = typedef std::variant<bool,int8_t,uint8_t,int16_t,uint16_t,int32_t,uint32_t,int64_t,uint64_t,float,double,const char*,std::string>;
typedef ParameterC
using Ase::ParameterC = typedef std::shared_ptr<const Parameter>;
typedef PcmDriverP
using Ase::PcmDriverP = typedef PcmDriver::PcmDriverP;
typedef PollFDSourceP
typedef std::shared_ptr<PollFDSource> Ase::PollFDSourceP;
typedef PrefsMap
using Ase::PrefsMap = typedef std::unordered_map<CString,PrefsValue>;
typedef PrefsValueCallbackList
using Ase::PrefsValueCallbackList = typedef CallbackList<CString,const Value&>;
typedef ProjectImplP
using Ase::ProjectImplP = typedef std::shared_ptr<ProjectImpl>;
typedef PropertyGetter
Function type for Property value getters.
using Ase::PropertyGetter = typedef std::function<void (Value&)>;
typedef PropertyLister
Function type to list Choice __Property values.
using Ase::PropertyLister = typedef std::function<ChoiceS (const ParameterProperty&)>;
typedef PropertySetter
Function type for Property value setters.
using Ase::PropertySetter = typedef std::function<bool (const Value&)>;
typedef REQUIRES
REQUIRES<value> - Simplified version of std::enable_if<cond,bool>::type to use SFINAE in function templates.
using Ase::REQUIRES = typedef typename ::std::enable_if<value, bool>::type;
typedef REQUIRESv
REQUIRESv<value> - Simplified version of std::enable_if<cond,void>::type to use SFINAE in struct templates.
using Ase::REQUIRESv = typedef typename ::std::enable_if<value, void>::type;
enum RPath
enum Ase::RPath {
typedef RegisteredLoaderFunc
using Ase::RegisteredLoaderFunc = typedef Error (*) ();
typedef RegisteredLoaderVector
using Ase::RegisteredLoaderVector = typedef std::vector<RegisteredLoader>;
enum ResourceType
enum Ase::ResourceType {
enum SpeakerArrangement
enum Ase::SpeakerArrangement {
NONE = 0,
BACK_LEFT = 0x10,
BACK_RIGHT = 0x20,
AUX = uint64_t (1) << 63,
Flags to indicate channel arrangements of a bus. See also:
typedef StartQueue
using Ase::StartQueue = typedef AsyncBlockingQueue<char>;
typedef String
Convenience alias for std::string.
typedef std::string Ase::String;
typedef String3
using Ase::String3 = typedef std::tuple<String,String,String>;
typedef StringPair
using Ase::StringPair = typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
typedef StringPairS
using Ase::StringPairS = typedef std::vector<std::tuple<String,String> >;
typedef StringS
Convenience alias for a std::vector<std::string>.
using Ase::StringS = typedef std::vector<String>;
typedef TYP
using Ase::TYP = typedef typename ::std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, C>::value, bool>::type;
typedef ThreadId
using Ase::ThreadId = typedef std::thread::id;
typedef TimedSourceP
typedef std::shared_ptr<TimedSource> Ase::TimedSourceP;
typedef USignalSourceP
typedef std::shared_ptr<USignalSource> Ase::USignalSourceP;
typedef ValueP
using Ase::ValueP = typedef std::shared_ptr<Value>;
typedef ValueVariant
Variant type to hold different types of values.
using Ase::ValueVariant = typedef std::variant<std::monostate,bool,int64,double,String,ValueS,ValueR,InstanceP>;
typedef VirtualBaseP
using Ase::VirtualBaseP = typedef std::shared_ptr<VirtualBase>;
typedef VoidF
using Ase::VoidF = typedef std::function<void()>;
typedef VoidFunc
using Ase::VoidFunc = typedef std::function<void()>;
typedef WaveWriterP
using Ase::WaveWriterP = typedef std::shared_ptr<WaveWriter>;
typedef WebSocketConnectionP
using Ase::WebSocketConnectionP = typedef std::shared_ptr<WebSocketConnection>;
typedef WebSocketServerImplP
using Ase::WebSocketServerImplP = typedef std::shared_ptr<WebSocketServerImpl>;
typedef WebSocketServerP
using Ase::WebSocketServerP = typedef std::shared_ptr<WebSocketServer>;
typedef WppConnection
using Ase::WppConnection = typedef WppConnectionP::element_type;
typedef WppConnectionP
using Ase::WppConnectionP = typedef WppServer::connection_ptr;
typedef WppHdl
using Ase::WppHdl = typedef websocketpp::connection_hdl;
typedef WppServer
using Ase::WppServer = typedef websocketpp::server<CustomServerConfig>;
typedef WritNodeS
using Ase::WritNodeS = typedef std::vector<WritNode>;
typedef WritP
using Ase::WritP = typedef std::shared_ptr<Writ>;
typedef int16
A 16-bit signed integer.
typedef int16_t Ase::int16;
typedef int32
A 32-bit signed integer.
typedef int32_t Ase::int32;
typedef int64
A 64-bit unsigned integer, use PRI*64 in format strings.
typedef int64_t Ase::int64;
typedef int8
An 8-bit signed integer.
typedef int8_t Ase::int8;
typedef uint
Provide 'uint' as convenience type.
typedef uint32_t Ase::uint;
typedef uint16
A 16-bit unsigned integer.
typedef uint16_t Ase::uint16;
typedef uint32
A 32-bit unsigned integer.
typedef uint32_t Ase::uint32;
typedef uint64
A 64-bit unsigned integer, use PRI*64 in format strings.
typedef uint64_t Ase::uint64;
typedef uint8
An 8-bit unsigned integer.
typedef uint8_t Ase::uint8;
typedef unichar
A 32-bit unsigned integer used for Unicode characters.
typedef uint32_t Ase::unichar;
Public Attributes Documentation
Maximum number of values in the const_float_zeros block.
constexpr const uint Ase::AUDIO_BLOCK_FLOAT_ZEROS_SIZE;
variable App
const MainApp & Ase::App;
Double round-off error at 1.0, equals 2^-53.
constexpr const double Ase::DOUBLE_EPSILON;
constexpr const uint Ase::FIXED_N_CHANNELS;
constexpr const uint Ase::FIXED_N_MIDI_DRIVERS;
constexpr const uint Ase::FIXED_SAMPLE_RATE;
variable GUIONLY
constexpr const char Ase::GUIONLY[];
constexpr double Ase::INVERSE_SEMIQUAVER;
variable MAX_BPM
constexpr const int64 Ase::MAX_BPM;
constexpr const int64 Ase::MAX_SAMPLERATE;
First (internal) MIDI note event ID (lower IDs are reserved for external notes).
constexpr const uint Ase::MIDI_NOTE_ID_FIRST;
Last valid (internal) MIDI note event ID.
constexpr const uint Ase::MIDI_NOTE_ID_LAST;
variable MIN_BPM
constexpr const int64 Ase::MIN_BPM;
constexpr const int64 Ase::MIN_SAMPLERATE;
constexpr const int64 Ase::SEMIQUAVER_TICKS;
variable SERVER
ServerImpl * Ase::SERVER;
variable STANDARD
constexpr const char Ase::STANDARD[];
variable STORAGE
constexpr const char Ase::STORAGE[];
Maximum number of sample frames to calculate in Processor::render().
constexpr const int64 Ase::TRANSPORT_PPQN;
variable __DEV__
constexpr const bool Ase::__DEV__;
variable __noreturn__
void Ase::__noreturn__;
variable args
const A & Ase::args;
variable ase_debugging_enabled
Global boolean to reduce debugging penalty where possible.
bool Ase::ase_debugging_enabled;
variable ase_fatal_warnings
Global boolean to cause the program to abort on warnings.
bool Ase::ase_fatal_warnings;
variable ase_gettext_domain
const char* const Ase::ase_gettext_domain;
variable ase_major_version
const int Ase::ase_major_version;
variable ase_micro_version
const int Ase::ase_micro_version;
variable ase_minor_version
const int Ase::ase_minor_version;
variable ase_sharedir
const char* const Ase::ase_sharedir;
variable ase_version_long
const char* const Ase::ase_version_long;
variable ase_version_short
const char* const Ase::ase_version_short;
variable assertion_failed_fatal
Global flag to force aborting on assertion warnings.
bool Ase::assertion_failed_fatal;
variable cached_hash_secret
Use hash_secret() for access.
uint64_t Ase::cached_hash_secret;
variable cent_table
Finetune factor table with 201 entries for -100…0…+100
const float *const Ase::cent_table;
variable columnline
uint64_t Ase::columnline;
variable const_float_zeros
Block of const floats allof value 0.
float Ase::const_float_zeros;
variable fileglob
bool const char* Ase::fileglob;
variable format
uint64_t const char const char* Ase::format;
variable func
uint64_t const char* Ase::func;
variable level
size_t Ase::level;
variable main_app
MainAppImpl Ase::main_app;
variable main_jobs
Execute a job callback in the Ase main loop.
JobQueue Ase::main_jobs;
variable main_loop
MainLoopP Ase::main_loop;
variable main_rt_jobs
Queue a callback for the main_loop
without invoking malloc(), addition is obstruction free.
