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Class Ase::Clip

ClassList > Ase > Clip

Container for MIDI note and control events.

  • #include <api.hh>

Inherits the following classes: Ase::Gadget

Inherited by the following classes: Ase::ClipImpl

Public Attributes

Type Name
Member<&Clip::all_notes_ > all_notes
Access all notes of this clip, changes on notify:all_notes .
Member<&Clip::end_tick_ > end_tick
The end tick is past any event ticks, changes on notify:end_tick .

Public Attributes inherited from Ase::Gadget

See Ase::Gadget

Type Name
Member<&Gadget::name_ > name

Public Functions

Type Name
virtual void assign_range (int64 starttick, int64 stoptick) = 0
virtual int32 change_batch (const ClipNoteS & notes, const String & undogroup="") = 0
Change note id according to the arguments or add a new note ifid < 0; emitsnotify:notes .
virtual ClipNoteS list_all_notes () = 0
virtual int64 start_tick () const = 0
Get the first tick intended for playback (this is >= 0), changes on notify:start_tick .
virtual int64 stop_tick () const = 0
Get the tick to stop playback, not events should be played after this, changes on notify:stop_tick .

Public Functions inherited from Ase::Gadget

See Ase::Gadget

Type Name
virtual GadgetImpl * _parent () const = 0
Retrieve parent container.
ProjectImpl * _project () const
Find Project in parent ancestry.
virtual void _set_parent (GadgetImpl * parent) = 0
Assign parent container.
virtual PropertyS access_properties () = 0
Retrieve handles for all properties.
virtual PropertyP access_property (String ident)
Retrieve handle for a Property .
virtual Value get_data (const String & key) const = 0
Retrieve session data.
Value get_value (String ident)
Get native property value.
virtual StringS list_properties ()
List all property identifiers.
virtual bool set_data (const String & key, const Value & v) = 0
Assign session data, prefix ephemerals with '_'.
bool set_value (String ident, const Value & v)
virtual String type_nick () const = 0

Public Functions inherited from Ase::Emittable

See Ase::Emittable

Type Name
virtual void emit_event (const String & type, const String & detail, const ValueR fields={}) = 0
virtual void emit_notify (const String & detail) = 0
void js_trigger (const String & eventselector, JsTrigger callback)
virtual ASE_USE_RESULT Connection on_event (const String & eventselector, const EventHandler & eventhandler) = 0

Protected Functions

Type Name
Clip ()
virtual bool all_notes_ (const ClipNoteS * n, ClipNoteS * q) = 0
virtual bool end_tick_ (const int64 * n, int64 * q) = 0

Protected Functions inherited from Ase::Gadget

See Ase::Gadget

Type Name
Gadget ()
virtual bool name_ (const std::string * n, std::string * q) = 0

Protected Functions inherited from Ase::Object

See Ase::Object

Type Name
virtual ~Object () = 0

Protected Functions inherited from Ase::VirtualBase

See Ase::VirtualBase

Type Name
virtual ~VirtualBase () noexcept = 0

Public Attributes Documentation

variable all_notes

Access all notes of this clip, changes on notify:all_notes .

Member<&Clip::all_notes_> Ase::Clip::all_notes;

variable end_tick

The end tick is past any event ticks, changes on notify:end_tick .

Member<&Clip::end_tick_> Ase::Clip::end_tick;

Public Functions Documentation

function assign_range

virtual void Ase::Clip::assign_range (
    int64 starttick,
    int64 stoptick
) = 0

Change start_tick() and stop_tick(); emits notify:start_tick, notify:stop_tick.

function change_batch

Change note id according to the arguments or add a new note ifid < 0; emitsnotify:notes .

virtual int32 Ase::Clip::change_batch (
    const ClipNoteS & notes,
    const String & undogroup=""
) = 0

Insert, change, delete in a batch.

function list_all_notes

virtual ClipNoteS Ase::Clip::list_all_notes () = 0

List all notes of this Clip; changes on notify:notes.

function start_tick

Get the first tick intended for playback (this is >= 0), changes on notify:start_tick .

virtual int64 Ase::Clip::start_tick () const = 0

function stop_tick

Get the tick to stop playback, not events should be played after this, changes on notify:stop_tick .

virtual int64 Ase::Clip::stop_tick () const = 0

Protected Functions Documentation

function Clip

explicit Ase::Clip::Clip () 

function all_notes_

virtual bool Ase::Clip::all_notes_ (
    const ClipNoteS * n,
    ClipNoteS * q
) = 0

function end_tick_

virtual bool Ase::Clip::end_tick_ (
    const int64 * n,
    int64 * q
) = 0

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /__w/anklang/anklang/ase/api.hh