Class Ase::Server
Central singleton, serves as API entry point.
#include <api.hh>
Inherits the following classes: Ase::Gadget
Inherited by the following classes: Ase::ServerImpl
Public Types
Type | Name |
typedef std::shared_ptr< Server > | ServerP |
Public Attributes inherited from Ase::Gadget
See Ase::Gadget
Type | Name |
Member<&Gadget::name_ > | name |
Public Functions
Type | Name |
virtual PropertyP | access_preference (const String & ident) = 0 Retrieve property handle for a Preference identifier. |
virtual bool | broadcast_telemetry (const TelemetrySegmentS & segments, int32 interval_ms) = 0 Broadcast telemetry memory segments to the current Jsonipc connection. |
virtual ProjectP | create_project (String projectname) = 0 Create a new project (name is modified to be unique if necessary. |
ResourceCrawlerP | dir_crawler (const String & cwd="") Create crawler to navigate directories. |
String | engine_stats () Print engine state. |
virtual String | error_blurb (Error error) const = 0 |
virtual String | get_build_id () = 0 Retrieve ASE build id. |
virtual String | get_clap_version () = 0 Retrieve CLAP support version. |
virtual String | get_flac_version () = 0 Retrieve FLAC handler version. |
virtual String | get_opus_version () = 0 Retrieve Opus handler version. |
virtual String | get_version () = 0 Retrieve ASE version. |
virtual ProjectP | last_project () = 0 Retrieve the last created project. |
virtual StringS | list_preferences () = 0 Retrieve a list of all preference identifiers. |
virtual String | musical_tuning_blurb (MusicalTuning musicaltuning) const = 0 |
virtual String | musical_tuning_label (MusicalTuning musicaltuning) const = 0 |
virtual void | shutdown () = 0 Shutdown ASE. |
ResourceCrawlerP | url_crawler (const String & url="/") Create crawler to navigate URL contents. |
virtual uint64 | user_note (const String & text, const String & channel="misc", UserNote::Flags flags=UserNote::TRANSIENT, const String & rest="") = 0 |
virtual bool | user_reply (uint64 noteid, uint r) = 0 |
Public Functions inherited from Ase::Gadget
See Ase::Gadget
Type | Name |
virtual GadgetImpl * | _parent () const = 0 Retrieve parent container. |
ProjectImpl * | _project () const Find Project in parent ancestry. |
virtual void | _set_parent (GadgetImpl * parent) = 0 Assign parent container. |
virtual PropertyS | access_properties () = 0 Retrieve handles for all properties. |
virtual PropertyP | access_property (String ident) Retrieve handle for a Property . |
virtual Value | get_data (const String & key) const = 0 Retrieve session data. |
Value | get_value (String ident) Get native property value. |
virtual StringS | list_properties () List all property identifiers. |
virtual bool | set_data (const String & key, const Value & v) = 0 Assign session data, prefix ephemerals with '_'. |
bool | set_value (String ident, const Value & v) |
virtual String | type_nick () const = 0 |
Public Functions inherited from Ase::Emittable
See Ase::Emittable
Type | Name |
virtual void | emit_event (const String & type, const String & detail, const ValueR fields={}) = 0 |
virtual void | emit_notify (const String & detail) = 0 |
void | js_trigger (const String & eventselector, JsTrigger callback) |
virtual ASE_USE_RESULT Connection | on_event (const String & eventselector, const EventHandler & eventhandler) = 0 |
Public Static Functions
Type | Name |
Server & | instance () Retrieve global Server instance. |
ServerP | instancep () Retrieve global Server instance as std::shared_ptr. |
Protected Functions inherited from Ase::Gadget
See Ase::Gadget
Type | Name |
Gadget () |
virtual bool | name_ (const std::string * n, std::string * q) = 0 |
Protected Functions inherited from Ase::Object
See Ase::Object
Type | Name |
virtual | ~Object () = 0 |
Protected Functions inherited from Ase::VirtualBase
See Ase::VirtualBase
Type | Name |
virtual | ~VirtualBase () noexcept = 0 |
Public Types Documentation
typedef ServerP
using Ase::Server::ServerP = std::shared_ptr<Server>;
Public Functions Documentation
function access_preference
Retrieve property handle for a Preference identifier.
virtual PropertyP Ase::Server::access_preference (
const String & ident
) = 0
function broadcast_telemetry
Broadcast telemetry memory segments to the current Jsonipc connection.
virtual bool Ase::Server::broadcast_telemetry (
const TelemetrySegmentS & segments,
int32 interval_ms
) = 0
function create_project
Create a new project (name is modified to be unique if necessary.
virtual ProjectP Ase::Server::create_project (
String projectname
) = 0
function dir_crawler
Create crawler to navigate directories.
ResourceCrawlerP Ase::Server::dir_crawler (
const String & cwd=""
function engine_stats
Print engine state.
String Ase::Server::engine_stats ()
function error_blurb
virtual String Ase::Server::error_blurb (
Error error
) const = 0
function get_build_id
Retrieve ASE build id.
virtual String Ase::Server::get_build_id () = 0
function get_clap_version
Retrieve CLAP support version.
virtual String Ase::Server::get_clap_version () = 0
function get_flac_version
Retrieve FLAC handler version.
virtual String Ase::Server::get_flac_version () = 0
function get_opus_version
Retrieve Opus handler version.
virtual String Ase::Server::get_opus_version () = 0
function get_version
Retrieve ASE version.
virtual String Ase::Server::get_version () = 0
function last_project
Retrieve the last created project.
virtual ProjectP Ase::Server::last_project () = 0
function list_preferences
Retrieve a list of all preference identifiers.
virtual StringS Ase::Server::list_preferences () = 0
function musical_tuning_blurb
virtual String Ase::Server::musical_tuning_blurb (
MusicalTuning musicaltuning
) const = 0
function musical_tuning_label
virtual String Ase::Server::musical_tuning_label (
MusicalTuning musicaltuning
) const = 0
function shutdown
Shutdown ASE.
virtual void Ase::Server::shutdown () = 0
function url_crawler
Create crawler to navigate URL contents.
ResourceCrawlerP Ase::Server::url_crawler (
const String & url="/"
function user_note
virtual uint64 Ase::Server::user_note (
const String & text,
const String & channel="misc",
UserNote::Flags flags=UserNote::TRANSIENT,
const String & rest=""
) = 0
function user_reply
virtual bool Ase::Server::user_reply (
uint64 noteid,
uint r
) = 0
Public Static Functions Documentation
function instance
Retrieve global Server instance.
static Server & Ase::Server::instance ()
function instancep
Retrieve global Server instance as std::shared_ptr.
static ServerP Ase::Server::instancep ()
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /__w/anklang/anklang/ase/api.hh