RtJobQueue Ase::main_rt_jobs;
variable maxbytes
bool const char const size_t Ase::maxbytes;
variable semitone_tables_265
Musical Tuning Tables, to be indexed by MusicalTuning
const float *const Ase::semitone_tables_265;
variable size
size_t Ase::size;
variable speaker_arrangement_channels_mask
constexpr SpeakerArrangement Ase::speaker_arrangement_channels_mask;
variable unicode_last_codepoint
constexpr uint32_t Ase::unicode_last_codepoint;
Public Static Attributes Documentation
constexpr int64_t Ase::AUDIO_BLOCK_MAX_RENDER_SIZE;
variable D64MAX
constexpr double Ase::D64MAX;
variable F32EPS
constexpr float Ase::F32EPS;
variable F32MAX
constexpr float Ase::F32MAX;
variable I31MAX
constexpr int32_t Ase::I31MAX;
variable I31MIN
constexpr int32_t Ase::I31MIN;
variable I63MAX
constexpr int64_t Ase::I63MAX;
variable I63MIN
constexpr int64_t Ase::I63MIN;
constexpr const uint8_t Ase::KECCAK_RHO_OFFSETS[25];
constexpr const uint64_t Ase::KECCAK_ROUND_CONSTANTS[255];
variable M23MAX
constexpr float Ase::M23MAX;
variable M52MAX
constexpr double Ase::M52MAX;
constexpr const uint Ase::MAX_LAUNCHER_CLIPS;
variable MB
constexpr const size_t Ase::MB;
variable OUT1
constexpr OBusId Ase::OUT1;
constexpr bool Ase::PRINT_ADAPTIVE;
variable U32MAX
constexpr uint32_t Ase::U32MAX;
variable U64MAX
constexpr uint64_t Ase::U64MAX;
const int16 Ase::UNDEFINED_PRIORITY;
variable all_projects
std::vector<ProjectImplP>& Ase::all_projects;
variable arg_class_tree
bool Ase::arg_class_tree;
variable arg_js_api
bool Ase::arg_js_api;
variable ase_linkid
const char* const Ase::ase_linkid;
variable atquit_funcs
std::vector<std::function<void()>*> Ase::atquit_funcs;
variable atquit_mutex
std::mutex Ase::atquit_mutex;
variable atquit_triggered_
std::atomic<uint8_t> Ase::atquit_triggered_;
variable audio_chain_id
const auto Ase::audio_chain_id;
variable audio_engine_thread_id
std::thread::id Ase::audio_engine_thread_id;
variable c3_hertz
constexpr const long double Ase::c3_hertz;
variable c3_hertz_inv
constexpr const long double Ase::c3_hertz_inv;
variable cached_application_name
String Ase::cached_application_name;
variable cached_program_alias
String Ase::cached_program_alias;
variable cachedirs_list
std::vector<String> Ase::cachedirs_list;
variable cachedirs_mutex
std::mutex Ase::cachedirs_mutex;
variable cent_table201
const float Ase::cent_table201[100+1+100];
variable check_test_names
StringS Ase::check_test_names;
variable clap_audio_wrapper_aseid
CString Ase::clap_audio_wrapper_aseid;
variable coalesce_notifies_head
CoalesceNotifies* Ase::coalesce_notifies_head;
variable cpu_info_jmp_buf
jmp_buf Ase::cpu_info_jmp_buf;
variable cstring_early_test
CString Ase::cstring_early_test;
variable current_message_conection
JsonapiConnectionP Ase::current_message_conection;
variable embedding_fd
int Ase::embedding_fd;
variable empty_event_output
const MidiEventOutput Ase::empty_event_output;
variable enotify_queue_head
std::atomic<AudioProcessor*> Ase::enotify_queue_head;
variable enotify_queue_tail
AudioProcessor* const Ase::enotify_queue_tail;
variable enuminfo_funcs
std::vector<std::pair<const std::type_info*, std::function<EnumInfo(int64)> > > Ase::enuminfo_funcs;
variable enuminfo_mutex
std::mutex Ase::enuminfo_mutex;
variable gadget_name_key
CustomDataKey<String> Ase::gadget_name_key;
variable global_id_counter
volatile int Ase::global_id_counter;
variable host_ext_audio_ports
const clap_host_audio_ports Ase::host_ext_audio_ports;
variable host_ext_file_reference
const clap_host_file_reference Ase::host_ext_file_reference;
variable host_ext_gui
const clap_host_gui Ase::host_ext_gui;
variable host_ext_log
const clap_host_log Ase::host_ext_log;
variable host_ext_params
const clap_host_params Ase::host_ext_params;
variable host_ext_posix_fd_support
const clap_host_posix_fd_support Ase::host_ext_posix_fd_support;
variable host_ext_thread_check
const clap_host_thread_check Ase::host_ext_thread_check;
variable host_ext_timer_support
const clap_host_timer_support Ase::host_ext_timer_support;
variable jsbin_logflags
constexpr int Ase::jsbin_logflags;
variable jsipc_logflags
constexpr int Ase::jsipc_logflags;
variable last_loft_preallocation
size_t Ase::last_loft_preallocation;
variable loft_needs_preallocation_mt
std::atomic<bool> Ase::loft_needs_preallocation_mt;
variable log_colorize
bool Ase::log_colorize;
variable log_fd
int Ase::log_fd;
variable log_flags
uint32_t Ase::log_flags;
variable main_rt_jobs_
AtomicIntrusiveStack<RtCallJob> Ase::main_rt_jobs_;
variable midi1_driver_pref
Preference Ase::midi1_driver_pref;
variable midi2_driver_pref
Preference Ase::midi2_driver_pref;
variable midi3_driver_pref
Preference Ase::midi3_driver_pref;
variable midi4_driver_pref
Preference Ase::midi4_driver_pref;
variable monotonic_clockid
clockid_t Ase::monotonic_clockid;
variable monotonic_resolution
uint64 Ase::monotonic_resolution;
variable monotonic_start
uint64 Ase::monotonic_start;
variable musical_tuning_info__
bool Ase::musical_tuning_info__;
variable mwc256_MP_SIZE
constexpr uint Ase::mwc256_MP_SIZE;
variable mwc256_mod
uint64_t Ase::mwc256_mod[mwc256_MP_SIZE];
variable next_noteid
std::atomic<uint> Ase::next_noteid;
variable notify_preference_queue
CStringS Ase::notify_preference_queue;
variable null_midi_driverid
const String Ase::null_midi_driverid;
variable null_pcm_driverid
const String Ase::null_pcm_driverid;
variable pcm_driver_pref
Preference Ase::pcm_driver_pref;
variable preferences_autosave
bool Ase::preferences_autosave;
variable prefs_callbacks
std::shared_ptr<CallbackList<CStringS> > Ase::prefs_callbacks;
variable programstart_timestamp
uint64 Ase::programstart_timestamp;
variable realtime_start
uint64 Ase::realtime_start;
variable registered_loaders_executed
bool Ase::registered_loaders_executed;
variable registry_first
std::atomic<const AudioProcessorRegistry*> Ase::registry_first;
variable scratch_float_buffer
float Ase::scratch_float_buffer[AUDIO_BLOCK_FLOAT_ZEROS_SIZE];
variable seen_autostop
std::atomic<bool> Ase::seen_autostop;
variable semitone_table265_diatonic_scale
const float Ase::semitone_table265_diatonic_scale[132+1+132];
variable semitone_table265_equal_temperament_12_tet
const float Ase::semitone_table265_equal_temperament_12_tet[132+1+132];
variable semitone_table265_equal_temperament_5_tet
const float Ase::semitone_table265_equal_temperament_5_tet[132+1+132];
variable semitone_table265_equal_temperament_7_tet
const float Ase::semitone_table265_equal_temperament_7_tet[132+1+132];
variable semitone_table265_indian_scale
const float Ase::semitone_table265_indian_scale[132+1+132];
variable semitone_table265_kirnberger_temperament
const float Ase::semitone_table265_kirnberger_temperament[132+1+132];
variable semitone_table265_pentatonic_5_limit
const float Ase::semitone_table265_pentatonic_5_limit[132+1+132];
variable semitone_table265_pentatonic_blues
const float Ase::semitone_table265_pentatonic_blues[132+1+132];
variable semitone_table265_pentatonic_gogo
const float Ase::semitone_table265_pentatonic_gogo[132+1+132];
variable semitone_table265_pythagorean_tuning
const float Ase::semitone_table265_pythagorean_tuning[132+1+132];
variable semitone_table265_quarter_comma_meantone
const float Ase::semitone_table265_quarter_comma_meantone[132+1+132];
variable semitone_table265_silbermann_sorge_temperament
const float Ase::semitone_table265_silbermann_sorge_temperament[132+1+132];
variable semitone_table265_werckmeister3_temperament
const float Ase::semitone_table265_werckmeister3_temperament[132+1+132];
variable semitone_table265_werckmeister4_temperament
const float Ase::semitone_table265_werckmeister4_temperament[132+1+132];
variable semitone_table265_werckmeister5_temperament
const float Ase::semitone_table265_werckmeister5_temperament[132+1+132];
variable semitone_table265_werckmeister6_temperament
const float Ase::semitone_table265_werckmeister6_temperament[132+1+132];
variable semitone_table265_young_temperament
const float Ase::semitone_table265_young_temperament[132+1+132];
variable subprotocol_authentication
String Ase::subprotocol_authentication;
variable synth_latency_pref
Preference Ase::synth_latency_pref;
variable synth_latency_pref
Preference Ase::synth_latency_pref;
variable task_registry_mutex_
std::mutex Ase::task_registry_mutex_;
variable task_registry_tasks_
TaskRegistry::List Ase::task_registry_tasks_;
variable telemetry_key
CustomDataKey<TelemetryPlanP> Ase::telemetry_key;
variable telemetry_size
constexpr size_t Ase::telemetry_size;
variable timerid_maybe_save_preferences
uint Ase::timerid_maybe_save_preferences;
variable user_note_id
std::atomic<uint> Ase::user_note_id;
variable usignals_notified
std::atomic<uint32> Ase::usignals_notified[8];
variable whitespaces
const char* Ase::whitespaces;
variable x11wrapper
Gtk2DlWrapEntry* Ase::x11wrapper;
variable zstd_adaptive_level
struct Ase Ase::zstd_adaptive_level[];
Public Functions Documentation
function QueueMultiplexer_priority
inline int Ase::QueueMultiplexer_priority (
const MidiEvent & e
function _
Translate message strings in the Anklang/ASE text domain.
const char *() Ase::_ (
const char * string
function _
Translate message strings in the Anklang/ASE text domain.
std::string() Ase::_ (
const std::string & string
function _
Translate message strings in the Anklang/ASE text domain, use @plural forms if != 1.
const char *() Ase::_ (
const char * string,
const char * plural,
int64_t n
function _
Translate message strings in the Anklang/ASE text domain, use @plural forms if != 1.
std::string() Ase::_ (
const std::string & string,
const std::string & plural,
int64_t n
function __attribute__
Call inplace new operator by automatically inferring the Type.
template<class Type, class ... Ts>
Ase::__attribute__ (
function __attribute__
Call inplace delete operator by automatically inferring the Type.
template<class Type>
Ase::__attribute__ (
function __attribute__
template<class ... Args>
Ase::__attribute__ (
Format a string according to an sprintf() format
string with arguments
. Refer to sprintf(3) for the format string details, this function is designed to serve as an sprintf() replacement and mimick its behaviour as close as possible. Supported format directive features are:
* Formatting flags (sign conversion, padding, alignment), i.e. the flags: [-#0+ ']
* Field width and precision specifications.
* Positional arguments for field width, precision and value.
* Length modifiers are tolerated: i.e. any of [hlLjztqZ].
* The conversion specifiers [spmcCdiouXxFfGgEeAa].
@NOTE Format errors, e.g. missing arguments will produce a warning on stderr and return the format
string unmodified.
A formatted string.
function __attribute__
template<class... A>
Ase::__attribute__ (
) const
function __attribute__
template<class... A>
Ase::__attribute__ (
) const
function __format_arg__
const char *() Ase::__format_arg__ (
function anklang_cachedir_clean_stale
Clean stale cache directories from past runtimes, may be called from any thread.
void Ase::anklang_cachedir_clean_stale ()
function anklang_cachedir_cleanup
Cleanup a cachedir previously created with anklang_cachedir_create() .
void Ase::anklang_cachedir_cleanup (
const String & cachedir
function anklang_cachedir_create
Create exclusive cache directory for this process' runtime.
String Ase::anklang_cachedir_create ()
function anklang_home_dir
Get Anklang home dir, possibly adding subdir
String Ase::anklang_home_dir (
const String & subdir
function anklang_runpath
Retrieve various resource paths at runtime.
std::string Ase::anklang_runpath (
RPath rpath,
const String & segment
function application_name
Retrieve the localized program name intended for user display.
