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Class Ase::Blob

ClassList > Ase > Blob

Binary large object storage container.

  • #include <blob.hh>

Public Functions

Type Name
Blob ()
Construct an empty Blob .
Blob (const String & auto_url)
Construct Blob from url or filename (auto detected).
const uint8 * bytes ()
Retrieve the Blob 's data as uint8 buffer.
const char * data ()
Retrieve the Blob 's data.
String name ()
Retrieve the Blob 's filename or url.
operator bool () const
Checks if the Blob contains accessible data.
size_t size ()
Retrieve the Blob 's data size in bytes.
String string ()
Copy Blob data into a zero terminated string.

Public Static Functions

Type Name
Blob from_file (const String & filename)
Create Blob by loading from__filename .
Blob from_url (const String & url)
Create Blob by opening a__url .

Public Functions Documentation

function Blob [2/3]

Construct an empty Blob .

explicit Ase::Blob::Blob () 

function Blob [3/3]

Construct Blob from url or filename (auto detected).

explicit Ase::Blob::Blob (
    const String & auto_url

function bytes

Retrieve the Blob 's data as uint8 buffer.

const uint8 * Ase::Blob::bytes () 

function data

Retrieve the Blob 's data.

const char * Ase::Blob::data () 

function name

Retrieve the Blob 's filename or url.

String Ase::Blob::name () 

function operator bool

Checks if the Blob contains accessible data.

explicit Ase::Blob::operator bool () const

function size

Retrieve the Blob 's data size in bytes.

size_t Ase::Blob::size () 

function string

Copy Blob data into a zero terminated string.

String Ase::Blob::string () 

Public Static Functions Documentation

function from_file

Create Blob by loading from__filename .

static Blob Ase::Blob::from_file (
    const String & filename

function from_url

Create Blob by opening a__url .

static Blob Ase::Blob::from_url (
    const String & url

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /__w/anklang/anklang/ase/blob.hh