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Class Ase::Driver

ClassList > Ase > Driver

Base class for a PCM and MIDI devices.

  • #include <driver.hh>

Inherits the following classes: std::enable_shared_from_this< Driver >

Inherited by the following classes: Ase::MidiDriver, Ase::PcmDriver

Public Types

Type Name
enum Driver
typedef std::shared_ptr< Driver > DriverP
typedef DriverEntry Entry
typedef DriverEntryS EntryVec
enum IODir

Public Functions

Type Name
virtual void close () = 0
String devid () const
Return a string which uniquely identifies this driver and device.
bool opened () const
bool readable () const
bool writable () const

Public Static Functions

Type Name
String priority_string (uint priority)
Return string which represents the given priority mask.

Protected Attributes

Type Name
const String devid_
const String driver_
size_t flags_ = 0

Protected Functions

Type Name
Driver (const String & driver, const String & devid)
std::shared_ptr< Derived > shared_from_base ()
virtual ~Driver ()

Public Types Documentation

enum Driver

enum Ase::Driver::Driver {
    SURROUND = 0x08 << 24,
    HEADSET = 0x04 << 24,
    RECORDER = 0x02 << 24,
    MIDI_THRU = 0x01 << 24,
    JACK = 0x1f << 24,
    ALSA_USB = 0x2f << 24,
    ALSA_KERN = 0x3f << 24,
    OSS = 0x4f << 24,
    PULSE = 0x5f << 24,
    ALSA_USER = 0x6f << 24,
    PSEUDO = 0x76 << 24,
    PAUTO = 0x79 << 24,
    PNULL = 0x7c << 24,
    WCARD = 0x01 << 16,
    WDEV = 0x01 <<  8,
    WSUB = 0x01 <<  0

typedef DriverP

typedef std::shared_ptr<Driver> Ase::Driver::DriverP;

typedef Entry

using Ase::Driver::Entry =  DriverEntry;

typedef EntryVec

using Ase::Driver::EntryVec =  DriverEntryS;

enum IODir

enum Ase::Driver::IODir {
    READONLY = 1,
    WRITEONLY = 2,

Public Functions Documentation

function close

virtual void Ase::Driver::close () = 0

function devid

Return a string which uniquely identifies this driver and device.

String Ase::Driver::devid () const

function opened

inline bool Ase::Driver::opened () const

function readable

inline bool Ase::Driver::readable () const

function writable

inline bool Ase::Driver::writable () const

Public Static Functions Documentation

function priority_string

Return string which represents the given priority mask.

static String Ase::Driver::priority_string (
    uint priority

Protected Attributes Documentation

variable devid_

const String Ase::Driver::devid_;

variable driver_

const String Ase::Driver::driver_;

variable flags_

size_t Ase::Driver::flags_;

Protected Functions Documentation

function Driver

explicit Ase::Driver::Driver (
    const String & driver,
    const String & devid

function shared_from_base

template<class Derived>
inline std::shared_ptr< Derived > Ase::Driver::shared_from_base () 

function ~Driver

virtual Ase::Driver::~Driver () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /__w/anklang/anklang/ase/driver.hh