String Ase::application_name ()
function application_name_init
Set the application_name to a name other than program_alias if desired.
void Ase::application_name_init (
String desktopname
function ase_build_id
Provide a string containing the ASE library build id.
const char * Ase::ase_build_id ()
function ase_error_blurb
Describe Error condition.
const char * Ase::ase_error_blurb (
Error error
function ase_error_from_errno
Error Ase::ase_error_from_errno (
int sys_errno,
Error fallback=Error::IO
function ase_gettext
const char * Ase::ase_gettext (
const String & untranslated
function ase_gettext
Translate a string, using the ASE locale.
template<class A0, class... Ar>
const char * Ase::ase_gettext (
const char * format,
const A0 & a0,
const Ar &... restargs
function ase_version
Provide a string containing the package version.
const char * Ase::ase_version ()
function assertion_failed
Print instructive message, handle "breakpoint", "backtrace" and "fatal-warnings" in $ASE_DEBUG.
void Ase::assertion_failed (
const char * msg,
const char * file,
int line,
const char * func
) noexcept
Issue a warning about an assertion error.
function assertion_fatal
Print a debug message via assertion_failed() and abort the program.
void Ase::assertion_fatal (
const char * msg,
const char * file,
int line,
const char * func
) noexcept
function atquit_add
void Ase::atquit_add (
std::function< void()> * func
function atquit_del
void Ase::atquit_del (
std::function< void()> * func
function atquit_run
void Ase::atquit_run (
int exitcode
function atquit_triggered
bool Ase::atquit_triggered ()
function backtrace_command
Find GDB and construct command line.
std::string Ase::backtrace_command ()
Command to start external debugger for a backtrace.
function blake3_hash_file
String Ase::blake3_hash_file (
const String & filename
function blake3_hash_string
String Ase::blake3_hash_string (
const String & input
function breakpoint
Cause a debugging breakpoint, for development only.
inline void Ase::breakpoint ()
function call_delete
Simple way to create a standalone callback to delete an object of type T
template<class T>
void Ase::call_delete (
T * o
function clap_device_info
DeviceInfo Ase::clap_device_info (
const ClapPluginDescriptor & descriptor
function clap_event_to_string
String Ase::clap_event_to_string (
const clap_event_note_t * enote
function clap_event_type_string
const char * Ase::clap_event_type_string (
int etype
function collect_runtime_entropy
Collect entropy from the current process, usually quicker than collect_system_entropy() .
void Ase::collect_runtime_entropy (
uint64 * data,
size_t n
To provide good quality random number seeds, this function gathers entropy from a variety of process specific sources. Under Linux, this includes the CPU counters, clocks and random devices. In combination with well established techniques like syscall timings (see Entropics13 Entropics13) and a SHA3 algorithm derived random number generator for the mixing, the entropy collection is designed to be fast and good enough for all non-cryptographic uses. On an Intel Core i7, this function takes around 25µs.
function collect_system_entropy
Collect entropy from system devices, like interrupt counters, clocks and random devices.
void Ase::collect_system_entropy (
uint64 * data,
size_t n
This function adds to collect_runtime_entropy() by collecting entropy from aditional but potentially slower system sources, such as interrupt counters, disk + network statistics, system load, execution + pipelining + scheduling latencies and device MACs. The function is designed to yield random number seeds good enough to generate cryptographic tokens like session keys. On an Intel Core i7, this function takes around 2ms, so it's roughly 80 times slower than collect_runtime_entropy().
function constexpr_equals
Test string equality at compile time.
inline constexpr bool Ase::constexpr_equals (
const char * a,
const char * b,
size_t n
function convert_clip_samples
template<class S, class D>
inline void Ase::convert_clip_samples (
size_t n,
S * src,
D * dst,
uint16 byte_order
function convert_clip_samples
inline void Ase::convert_clip_samples (
size_t n,
const float * src,
int16_t * dst,
uint16 byte_order
function convert_samples
template<class S, class D>
inline void Ase::convert_samples (
size_t n,
S * src,
D * dst,
uint16 byte_order
function convert_samples
inline void Ase::convert_samples (
size_t n,
const int16_t * src,
float * dst,
uint16 byte_order
function cpu_arch
Retrieve string identifying the CPU architecture.
std::string Ase::cpu_arch ()
function cpu_info
Retrieve string identifying the runtime CPU type.
String Ase::cpu_info ()
The returned string contains: number of online CPUs, a string describing the CPU architecture, the vendor and finally a number of flag words describing CPU features plus a trailing space. This allows checks for CPU features via a simple string search for " FEATURE ".
function create_processor_device
DeviceP Ase::create_processor_device (
AudioEngine & engine,
const String & uri,
bool engineproducer
function cstring_to_bool
bool Ase::cstring_to_bool (
const char * string,
bool fallback
function cstrings_to_vector
Construct a StringS from a NULL terminated list of string arguments.
StringS Ase::cstrings_to_vector (
const char * s,
function current_locale_strtold
Parse a double from a string ala strtod(), trying locale specific characters and POSIX/C formatting.
long double Ase::current_locale_strtold (
const char * nptr,
char ** endptr
function damerau_levenshtein_distance
float Ase::damerau_levenshtein_distance (
const std::string & source,
const std::string & target,
const float ci,
const float cd,
const float cs,
const float ct
Damerau-Levenshtein Distance with unrestricted transpositions. Calculate the unrestricted Damerau-Levenshtein string distance with quadratic time complexity and quadratic memory requirement. Memory: 4 * |source|*|target| + constant.
function damerau_levenshtein_restricted
float Ase::damerau_levenshtein_restricted (
const std::string & source,
const std::string & target,
const float ci,
const float cd,
const float cs,
const float ct
Damerau-Levenshtein Distance with restricted transposition. Calculate the restricted Damerau-Levenshtein string distance with quadratic time complexity and linear memory requirement. Memory: 12 * max(|source|,|target|) + constant.
function db2voltage
Convert Decibel to synthesizer value (Voltage).
template<typename Float>
inline Float Ase::db2voltage (
Float x
function db2voltage
Convert Decibel to synthesizer value (Voltage).
template<typename Float>
inline ASE_CONST Float Ase::db2voltage (
Float x
function db_changed
Determine a significant Decibel change.
template<typename Float>
inline Float Ase::db_changed (
Float a,
Float b
function db_changed
Determine a significant Decibel change.
template<typename Float>
inline ASE_CONST Float Ase::db_changed (
Float a,
Float b
function debug
template<class ... A>
void Ase::debug (
const char * cond,
const char * format,
const A &... args
function debug
Issue a printf-like debugging message if cond
is enabled by $ASE_DEBUG.
template<class ... Args>
inline void ASE_ALWAYS_INLINE Ase::debug (
const char * cond,
const char * format,
const Args &... args
function debug_enabled
Check if any kind of debugging is enabled by $ASE_DEBUG.
inline bool Ase::debug_enabled ()
function debug_key_enabled
Check if conditional
is enabled by $ASE_DEBUG.
bool Ase::debug_key_enabled (
const char * conditional
function debug_key_enabled
Check if conditional
is enabled by $ASE_DEBUG.
bool Ase::debug_key_enabled (
const ::std::string & conditional
function debug_key_enabled
bool Ase::debug_key_enabled (
const std::string & conditional
function debug_key_value
Retrieve the value assigned to debug key conditional
::std::string Ase::debug_key_value (
const char * conditional
function debug_message
Print a debug message, called from Ase::debug().
void Ase::debug_message (
const char * cond,
const std::string & message
function decodefs
Decode UTF-8 string back into file system path representation, extracting surrogate code points as bytes.
std::string Ase::decodefs (
const std::string & utf8str
function diag_flush
Handle stdout and stderr printing with flushing.
void Ase::diag_flush (
uint8 code,
const String & txt
function diag_prefix
Create prefix for warnings and errors.
String Ase::diag_prefix (
uint8 code
function displayfs
Convert UTF-8 encoded file system path into human readable display format, the conversion is lossy but readable.
std::string Ase::displayfs (
const std::string & utf8str
function encodefs
Encode a file system path consisting of bytes into UTF-8, using surrogate code points to store non UTF-8 bytes.
std::string Ase::encodefs (
const std::string & fschars
function enum_lister
Helper to list Jsonipc::Enum<> type values as Choice .
template<typename Enum>
ChoiceS Ase::enum_lister (
const ParameterProperty &
function executable_name
Retrieve the name part of executable_path() .
std::string Ase::executable_name ()
function executable_path
Retrieve the path to the currently running executable.
std::string Ase::executable_path ()
function fast_copy
Copy a block of floats.
inline void Ase::fast_copy (
size_t n,
float * d,
const float * s
function fast_copy
Copy a block of integers.
inline void Ase::fast_copy (
size_t n,
uint32_t * d,
const uint32_t * s
function fast_db2voltage
Float precision variant of db2voltage using fast_exp2() .
inline float Ase::fast_db2voltage (
float x
function fast_exp2
inline float Ase::fast_exp2 (
float x
Fast approximation of 2 raised to the power of x
. The parameter x
is the exponent within [-127.0…+127.0]
. Within -1…+1
, the error stays below 4e-7 which corresponds to a sample precision of 21 bit. For integer values of x
(i.e. x - floor (x) -> 0
), the error approaches zero. With FMA instructions and -ffast-math
enabled, execution times should be below 10ns on 3GHz machines.
function fast_hz2voltage
Float precision variant of hz2voltage using fast_log2() .
inline float Ase::fast_hz2voltage (
float x
function fast_log2
inline float Ase::fast_log2 (
float x
Fast approximation of logarithm to base 2. The parameter x
is the exponent within [1.1e-38…2^127]
. Within 1e-7…+1
, the error stays below 3.8e-6 which corresponds to a sample precision of 18 bit. When x
is an exact power of 2, the error approaches zero. With FMA instructions and -ffast-math enabled
, execution times should be below 10ns on 3GHz machines.
function fast_mem_alloc
void * Ase::fast_mem_alloc (
size_t size
function fast_mem_free
void Ase::fast_mem_free (
void * mem
function fast_voltage2db
Float precision variant of voltage2db using fast_log2() .
inline float Ase::fast_voltage2db (
float x
function fast_voltage2hz
Float precision variant of voltage2hz using fast_exp2() .
inline float Ase::fast_voltage2hz (
float x
function fatal_error
template<class ... A>
void Ase::fatal_error (
const char * format,
const A &... args
function fatal_error
template<class ... Args>
void ASE_NORETURN Ase::fatal_error (
const char * format,
const Args &... args
Issue a printf-like message and abort the program, this function will not return. Avoid using this in library code, aborting may take precious user data with it, library code should instead use warning(), info() or assert_return().
function fatal_system_error
void Ase::fatal_system_error (
const char * file,
uint line,
const char * format,
function find_shared_by_ref
template<typename E>
std::pair< std::shared_ptr< E >, ssize_t > Ase::find_shared_by_ref (
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< E > > & v,
const E & e
function fixed_sort
Use sorting networks to sort containers <= 16 elements without allocations.
template<class RandomIt, class Compare>
inline void Ase::fixed_sort (
RandomIt first,
RandomIt last,
Compare comp=std::less< typename std::iterator_traits< RandomIt >::value_type >()
function floatfill
Fill n
values ofdst
inline void Ase::floatfill (
float * dst,
float f,
size_t n
function force_double
Force number into double precision floating point format, even with -ffast-math
inline double Ase::force_double (
double d
function force_float
Force number into single precision floating point format, even with -ffast-math
inline float Ase::force_float (
float f
function hz2value
Convert Hertz to synthesizer value (Voltage).
inline float Ase::hz2value (
float x
function hz2voltage
Convert Hertz to synthesizer value (Voltage).
template<typename Float>
inline Float Ase::hz2voltage (
Float x
function hz2voltage
Convert Hertz to synthesizer value (Voltage).
template<typename Float>
inline ASE_CONST Float Ase::hz2voltage (
Float x
function hz_changed
Determine a significant frequency change (audible Hertz).
template<typename Float>
inline Float Ase::hz_changed (
Float a,
Float b
function hz_changed
Determine a significant frequency change (audible Hertz).
