Class Ase::ResourceCrawler
ClassList > Ase > ResourceCrawler
Helper to crawl hierarchical resources.
#include <api.hh>
Inherits the following classes: Ase::Object
Inherited by the following classes: Ase::FileCrawler
Public Types
Type | Name |
typedef std::pair< String, String > | String2 |
Public Attributes
Type | Name |
Member<&ResourceCrawler::entries_ > | entries The entries in the current folder, UTF-8 encoded. |
Member<&ResourceCrawler::folder_ > | folder The folder currently being browsed, UTF-8 encoded. |
Public Functions
Type | Name |
virtual String2 | assign (const String & utf8path, bool existingfile=false) = 0 |
virtual Resource | canonify (const String & utf8cwd, const String & utf8fragment, bool constraindir, bool constrainfile) = 0 Return absolute path, slash-terminated if directory, constrain to existing paths. |
virtual Resource | current_folder () = 0 Describe current folder. |
virtual ResourceS | list_entries () = 0 List entries of a folder. |
Public Functions inherited from Ase::Emittable
See Ase::Emittable
Type | Name |
virtual void | emit_event (const String & type, const String & detail, const ValueR fields={}) = 0 |
virtual void | emit_notify (const String & detail) = 0 |
void | js_trigger (const String & eventselector, JsTrigger callback) |
virtual ASE_USE_RESULT Connection | on_event (const String & eventselector, const EventHandler & eventhandler) = 0 |
Protected Functions
Type | Name |
ResourceCrawler () |
virtual bool | entries_ (const ResourceS * n, ResourceS * q) = 0 |
virtual bool | folder_ (const Resource * n, Resource * q) = 0 |
Protected Functions inherited from Ase::Object
See Ase::Object
Type | Name |
virtual | ~Object () = 0 |
Protected Functions inherited from Ase::VirtualBase
See Ase::VirtualBase
Type | Name |
virtual | ~VirtualBase () noexcept = 0 |
Public Types Documentation
typedef String2
using Ase::ResourceCrawler::String2 = std::pair<String,String>;
Public Attributes Documentation
variable entries
The entries in the current folder, UTF-8 encoded.
Member<&ResourceCrawler::entries_> Ase::ResourceCrawler::entries;
variable folder
The folder currently being browsed, UTF-8 encoded.
Member<&ResourceCrawler::folder_> Ase::ResourceCrawler::folder;
Public Functions Documentation
function assign
virtual String2 Ase::ResourceCrawler::assign (
const String & utf8path,
bool existingfile=false
) = 0
Move to a different path.
function canonify
Return absolute path, slash-terminated if directory, constrain to existing paths.
virtual Resource Ase::ResourceCrawler::canonify (
const String & utf8cwd,
const String & utf8fragment,
bool constraindir,
bool constrainfile
) = 0
function current_folder
Describe current folder.
virtual Resource Ase::ResourceCrawler::current_folder () = 0
function list_entries
List entries of a folder.
virtual ResourceS Ase::ResourceCrawler::list_entries () = 0
Protected Functions Documentation
function ResourceCrawler
explicit Ase::ResourceCrawler::ResourceCrawler ()
function entries_
virtual bool Ase::ResourceCrawler::entries_ (
const ResourceS * n,
ResourceS * q
) = 0
function folder_
virtual bool Ase::ResourceCrawler::folder_ (
const Resource * n,
Resource * q
) = 0
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /__w/anklang/anklang/ase/api.hh