template<typename Float>
inline ASE_CONST Float Ase::hz_changed (
Float a,
Float b
function irintf
inline ASE_CONST int Ase::irintf (
float f
Round float to int, using round-to-nearest Fast version of f < 0 ? int (f - 0.5) : int (f + 0.5)
function is_aiff
bool Ase::is_aiff (
const String & input
function is_arj
bool Ase::is_arj (
const String & input
function is_avi
bool Ase::is_avi (
const String & input
function is_compressed
bool Ase::is_compressed (
const String & input
function is_gz
bool Ase::is_gz (
const String & input
function is_isz
bool Ase::is_isz (
const String & input
function is_jpg
bool Ase::is_jpg (
const String & input
function is_lz4
bool Ase::is_lz4 (
const String & input
function is_midi
bool Ase::is_midi (
const String & input
function is_ogg
bool Ase::is_ogg (
const String & input
function is_pdf
bool Ase::is_pdf (
const String & input
function is_png
bool Ase::is_png (
const String & input
function is_wav
bool Ase::is_wav (
const String & input
function is_xz
bool Ase::is_xz (
const String & input
function is_zip
bool Ase::is_zip (
const String & input
function is_zstd
bool Ase::is_zstd (
const String & input
function json_parse
Parse a well formed JSON string and assign contents to target
template<class T>
inline bool Ase::json_parse (
const String & jsonstring,
T & target
function json_parse
Parse a well formed JSON string and return the resulting value.
template<class T>
inline T Ase::json_parse (
const String & jsonstring
function json_stringify
Create JSON string from source
template<class T>
inline String Ase::json_stringify (
const T & source,
Writ::Flags flags=Writ::Flags(0)
function jsonapi_connection_data
CustomDataContainer * Ase::jsonapi_connection_data ()
function jsonapi_connection_sender
JsonapiBinarySender Ase::jsonapi_connection_sender ()
function jsonapi_make_connection
WebSocketConnectionP Ase::jsonapi_make_connection (
WebSocketConnection::Internals & internals,
int logflags
function jsonapi_require_auth
void Ase::jsonapi_require_auth (
const String & subprotocol
function kvpair_key
String Ase::kvpair_key (
const String & key_value_pair
function kvpair_value
String Ase::kvpair_value (
const String & key_value_pair
function kvpairs_assign
bool Ase::kvpairs_assign (
StringS & kvs,
const String & key_value_pair,
bool casesensitive
function kvpairs_fetch
String Ase::kvpairs_fetch (
const StringS & kvs,
const String & key,
bool casesensitive
function kvpairs_search
ssize_t Ase::kvpairs_search (
const StringS & kvs,
const String & k,
const bool casesensitive
function list_clap_files
StringS Ase::list_clap_files ()
function load_registered_drivers
Load all registered drivers.
void Ase::load_registered_drivers ()
function loft_make_unique
Construct an object T
fromLoft memory, wrapped in a unique_ptr.
template<class T, class ... Args>
inline LoftPtr < T > Ase::loft_make_unique (
Args &&... args
function log
Write a log message to the log file (or possibly stderr), using the POSIX/C locale.
template<class... A>
void Ase::log (
const LogFormat & format,
const A &... args
function log_setup
Configurable handler to open log files.
LogFlags Ase::log_setup (
int * logfd
function logmsg
void Ase::logmsg (
const std::string & msg,
const char *const filename,
const uint64_t columnline,
const char *const function_name
function main_jobs
JobQueue Ase::main_jobs (
function main_loop_autostop_mt
void Ase::main_loop_autostop_mt ()
function main_loop_wakeup
void Ase::main_loop_wakeup ()
function make_aftertouch
MidiEvent Ase::make_aftertouch (
uint16 chnl,
uint8 mkey,
float velo,
float tune,
uint nid
function make_audio_engine
AudioEngine & Ase::make_audio_engine (
const VoidF & owner_wakeup,
uint sample_rate,
SpeakerArrangement speakerarrangement
function make_control
MidiEvent Ase::make_control (
uint16 chnl,
uint prm,
float val
function make_control8
MidiEvent Ase::make_control8 (
uint16 chnl,
uint prm,
uint8 cval
function make_enum_getter
Value getter for enumeration types.
template<typename Enum>
std::function< void( Value &)> Ase::make_enum_getter (
Enum * v
function make_enum_setter
Value setter for enumeration types.
template<typename Enum>
std::function< bool(const Value &)> Ase::make_enum_setter (
Enum * v
function make_note_off
MidiEvent Ase::make_note_off (
uint16 chnl,
uint8 mkey,
float velo,
float tune,
uint nid
function make_note_on
MidiEvent Ase::make_note_on (
uint16 chnl,
uint8 mkey,
float velo,
float tune,
uint nid
function make_param_value
MidiEvent Ase::make_param_value (
uint param,
double pvalue
function make_pitch_bend
MidiEvent Ase::make_pitch_bend (
uint16 chnl,
float val
function make_pressure
MidiEvent Ase::make_pressure (
uint16 chnl,
float velo
function make_program
MidiEvent Ase::make_program (
uint16 chnl,
uint prgrm
function memset4
Fill a memory area with a 32-bit quantitiy.
void Ase::memset4 (
uint32 * mem,
uint32 filler,
uint length
function monotonic_counter
A monotonically increasing counter, increments are atomic and visible in all threads.
uint64 Ase::monotonic_counter ()
function now_strftime
String Ase::now_strftime (
const String & format
function operator!
constexpr bool Ase::operator! (
Error error
function operator+=
Convenience ChoiceS construciton helper.
ChoiceS & Ase::operator+= (
ChoiceS & choices,
Choice && newchoice
function operator==
inline bool Ase::operator== (
const std::vector< ValueP > & v1,
const std::vector< ValueP > & v2
function operator|
inline constexpr Re::Flags Ase::operator| (
Re::Flags a,
Re::Flags b
function parameter_guess_nick
Create a few letter nick name from a multi word parameter label.
String Ase::parameter_guess_nick (
const String & parameter_label
Find a suitable 3-letter abbreviation for a Parameter without nick.
function posix_locale_strtold
Parse a double from a string ala strtod(), trying locale specific characters and POSIX/C formatting.
long double Ase::posix_locale_strtold (
const char * nptr,
char ** endptr
function printerr
template<class... A>
void void Ase::printerr (
const char * format,
const A &... args
function printerr
Print a message on stderr (and flush stderr) ala printf(), using the POSIX/C locale.
template<class... Args>
void Ase::printerr (
const char * format,
const Args &... args
function printout
template<class... A>
void Ase::printout (
const char * format,
const A &... args
function printout
Print a message on stdout (and flush stdout) ala printf(), using the POSIX/C locale.
template<class... Args>
void Ase::printout (
const char * format,
const Args &... args
function program_alias
Retrieve the program name as used for logging or debug messages.
String Ase::program_alias ()
function program_alias_init
Set program_alias to a non-localized alias other than program_argv0 if desired.
void Ase::program_alias_init (
String customname
function program_cwd
The current working directory during startup.
String Ase::program_cwd ()
function random_float
double Ase::random_float ()
Generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random floating point number. This function generates a pseudo-random number like random_int64(), constrained to the range: 0.0 <= number < 1.0.
function random_frange
double Ase::random_frange (
double begin,
double end
Generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random floating point number within a range. This function generates a pseudo-random number like random_float(), constrained to the range: begin <= number < end.
function random_int64
uint64_t Ase::random_int64 ()
Generate a non-deterministic, uniformly distributed 64 bit pseudo-random number. This function generates pseudo-random numbers using the system state as entropy and class KeccakRng for the mixing. No seeding is required.
function random_irange
int64_t Ase::random_irange (
int64_t begin,
int64_t end
Generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random integer within range. This function generates a pseudo-random number like random_int64(), constrained to the range: begin <= number < end.
function random_nonce
Provide a unique 64 bit identifier that is not 0, see also random_int64() .
uint64_t Ase::random_nonce ()
function random_secret
Generate a secret non-zero nonce in secret_var, unless it has already been assigned.
void Ase::random_secret (
uint64_t * secret_var
function register_audio_processor
Add an AudioProcessor derived type to the audio processor registry.
template<typename T>
inline CString Ase::register_audio_processor (
const char * aseid=nullptr
function register_driver_loader
Register loader callbacks at static constructor time.
bool * Ase::register_driver_loader (
const char * staticwhat,
Error (*)() loader
function sched_fast_priority
Try to acquire low latency scheduling priority, returns true if nice level is < 0.
bool Ase::sched_fast_priority (
int tid
function sched_get_priority
Retrieve the nice level of process or thread tid
int Ase::sched_get_priority (
int tid
function sched_set_priority
Try to set the nice level of process or thread tid
bool Ase::sched_set_priority (
int tid,
int nicelevel
function sha3_224_hash
Calculate 224 bit SHA3 digest from data , see also classSHA3_224 .
void Ase::sha3_224_hash (
const void * data,
size_t data_length,
uint8_t hashvalue
function sha3_256_hash
Calculate 256 bit SHA3 digest from data , see also classSHA3_256 .
void Ase::sha3_256_hash (
const void * data,
size_t data_length,
uint8_t hashvalue
function sha3_384_hash
Calculate 384 bit SHA3 digest from data , see also classSHA3_384 .
void Ase::sha3_384_hash (
const void * data,
size_t data_length,
uint8_t hashvalue
function sha3_512_hash
Calculate 512 bit SHA3 digest from data , see also classSHA3_512 .
void Ase::sha3_512_hash (
const void * data,
size_t data_length,
uint8_t hashvalue
function shake128_hash
Calculate SHA3 extendable output digest for 128 bit security strength, see also class SHAKE128 .
void Ase::shake128_hash (
const void * data,
size_t data_length,
uint8_t * hashvalues,
size_t n
function shake256_hash
Calculate SHA3 extendable output digest for 256 bit security strength, see also class SHAKE256 .
void Ase::shake256_hash (
const void * data,
size_t data_length,
uint8_t * hashvalues,
size_t n
function shared_ptr_cast
template<class Target, class Source>
std::shared_ptr< typename std::remove_pointer< Target >::type > Ase::shared_ptr_cast (
Source * object
Shorthand for std::dynamic_pointer_cast<>(shared_from_this()). A shared_ptr_cast() takes a std::shared_ptr or a pointer to an object that supports std::enable_shared_from_this::shared_from_this(). Using std::dynamic_pointer_cast(), the shared_ptr passed in (or retrieved via calling shared_from_this()) is cast into a std::shared_ptr<Target>, possibly resulting in an empty (NULL) std::shared_ptr if the underlying dynamic_cast() was not successful or if a NULL object was passed in. Note that shared_from_this() can throw a std::bad_weak_ptr exception if the object has no associated std::shared_ptr (usually during ctor and dtor), in which case the exception will also be thrown from shared_ptr_cast<Target>(). However a shared_ptr_cast<Target*>() call will not throw and yield an empty (NULL) std::shared_ptr<Target>. This is analogous to dynamic_cast<T@amp> which throws, versus dynamic_cast<T*> which yields NULL.
A std::shared_ptr<Target> storing a pointer to object or NULL.
if shared_from_this() throws, unless the Target* form is used.
function shared_ptr_cast
See shared_ptr_cast(Source*) .
template<class Target, class Source>
const std::shared_ptr< typename std::remove_pointer< Target >::type > Ase::shared_ptr_cast (
const Source * object
function shared_ptr_cast
See shared_ptr_cast(Source*) .
template<class Target, class Source>
std::shared_ptr< typename std::remove_pointer< Target >::type > Ase::shared_ptr_cast (
std::shared_ptr< Source > & sptr
function shared_ptr_cast
See shared_ptr_cast(Source*) .
template<class Target, class Source>
const std::shared_ptr< typename std::remove_pointer< Target >::type > Ase::shared_ptr_cast (
const std::shared_ptr< Source > & sptr
function shared_ptr_from
Use shared_ptr_cast<>()
to convert an object pointer into ashared_ptr<>
template<class Source>
std::shared_ptr< typename std::remove_pointer< Source >::type > Ase::shared_ptr_from (
Source * object
function speaker_arrangement_bit_name
const char * Ase::speaker_arrangement_bit_name (
SpeakerArrangement spa
function speaker_arrangement_channels
SpeakerArrangement Ase::speaker_arrangement_channels (
SpeakerArrangement spa
function speaker_arrangement_count_channels
uint8 Ase::speaker_arrangement_count_channels (
SpeakerArrangement spa
function speaker_arrangement_desc
std::string Ase::speaker_arrangement_desc (
SpeakerArrangement spa
function speaker_arrangement_is_aux
bool Ase::speaker_arrangement_is_aux (
SpeakerArrangement spa
function square_max
Find the maximum suqared value in a block of floats.
float Ase::square_max (
uint n_values,
const float * ivalues
function square_sum
Calculate suqare sum of a block of floats.
float Ase::square_sum (
uint n_values,
const float * ivalues
function stream_reader_from_file
StreamReaderP Ase::stream_reader_from_file (
const String & file
function stream_reader_zip_member
StreamReaderP Ase::stream_reader_zip_member (
const String & archive,
const String & member,
Storage::StorageFlags f
function stream_reader_zstd
StreamReaderP Ase::stream_reader_zstd (
StreamReaderP & istream
function stream_writer_create_file
StreamWriterP Ase::stream_writer_create_file (
const String & filename,
int mode
function stream_writer_zstd
StreamWriterP Ase::stream_writer_zstd (
const StreamWriterP & ostream,
int level
function strerror
Get POSIX locale strerror.
const char * Ase::strerror (
int errno_num
function strerror
const char * Ase::strerror ()
function string_canonify
String Ase::string_canonify (
const String & string,
const String & valid_chars,
const String & substitute
Enforce a canonical charset for a string. Convert all chars in string
that are not listed as valid_chars
with substitute.
function string_capitalize
Capitalize words, so the first letter is upper case, the rest lower case.
String Ase::string_capitalize (
const String & str,
size_t maxn,
bool rest_tolower
function string_casecmp
Like strcasecmp(3) for UTF-8 strings.
int Ase::string_casecmp (
const String & s1,
const String & s2
function string_casefold
Yield UTF-8 string useful for case insensitive comparisons.
String Ase::string_casefold (
const String & src
function string_cmp
Like strcmp(3) for UTF-8 strings.
int Ase::string_cmp (
const String & s1,
const String & s2
function string_cmp_uuid
Returns whether uuid_string1 compares smaller (-1), equal (0) or greater (+1) to__uuid_string2 .
int Ase::string_cmp_uuid (
const String & uuid_string1,
const String & uuid_string2
function string_demangle_cxx
Demangle identifier via libcc.
const char * Ase::string_demangle_cxx (
const char * mangled_identifier
) noexcept
Demangle a string into a proper C++ type name. This function uses abi::__cxa_demangle() from <cxxabi.h> to demangle C++ type names, which works for g++, libstdc++, clang++, libc++.
function string_endswith
Returns whether string
ends withfragment
bool Ase::string_endswith (
const String & string,
const String & fragment
function string_endswith
Returns whether string ends with any element offragments
bool Ase::string_endswith (
const String & string,
const StringS & fragments
function string_find_word
Find occurance of word
const char * Ase::string_find_word (
const char * haystack,
const char * word
function string_format
Format a string similar to sprintf(3) with support for std::string and std::ostringstream convertible objects.
template<class ... Args>
std::string Ase::string_format (
const char * format,
const Args &... args
function string_from_bool
Convert a boolean value into a string.
String Ase::string_from_bool (
bool value
function string_from_cquote
Parse a possibly quoted C string into regular string.
String Ase::string_from_cquote (
const String & input
function string_from_double
Convert a double into a string, using the POSIX/C locale.
String Ase::string_from_double (
double value
function string_from_double_vector
Construct a string out of all double values passed in dvec , separated by__delim .
String Ase::string_from_double_vector (
const std::vector< double > & dvec,
const String & delim
function string_from_errno
Returns a String describing the passed in errno value, similar to strerror().
String Ase::string_from_errno (
int errno_val
function string_from_float
Convert a float into a string, using the POSIX/C locale.
String Ase::string_from_float (
float value
function string_from_float
inline String Ase::string_from_float (
double value
function string_from_int
Convert a 64bit signed integer into a string.
String Ase::string_from_int (
int64 value
function string_from_long_double
Convert a long double into a string, using the POSIX/C locale.
String Ase::string_from_long_double (
long double value
function string_from_pretty_function_name
String Ase::string_from_pretty_function_name (
const char * cxx_pretty_function
Extract the full function name from PRETTY_FUNCTION. See also ASE_SIMPLE_FUNCTION.
function string_from_type
Create a string from a templated argument value, such as bool, int, double.
template<typename Type>
String Ase::string_from_type (
Type value
function string_from_type< String >
inline String Ase::string_from_type< String > (
String value
function string_from_type< bool >
inline String Ase::string_from_type< bool > (
bool value
function string_from_type< double >
inline String Ase::string_from_type< double > (
double value
function string_from_type< float >
inline String Ase::string_from_type< float > (
float value
function string_from_type< int >
inline String Ase::string_from_type< int > (
int value
function string_from_type< int16 >
inline String Ase::string_from_type< int16 > (
int16 value
function string_from_type< int64 >
inline String Ase::string_from_type< int64 > (
int64 value
function string_from_type< long double >
inline String Ase::string_from_type< long double > (
long double value
function string_from_type< uint >
inline String Ase::string_from_type< uint > (
uint value
function string_from_type< uint16 >
inline String Ase::string_from_type< uint16 > (
uint16 value
function string_from_type< uint64 >
inline String Ase::string_from_type< uint64 > (
uint64 value
function string_from_uint
Convert a 64bit unsigned integer into a string.
String Ase::string_from_uint (
uint64 value
function string_has_int
Checks if a string contains a digit, optionally preceeded by whitespaces.
bool Ase::string_has_int (
const String & string
function string_hexdump
String Ase::string_hexdump (
const void * addr,
size_t length,
size_t initial_offset
Produce hexdump of a memory region. Each output line consists of its hexadecimal offset, 16 hexadecimal bytes and the ASCII representation of the same 16 bytes.
function string_is_ascii_alnum
bool Ase::string_is_ascii_alnum (
const String & str
function string_is_canonified
Check if string_canonify() would modify__string .
bool Ase::string_is_canonified (
const String & string,
const String & valid_chars
function string_is_ncname
bool Ase::string_is_ncname (
const String & input
Check input
to be a NCName, according to the QName EBNF. See
function string_is_uuid
Returns whether uuid_string contains a properly formatted UUID string.
bool Ase::string_is_uuid (
const String & uuid_string
function string_islower
Check if all string characters are Unicode lower case characters.
bool Ase::string_islower (
const String & str
function string_isupper
Check if all string characters are Unicode upper case characters.
bool Ase::string_isupper (
const String & str
function string_join
String Ase::string_join (
const String & junctor,
const StringS & strvec
Join a number of strings. Join a string vector into a single string, using junctor inbetween each pair of strings.
function string_locale_vprintf
Formatted printing like string_vprintf using the current locale.
String Ase::string_locale_vprintf (
const char * format,
va_list vargs
function string_lstrip
Strip whitespaces from the left of a string.
String Ase::string_lstrip (
const String & input
function string_match_identifier
Check equality of strings canonicalized to "[0-9a-z_]+".
bool Ase::string_match_identifier (
const String & ident1,
const String & ident2
function string_match_identifier_tail
Variant of string_match_identifier() that matches__tail against__ident at word boundary.
bool Ase::string_match_identifier_tail (
const String & ident,
const String & tail
function string_multiply
Reproduce a string s for__count times.
String Ase::string_multiply (
const String & s,
uint64 count
function string_normalize_nfc
Yield normalized composed UTF-8 string.
String Ase::string_normalize_nfc (
const String & src
function string_normalize_nfd
Yield normalized decomposed UTF-8 string.
String Ase::string_normalize_nfd (
const String & src
function string_normalize_nfkc
Formatting stripped normalized composed UTF-8 string.
String Ase::string_normalize_nfkc (
const String & src
function string_normalize_nfkd
Formatting stripped normalized decomposed UTF-8 string.
String Ase::string_normalize_nfkd (
const String & src
function string_option_check
Check if an option is set/unset in an options list string.
bool Ase::string_option_check (
const String & optionlist,
const String & feature
function string_option_find
Retrieve the option value from an options list separated by ':' or ';' or fallback
String Ase::string_option_find (
const String & optionlist,
const String & feature,
const String & fallback
function string_option_find_value
Low level option search, avoids dynamic allocations.
std::string_view Ase::string_option_find_value (
const char * string,
const char * feature,
const String & fallback,
const String & denied,
bool matchallnone
function string_replace
Replace substring marker in__input with__replacement , at most__maxn times.
String Ase::string_replace (
const String & input,
const String & marker,
const String & replacement,
size_t maxn
function string_rstrip
Strip whitespaces from the right of a string.
String Ase::string_rstrip (
const String & input
function string_set_A2Z
Returns a string containing all of A-Z.
const String & Ase::string_set_A2Z ()
function string_set_a2z
Returns a string containing all of a-z.
const String & Ase::string_set_a2z ()
function string_set_ascii_alnum
Returns a string containing all of 0-9, A-Z and a-z.
const String & Ase::string_set_ascii_alnum ()
function string_split
StringS Ase::string_split (
const String & string,
const String & splitter,
size_t maxn
Split a string, using splitter as delimiter. Passing "" as splitter will split the string at whitespace positions.
function string_split_any
StringS Ase::string_split_any (
const String & string,
const String & splitchars,
size_t maxn
Split a string, using any of the splitchars as delimiter. Passing "" as splitter will split the string between all position.
function string_startswith
Returns whether string
starts withfragment
bool Ase::string_startswith (
const String & string,
const String & fragment
function string_startswith
Returns whether string starts with any element offragments
bool Ase::string_startswith (
const String & string,
const StringS & fragments
function string_strip
Strip whitespaces from the left and right of a string.
String Ase::string_strip (
const String & input
function string_substitute_char
Replace all occouranes of match in__input with__subst .
String Ase::string_substitute_char (
const String & input,
const char match,
const char subst
function string_to_bool
bool Ase::string_to_bool (
const String & string,
bool fallback
Interpret a string as boolean value. Interpret the string as number, "ON"/"OFF" or distinguish "false"/"true" or "yes"/"no" by starting letter. For empty strings, fallback is returned.
function string_to_cescape
String Ase::string_to_cescape (
const String & str
Escape text like a C string. Returns a string that escapes all characters with a backslash '\' that need escaping in C language string syntax.
function string_to_cquote
Returns a string as C string including double quotes.
String Ase::string_to_cquote (
const String & str
function string_to_double
Parse a double from a string, trying locale specific characters and POSIX/C formatting.
double Ase::string_to_double (
const String & string
function string_to_double
Similar to string_to_double(const String&) , but returns the first failing character position in__endptr .
double Ase::string_to_double (
const char * dblstring,
const char ** endptr
function string_to_double_vector
Parse a string into a list of doubles, expects ';' as delimiter.
std::vector< double > Ase::string_to_double_vector (
const String & string
function string_to_float
inline double Ase::string_to_float (
const String & string
function string_to_hex
Convert bytes in string input
to hexadecimal numbers.
String Ase::string_to_hex (
const String & input
function string_to_identifier
Force lower case, alphanumerics + underscore and non-digit start.
String Ase::string_to_identifier (
const String & input
function string_to_int
Parse a string into a 64bit integer, optionally specifying the expected number base.
int64 Ase::string_to_int (
const String & string,
size_t * consumed,
uint base
function string_to_long_double
Parse a long double from a string, trying locale specific characters and POSIX/C formatting.
long double Ase::string_to_long_double (
const String & string
function string_to_long_double
Similar to string_to_long_double(const String&) , but returns the first failing character position in__endptr .
long double Ase::string_to_long_double (
const char * dblstring,
const char ** endptr
function string_to_ncname
String Ase::string_to_ncname (
const String & input,
uint32_t substitute
Convert input
to a NCName, according to the QName EBNF. See
function string_to_seconds
Parse string into seconds.
double Ase::string_to_seconds (
const String & string,
double fallback
function string_to_type
Convert a string to template argument type, such as bool, int, double.
template<typename Type>
Type Ase::string_to_type (
const String & string
function string_to_type< String >
inline String Ase::string_to_type< String > (
const String & string
function string_to_type< bool >
inline bool Ase::string_to_type< bool > (
const String & string
function string_to_type< double >
inline double Ase::string_to_type< double > (
const String & string
function string_to_type< float >
inline float Ase::string_to_type< float > (
const String & string
function string_to_type< int >
inline int Ase::string_to_type< int > (
const String & string
function string_to_type< int16 >
inline int16 Ase::string_to_type< int16 > (
const String & string
function string_to_type< int64 >
inline int64 Ase::string_to_type< int64 > (
const String & string
function string_to_type< long double >
inline long double Ase::string_to_type< long double > (
const String & string
function string_to_type< uint >
inline uint Ase::string_to_type< uint > (
const String & string
function string_to_type< uint16 >
inline uint16 Ase::string_to_type< uint16 > (
const String & string
function string_to_type< uint64 >
inline uint64 Ase::string_to_type< uint64 > (
const String & string
function string_to_uint
Parse a string into a 64bit unsigned integer, optionally specifying the expected number base.
uint64 Ase::string_to_uint (
const String & string,
size_t * consumed,
uint base
function string_tolower
Convert all string characters into Unicode lower case characters.
String Ase::string_tolower (
const String & str
function string_totitle
Convert all string characters into Unicode title characters.
String Ase::string_totitle (
const String & str
function string_toupper
Convert all string characters into Unicode upper case characters.
String Ase::string_toupper (
const String & str
function string_url_decode
Decode URL %-sequences in a string, decode '+' if form_url_encoded
String Ase::string_url_decode (
const String & urlstr,
const bool form_url_encoded
function string_url_encode
Encode special characters to URL %-sequences, encode space as '+' if form_url_encoded
String Ase::string_url_encode (
const String & rawstr,
const bool form_url_encoded
function string_vector_erase_empty
Remove empty elements from a string vector.
void Ase::string_vector_erase_empty (
StringS & svector
function string_vector_find
String Ase::string_vector_find (
const StringS & svector,
const String & prefix,
const String & fallback
Search for prefix in svector and return the matching element. If multiple matches are possible, the last one is returned.
fallback if no match was found.
function string_vector_find_value
String Ase::string_vector_find_value (
const StringS & svector,
const String & prefix,
const String & fallback
Search for prefix in svector and return reminder of the matching string. If multiple matches are possible, the last one is returned.
fallback if no match was found.
function string_vector_lstrip
Left-strip all elements of a string vector, see string_lstrip() .
void Ase::string_vector_lstrip (
StringS & svector
function string_vector_rstrip
Right-strip all elements of a string vector, see string_rstrip() .
void Ase::string_vector_rstrip (
StringS & svector
function string_vector_strip
Strip all elements of a string vector, see string_strip() .
void Ase::string_vector_strip (
StringS & svector
function string_vprintf
Formatted printing ala vprintf() into a String, using the POSIX/C locale.
String Ase::string_vprintf (
const char * format,
va_list vargs
function stringify_clip_note
String Ase::stringify_clip_note (
const ClipNote & n
function strings_version_sort
StringS Ase::strings_version_sort (
const StringS & strings,
bool reverse
function strings_version_sort
void Ase::strings_version_sort (
StringS * strings,
bool reverse
function strrstr
const char * Ase::strrstr (
const char * haystack,
const char * needle
function telemetry_field
template<class T>
inline TelemetryField Ase::telemetry_field (
const String & name,
const T * field
function text_convert
bool Ase::text_convert (
const String & to_charset,
String & output_string,
const String & from_charset,
const String & input_string,
const String & fallback_charset,
const String & output_mark
Convert a string from one encoding to another. Convert input_string from encoding from_charset to to_charset, returning output_string. Interpret unknown characters according to fallback_charset. Use output_mark in place of unconvertible characters. Returns whether the conversion was successful.
function this_thread_get_name
String Ase::this_thread_get_name ()
function this_thread_getpid
int Ase::this_thread_getpid ()
function this_thread_gettid
int Ase::this_thread_gettid ()
function this_thread_is_ase
inline bool Ase::this_thread_is_ase ()
function this_thread_online_cpus
int Ase::this_thread_online_cpus ()
function this_thread_self
ThreadId Ase::this_thread_self ()
function this_thread_set_name
void Ase::this_thread_set_name (
const String & name16chars
function timestamp_benchmark
Returns benchmark timestamp in nano-seconds, clock starts around program startup.
uint64 Ase::timestamp_benchmark ()
function timestamp_format
Convert stamp into a string, adding µsecond fractions if space permits.
String Ase::timestamp_format (
uint64 stamp,
uint maxlength
function timestamp_now
Current time in µseconds.
uint64_t Ase::timestamp_now ()
function timestamp_realtime
Return the current time as uint64 in µseconds.
uint64 Ase::timestamp_realtime ()
function timestamp_resolution
Provide resolution of timestamp_benchmark() in nano-seconds.
uint64 Ase::timestamp_resolution ()
function timestamp_startup
Provides the timestamp_realtime() value from program startup.
uint64 Ase::timestamp_startup ()
function uint16_swap_le_be
Swap 16-Bit integers between __BIG_ENDIAN and __LITTLE_ENDIAN systems.
inline constexpr uint16_t Ase::uint16_swap_le_be (
uint16_t v
function uint32_swap_le_be
Swap 32-Bit integers between __BIG_ENDIAN and __LITTLE_ENDIAN systems.
inline constexpr uint32_t Ase::uint32_swap_le_be (
uint32_t v
function uint64_swap_le_be
Swap 64-Bit integers between __BIG_ENDIAN and __LITTLE_ENDIAN systems.
inline constexpr uint64_t Ase::uint64_swap_le_be (
uint64_t v
function unicode_is_assigned
Return whether u matches any of the assigned Unicode planes.
inline constexpr bool Ase::unicode_is_assigned (
uint32_t u
function unicode_is_character
Return whether u is not one of the 66 Unicode noncharacters.
inline constexpr bool Ase::unicode_is_character (
uint32_t u
function unicode_is_control_code
Return whether u is one of the 65 Unicode control codes.
inline constexpr bool Ase::unicode_is_control_code (
uint32_t u
function unicode_is_noncharacter
Return whether u is one of the 66 Unicode noncharacters.
inline constexpr bool Ase::unicode_is_noncharacter (
uint32_t u
function unicode_is_private
Return whether u is in one of the 3 private use areas of Unicode.
inline constexpr bool Ase::unicode_is_private (
uint32_t u
function unicode_is_valid
Return whether u is an allowed Unicode codepoint within 0x10FFFF and not part of a UTF-16 surrogate pair.
inline constexpr bool Ase::unicode_is_valid (
uint32_t u
function user_id
int Ase::user_id ()
function user_name
String Ase::user_name ()
function user_real_name
String Ase::user_real_name ()
function utf8_to_unicode
size_t Ase::utf8_to_unicode (
const char * str,
uint32_t * codepoints
Convert valid UTF-8 sequences to Unicode codepoints, invalid sequences are treated as Latin-1 characters. The array codepoints must be able to hold at least as many elements as are characters stored in str. Returns the number of codepoints stored in codepoints.
function utf8_to_unicode
size_t Ase::utf8_to_unicode (
const std::string & str,
std::vector< uint32_t > & codepoints
Convert valid UTF-8 sequences to Unicode codepoints, invalid sequences are treated as Latin-1 characters. Returns the number of codepoints newly stored in codepoints.
function utf8decode
Convert valid UTF-8 sequences to Unicode codepoints, invalid sequences are treated as Latin-1 characters.
std::vector< uint32_t > Ase::utf8decode (
const std::string & utf8str
function utf8encode
Convert codepoints into an UTF-8 string, using the shortest possible encoding.
std::string Ase::utf8encode (
const uint32_t * codepoints,
size_t n_codepoints
function utf8encode
Convert codepoints into an UTF-8 string, using the shortest possible encoding.
std::string Ase::utf8encode (
const std::vector< uint32_t > & codepoints
function utf8len
Count valid UTF-8 sequences, invalid sequences are counted as Latin-1 characters.
size_t Ase::utf8len (
const char * str
function utf8len
Count valid UTF-8 sequences, invalid sequences are counted as Latin-1 characters.
size_t Ase::utf8len (
const std::string & str
function value2hz
Convert synthesizer value (Voltage) to Hertz.
inline float Ase::value2hz (
float x
function voltage2db
Convert synthesizer value (Voltage) to Decibel.
template<typename Float>
inline Float Ase::voltage2db (
Float x
function voltage2db
Convert synthesizer value (Voltage) to Decibel.
template<typename Float>
inline ASE_CONST Float Ase::voltage2db (
Float x
function voltage2hz
Convert synthesizer value (Voltage) to Hertz.
template<typename Float>
inline Float Ase::voltage2hz (
Float x
function voltage2hz
Convert synthesizer value (Voltage) to Hertz.
template<typename Float>
inline ASE_CONST Float Ase::voltage2hz (
Float x
function voltage_changed
Determine a significant synthesizer value (Voltage) change.
template<typename Float>
inline Float Ase::voltage_changed (
Float a,
Float b
function voltage_changed
Determine a significant synthesizer value (Voltage) change.
template<typename Float>
inline ASE_CONST Float Ase::voltage_changed (
Float a,
Float b
function warning
template<class ... A>
void Ase::warning (
const char * format,
const A &... args
function warning
Issue a printf-like warning message.
template<class ... Args>
void Ase::warning (
const char * format,
const Args &... args
function wave_writer_create_flac
WaveWriterP Ase::wave_writer_create_flac (
int rate,
int channels,
const String & filename,
int mode,
int compresion
function wave_writer_create_opus
WaveWriterP Ase::wave_writer_create_opus (
int rate,
int channels,
const String & filename,
int mode,
int complexity,
float bitrate
function wave_writer_create_wav
WaveWriterP Ase::wave_writer_create_wav (
int rate,
int channels,
const String & filename,
int mode,
uint8_t n_bits
function wave_writer_flac_version
String Ase::wave_writer_flac_version ()
function wave_writer_opus_version
String Ase::wave_writer_opus_version ()
function weak_ptr_fetch_or_create
Fetch shared_ptr
and createC
if needed.
template<class C>
std::shared_ptr< C > Ase::weak_ptr_fetch_or_create (
std::weak_ptr< C > & wptr,
const std::function< std::shared_ptr< C >()> & ctor
function zintern_decompress
uint8 * Ase::zintern_decompress (
unsigned int decompressed_size,
const unsigned char * cdata,
unsigned int cdata_size
Decompress data via zlib.
exact size of the decompressed data to be returnedcdata
compressed data blockcdata_size
exact size of the compressed data block
decompressed data block or NULL in low memory situations
Decompress the data from cdata of length cdata_size into a newly allocated block of size decompressed_size which is returned. The returned block needs to be released with zintern_free(). This function is intended to decompress data which has been compressed with the utility, so no errors should occour during decompression. Consequently, if any error occours during decompression or if the resulting data block is of a size other than decompressed_size, the program will abort with an appropriate error message. If not enough memory could be allocated for decompression, NULL is returned.
function zintern_free
Free data returned from zintern_decompress() .
void Ase::zintern_free (
uint8 * dc_data
function zstd_compress
String Ase::zstd_compress (
const String & input,
int level
function zstd_compress
String Ase::zstd_compress (
const void * src,
size_t src_size,
int level
function zstd_target_size
ssize_t Ase::zstd_target_size (
const String & input
function zstd_uncompress
ssize_t Ase::zstd_uncompress (
const String & input,
void * dst,
size_t dst_size
function zstd_uncompress
String Ase::zstd_uncompress (
const String & input
Public Static Functions Documentation
function __attribute__
static bool Ase::__attribute__ (
function __attribute__
static void Ase::__attribute__ (
function access_clap_plugin
static const clap_plugin * Ase::access_clap_plugin (
ClapPluginHandle * handle
function aliased_iconv_open
static iconv_t Ase::aliased_iconv_open (
const String & tocode,
const String & fromcode
function alloc_id
static uint Ase::alloc_id ()
function anklang_cachedir_base
Find base directory for the creation of temporary caches.
static String Ase::anklang_cachedir_base (
bool createbase=false
function anklang_host_name
static const char * Ase::anklang_host_name ()
function apply_driver_preferences
static void Ase::apply_driver_preferences ()
function assertion_abort
static void Ase::assertion_abort (
const char * msg,
const char * file,
int line,
const char * func
) noexcept
function atexit_clean_cachedirs
Clean temporary caches of this process.
static void Ase::atexit_clean_cachedirs ()
function atomic_next_ptrref
static inline std::atomic< EngineJobImpl * > & Ase::atomic_next_ptrref (
EngineJobImpl * j
function atomic_next_ptrref
static inline std::atomic< AudioEngineThread::UserNoteJob * > & Ase::atomic_next_ptrref (
AudioEngineThread::UserNoteJob * j
function atomic_next_ptrref
static inline std::atomic< RtCallJob * > & Ase::atomic_next_ptrref (
RtCallJob * j
function bit_rotate64
Rotate left for uint64_t.
static inline uint64_t Ase::bit_rotate64 (
uint64_t bits,
unsigned int offset
function byte_hash64
Fast byte hashing with good dispersion and runtime randomization.
template<class Num>
static inline ASE_CONST uint64_t Ase::byte_hash64 (
const Num * data,
size_t length
function c_isalnum
static inline bool Ase::c_isalnum (
uint8 c
function call_main_loop
static void Ase::call_main_loop (
const std::function< void()> & fun
function choice_from_driver_entry
static Choice Ase::choice_from_driver_entry (
const DriverEntry & e,
const String & icon_keywords
function clapid
static String Ase::clapid (
const clap_host * host
function cml_set
static auto & Ase::cml_set ()
function codepoint_is_namestartchar
static bool Ase::codepoint_is_namestartchar (
uint32_t c
Check c
to be a NameStartChar, according to the QName EBNF. See
function codepoint_is_ncname
static bool Ase::codepoint_is_ncname (
uint32_t c
Check c
to be a NameChar, according to the QName EBNF. See
function construct_ladspa_path
static std::string Ase::construct_ladspa_path ()
function cpu_info_sigill_handler
static void ASE_NORETURN Ase::cpu_info_sigill_handler (
int dummy
function current_locale_vprintf
static inline String Ase::current_locale_vprintf (
const char * format,
va_list vargs
function current_user
static const PwdUser & Ase::current_user ()
function damerau_levenshtein_unrestricted
static float Ase::damerau_levenshtein_unrestricted (
const std::string_view & source,
const std::string_view & target,
const float ci,
const float cd,
const float cs,
const float ct
function determine_anklangsynthengine_installdir
static std::string Ase::determine_anklangsynthengine_installdir (
bool * using_objdir
function dispatch_loft_lowmem
static bool Ase::dispatch_loft_lowmem (
const Ase::LoopState & lstate
function divmod
Compute integers division and modulo with one X86 asm instruction.
template<typename T>
static inline constexpr T Ase::divmod (
T dividend,
T divisor,
T * reminderp
function error_result
static Blob Ase::error_result (
String url,
int fallback_errno=EINVAL,
String msg="failed to load"
function event_unions_try_push
static bool Ase::event_unions_try_push (
ClapEventUnionS & events,
const clap_event_header_t * event
function feature_canonify
static String Ase::feature_canonify (
const String & str
function find_anklang_parent_dir
static String Ase::find_anklang_parent_dir (
const String & path
function find_option
static const char * Ase::find_option (
const char * haystack,
const char *const needle,
const size_t l,
const int allowoption
function find_text_file
Find the binary file containing the runtime symbol at symbol_address
static std::string Ase::find_text_file (
ptrdiff_t symbol_address
function flags_to_pcre2_compile_options
static uint32_t Ase::flags_to_pcre2_compile_options (
Re::Flags flags
function fnv1a_consthash64
template<class Num>
static inline constexpr uint64_t Ase::fnv1a_consthash64 (
const Num * ztdata
Simple, very fast and well known hash function as constexpr with good dispersion. This is the 64bit version of the well known FNV-1a hash function, implemented as a C++11 constexpr for zero-terminated strings, so the hashes can be used e.g. as case labels in switch statements.
function fnv1a_consthash64
Variant of fnv1a_consthash64() for memory blocks of arbitrary size.
template<class Num>
static inline constexpr uint64_t Ase::fnv1a_consthash64 (
const Num *const data,
size_t length
function get_arc4random
static void Ase::get_arc4random (
uint64 * u,
uint count
function get_arch_name
static const char * Ase::get_arch_name (
function get_executable_path
static std::string Ase::get_executable_path ()
function get_pwd_user
static PwdUser Ase::get_pwd_user (
int uid
function get_rdrand
static bool Ase::get_rdrand (
uint64 * u,
uint count
function get_x86_cpu_features
static bool Ase::get_x86_cpu_features (
CPUInfo * ci
function getenv_ase_debug
static const char * Ase::getenv_ase_debug ()
function getrandom
static int Ase::getrandom (
void * buffer,
size_t count,
unsigned flags
function global_random64
static uint64_t Ase::global_random64 ()
function guess_zstd_level
static int Ase::guess_zstd_level (
size_t input_size
function handle_autostop
static bool Ase::handle_autostop (
const LoopState & state
function handle_ptr
static ClapPluginHandleImpl * Ase::handle_ptr (
const clap_host * host
function handle_sptr
static ClapPluginHandleImplP Ase::handle_sptr (
const clap_host * host
function has_debug_key
Quick boolean check for a colon separated key in a haystack.
static bool Ase::has_debug_key (
const char *const debugkeys,
const char *const key
function hash_anything
template<class Data>
static void Ase::hash_anything (
KeccakRng & pool,
const Data & data
function hash_cpu_usage
static void Ase::hash_cpu_usage (
KeccakRng & pool
function hash_file
static bool Ase::hash_file (
KeccakRng & pool,
const char * filename,
const size_t maxbytes=16384
function hash_getrandom
static bool Ase::hash_getrandom (
KeccakRng & pool
function hash_macs
static bool Ase::hash_macs (
KeccakRng & pool
function hash_secret
Provide hashing nonce for reseeding hashes at program start to avoid collision attacks.
static inline ASE_PURE uint64_t Ase::hash_secret ()
function hash_stat
static bool Ase::hash_stat (
KeccakRng & pool,
const char * filename
function hash_sys_structs
static void Ase::hash_sys_structs (
KeccakRng & pool
function host_call_on_timer
static bool Ase::host_call_on_timer (
ClapPluginHandleImplP handlep,
clap_id timer_id
function host_file_reference_changed
static void Ase::host_file_reference_changed (
const clap_host_t * host
function host_file_reference_set_dirty
static void Ase::host_file_reference_set_dirty (
const clap_host_t * host,
clap_id resource_id
function host_get_extension_mt
static const void * Ase::host_get_extension_mt (
const clap_host * host,
const char * extension_id
function host_gui_closed
static void Ase::host_gui_closed (
const clap_host_t * host,
bool was_destroyed
function host_gui_create_x11_window
static ulong Ase::host_gui_create_x11_window (
ClapPluginHandleImplP handlep,
int width,
int height
function host_gui_delete_request
static void Ase::host_gui_delete_request (
ClapPluginHandleImplP handlep
function host_is_audio_thread
static bool Ase::host_is_audio_thread (
const clap_host_t * host
function host_is_main_thread
static bool Ase::host_is_main_thread (
const clap_host_t * host
function host_is_rescan_flag_supported
static bool Ase::host_is_rescan_flag_supported (
const clap_host_t * host,
uint32_t flag
function host_log
static void Ase::host_log (
const clap_host_t * host,
clap_log_severity severity,
const char * msg
function host_modify_fd
static bool Ase::host_modify_fd (
const clap_host_t * host,
int fd,
clap_posix_fd_flags_t flags
function host_params_clear
static void Ase::host_params_clear (
const clap_host_t * host,
clap_id param_id,
clap_param_clear_flags flags
function host_params_rescan
static void Ase::host_params_rescan (
const clap_host_t * host,
clap_param_rescan_flags flags
function host_register_fd
static bool Ase::host_register_fd (
const clap_host_t * host,
int fd,
clap_posix_fd_flags_t flags
function host_register_timer
static bool Ase::host_register_timer (
const clap_host * host,
uint32_t period_ms,
clap_id * timer_id
function host_request_callback_mt
static void Ase::host_request_callback_mt (
const clap_host * host
function host_request_flush
static void Ase::host_request_flush (
const clap_host_t * host
function host_request_hide
static bool Ase::host_request_hide (
const clap_host_t * host
function host_request_process_mt
static void Ase::host_request_process_mt (
const clap_host * host
function host_request_resize
static bool Ase::host_request_resize (
const clap_host_t * host,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height
function host_request_restart_mt
static void Ase::host_request_restart_mt (
const clap_host * host
function host_request_show
static bool Ase::host_request_show (
const clap_host_t * host
function host_rescan
static void Ase::host_rescan (
const clap_host_t * host,
uint32_t flag
function host_resize_hints_changed
static void Ase::host_resize_hints_changed (
const clap_host_t * host
function host_unregister_fd
static bool Ase::host_unregister_fd (
const clap_host_t * host,
int fd
function host_unregister_timer
static bool Ase::host_unregister_timer (
const clap_host * host,
clap_id timer_id
function identifier_char_canon
static inline char Ase::identifier_char_canon (
char c
function identifier_match
static inline bool Ase::identifier_match (
const char * str1,
const char * str2
function init_sigpipe
static void Ase::init_sigpipe ()
function initialized_ase_gettext_domain
Initialize gettext domain for ASE.
static const char * Ase::initialized_ase_gettext_domain ()
function interleaved_stereo
template<int ADDING>
static void Ase::interleaved_stereo (
const size_t n_frames,
float * buffer,
AudioProcessor & proc,
OBusId obus
function is_anklang_dir
static bool Ase::is_anklang_dir (
const String & path
function is_localhost
static bool Ase::is_localhost (
const String & url,
int port
function is_separator
static bool Ase::is_separator (
char c
function libc_strtold
static long double Ase::libc_strtold (
const char * nptr,
char ** endptr
function logstart
static void Ase::logstart ()
function main_rt_jobs_pending
static bool Ase::main_rt_jobs_pending ()
function main_rt_jobs_process
static void Ase::main_rt_jobs_process ()
function make_anklang_dir
static bool Ase::make_anklang_dir (
const String & path
function make_auth_string
static String Ase::make_auth_string ()
function make_case_table
template<std::size_t LAST, typename MkFun>
static auto Ase::make_case_table (
const MkFun & mkjump
Create a jump table std::array<Fun,LAST>
, where Fun
is returned from mkjump (0 … LAST)
. Note, mkjump(auto)
is a lambda template, invoked with std::integral_constant<unsigned long, 0…LAST>
function make_dispatcher
static Jsonipc::IpcDispatcher * Ase::make_dispatcher ()
function make_indexed_table
Create a std::array<Fun,N>
, whereFun
is returned frommkjump (INDICES…)
template<typename MkFun, size_t ... INDICES>
static auto Ase::make_indexed_table (
const MkFun & mkjump,
std::index_sequence< INDICES... >
function make_nick3
static String3 Ase::make_nick3 (
const String & label
function match_identifier_detailed
static bool Ase::match_identifier_detailed (
const String & ident,
const String & tail
function maybe_save_preferences
static void Ase::maybe_save_preferences ()
function midi_driver_pref_list_choices
static ChoiceS Ase::midi_driver_pref_list_choices (
const CString & ident
function minmaxstep_from_initialval
static MinMaxStep Ase::minmaxstep_from_initialval (
const Param::InitialVal & iv,
bool * isbool
function mpc_add
static void Ase::mpc_add (
uint64_t *const a,
const uint64_t *const b,
const uint64_t *const m
function mpc_bsub
static void Ase::mpc_bsub (
uint64_t *const a,
const uint64_t *const b
function mpc_cmp
static int Ase::mpc_cmp (
const uint64_t *const a,
const uint64_t *const b
function mpc_mul
static void Ase::mpc_mul (
uint64_t *const a,
const uint64_t *const b,
const uint64_t *const m
function mpc_rem
static void Ase::mpc_rem (
uint64_t *const a,
const uint64_t *const m
function musical_tuning_info
static EnumInfo Ase::musical_tuning_info (
MusicalTuning musicaltuning
function notify_loft_lowmem
static void Ase::notify_loft_lowmem ()
function notify_preference_listeners
static void Ase::notify_preference_listeners ()
function operator!=
static inline bool Ase::operator!= (
const WppHdl & a,
const WppHdl & b
function operator==
static inline bool Ase::operator== (
const WppHdl & a,
const WppHdl & b
function parse_args
static void Ase::parse_args (
int * argcp,
char ** argv,
MainAppImpl & config
function parse_assignment
static bool Ase::parse_assignment (
const char ** stringp,
size_t * linenop,
String * keyp,
String * localep,
String * valuep
function parse_section
static bool Ase::parse_section (
const char ** stringp,
size_t * linenop,
String * sectionp
function parse_whitespaces
static bool Ase::parse_whitespaces (
const char ** stringp,
int min_spaces
function pathname_anklangrc
static String Ase::pathname_anklangrc ()
function pcg_hash32
template<class Num>
static inline ASE_CONST uint32_t Ase::pcg_hash32 (
const Num * data,
size_t length,
uint64_t seed
Hash function based on the PCG family of random number generators (RNG). This function is based on the paper PCG: A Family of Simple Fast Space-Efficient Statistically Good Algorithms for Random Number Generation, because of its excellent avalange and distribution properties. The hash data is integrated as octets in the inner LCG RNG loop. Hash generation is very fast, because the inner loop consists only of a multiplication and subtraction, while the ouput bit mixing consists of just 5 simple operations (xor, shift and rotation).
function pcg_hash64
template<class Num>
static inline ASE_CONST uint64_t Ase::pcg_hash64 (
const Num * data,
size_t length,
uint64_t seed
Hash function based on the PCG family of random number generators (RNG). This function is similar to pcg_hash32() at its core, but because the output is 64bit, the accumulated 64bit LCG state does not need to be bit reduced. A fast but statistially good mixing function with 5 xor/shifts and one multiplication is applied as output stage. This function is allmost as fast as fnv1a_consthash64 due to the similar structures of the inner loops, but it tends to score much better in Avalanche effect tests, usch as SMHasher.
function pcg_hash64
pcg_hash64() variant for zero-terminated strings.
static inline ASE_CONST uint64_t Ase::pcg_hash64 (
const char * ztdata,
uint64_t seed
function pcm_driver_pref_list_choices
static ChoiceS Ase::pcm_driver_pref_list_choices (
const CString & ident
function pcre2compilecontext
static pcre2_compile_context * Ase::pcre2compilecontext ()
function pid_string
Create process specific string for a .pid
guard file.
static String Ase::pid_string (
int pid
function posix_locale_vprintf
static inline String Ase::posix_locale_vprintf (
const char * format,
va_list vargs
function preallocate_loft
static void Ase::preallocate_loft (
size_t preallocation
function prefault_pages
static void Ase::prefault_pages (
size_t stacksize,
size_t heapsize
function prefs_map
static PrefsMap & Ase::prefs_map ()
function print_usage
static void Ase::print_usage (
bool help
function queue_notify_preference_listeners
static void Ase::queue_notify_preference_listeners (
const CString & cident
function registered_loaders
static RegisteredLoaderVector & Ase::registered_loaders ()
function release_id
static void Ase::release_id (
uint id
function rotl
Bitwise rotate-left pattern recognized by gcc & clang at -O1 iff sizeof (bits) == {8,16,32,64}.
template<typename UInt>
static inline constexpr UInt Ase::rotl (
UInt bits,
uint32_t offset
function rotr
Bitwise rotate-right pattern recognized by gcc & clang at -O1 iff sizeof (bits) == {8,16,32,64}.
template<typename UInt>
static inline constexpr UInt Ase::rotr (
UInt bits,
uint32_t offset
function run_tests_and_quit
static void Ase::run_tests_and_quit ()
function runtime_entropy
static void Ase::runtime_entropy (
KeccakRng & pool
function scan_escaped
static inline bool Ase::scan_escaped (
const char ** stringp,
size_t * linenop,
const char term
function scan_value
static bool Ase::scan_value (
const char ** stringp,
size_t * linenop,
String * valuep,
const char * termchars=""
function search_first_digit
static ssize_t Ase::search_first_digit (
const String & s
function search_last_digits
static ssize_t Ase::search_last_digits (
const String & s
function separator_strlen
static size_t Ase::separator_strlen (
const char *const s
function setup_evnote
static inline clap_event_note * Ase::setup_evnote (
ClapEventUnion * evunion,
uint32_t time,
uint16_t port_index
function setup_expression
static inline clap_event_note_expression * Ase::setup_expression (
ClapEventUnion * evunion,
uint32_t time,
uint16_t port_index
function setup_midi1
static inline clap_event_midi * Ase::setup_midi1 (
ClapEventUnion * evunion,
uint32_t time,
uint16_t port_index
function skip_commentline
static bool Ase::skip_commentline (
const char ** stringp,
size_t * linenop,
String * commentp=NULL
function skip_line
static bool Ase::skip_line (
const char ** stringp,
size_t * linenop,
String * textp
function skip_to_eol
static bool Ase::skip_to_eol (
const char ** stringp,
size_t * linenop
function skip_whitespaces
static bool Ase::skip_whitespaces (
const char ** stringp
function spaced_nums
static String Ase::spaced_nums (
String s
function string_hash64
Fast string hashing with good dispersion for std::string and runtime randomization.
static inline ASE_CONST uint64_t Ase::string_hash64 (
const std::string & string
function string_hash64
pcg_hash64() variant for zero-terminated strings.
static inline ASE_CONST uint64_t Ase::string_hash64 (
const char * ztdata
function string_option_find_value
static std::string_view Ase::string_option_find_value (
const char * string,
const char * feature,
const char * fallback,
const char * denied,
const int matching
function string_read
static String Ase::string_read (
const String & filename,
const int fd,
size_t guess
function string_rtrim
static String Ase::string_rtrim (
String & str
function string_whitesplit
static StringS Ase::string_whitesplit (
const String & string,
size_t maxn
function system_entropy
static void Ase::system_entropy (
KeccakRng & pool
function telemetry_type
static constexpr const char * Ase::telemetry_type (
const int8 & field
function telemetry_type
static constexpr const char * Ase::telemetry_type (
const int32 & field
function telemetry_type
static constexpr const char * Ase::telemetry_type (
const float & field
function telemetry_type
static constexpr const char * Ase::telemetry_type (
const double & field
function timestamp_init_
static void Ase::timestamp_init_ ()
function tmpdir_prefix
Prefix for temporary cache directories, also used for pruning of stale directories.
static String Ase::tmpdir_prefix ()
function try_load_x11wrapper
static void Ase::try_load_x11wrapper ()
function typeid_name
Provide demangled stringified name for type T
template<class T>
static inline ASE_PURE const char * Ase::typeid_name ()
function typeid_name
Provide demangled stringified name for object obj
template<class T>
static inline ASE_PURE const char * Ase::typeid_name (
T & obj
function unalias_encoding
static bool Ase::unalias_encoding (
String & name
function unalias_ptr
Force compiler to forget the origin of a possibly aliasing pointer.
template<typename T>
static T * Ase::unalias_ptr (
T * ptr
function update_task_status
static bool Ase::update_task_status (
TaskStatus & self
function utf8character
template<int CODEPOINT>
static inline size_t Ase::utf8character (
const char * str,
uint32_t * unicode
Decode valid UTF-8 sequences, invalid sequences are treated as Latin-1 characters.
* CODEPOINT=0: The return value indicates the number of bytes forgivingly parsed as a single UTF-8 character.
* CODEPOINT=1: The return value indicates the number of bytes forgivingly parsed as a single UTF-8 character and *unicode
is assigned. If *unicode
is >= 0x80, a Latin-1 character was encountered.
* CODEPOINT=2: Invalid characters are encoded as private code points in the range 0xEF80..0xEFFF, see also:
* CODEPOINT=3: Validly encoded code points in the range 0xEF80..0xEFFF are also treated as invalid characters and are encoded into 0xEF80..0xEFFF.
function utf8codepoint
Returns length of unicode character in bytes.
static inline size_t Ase::utf8codepoint (
const char * str,
uint32_t * unicode
function utf8skip
Returns length of unicode character in bytes.
static inline size_t Ase::utf8skip (
const char * str
function validate_telemetry_segments
static bool Ase::validate_telemetry_segments (
const TelemetrySegmentS & segments,
size_t * payloadlength
function value_array_to_string
static String Ase::value_array_to_string (
const ValueS & vec
function value_from_initialval
static Value Ase::value_from_initialval (
const Param::InitialVal & iv
function value_record_to_string
static String Ase::value_record_to_string (
const ValueR & vec
function wav_header
static std::vector< unsigned char > Ase::wav_header (
const uint8_t n_bits,
const uint32_t n_channels,
const uint32_t sample_freq,
const uint32_t n_samples
function wav_write
static int Ase::wav_write (
int fd,
uint8_t n_bits,
uint32_t n_channels,
uint32_t sample_freq,
const float * samples,
size_t n_frames
function write_uint
static std::array< char, 12 > Ase::write_uint (
uint32_t i
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /__w/anklang/anklang/ase/api.hh