Class Ase::WebSocketConnection
ClassList > Ase > WebSocketConnection
Inherits the following classes: std::enable_shared_from_this< WebSocketConnection >
Inherited by the following classes: Ase::JsonapiConnection
Type | Name |
struct | Internals |
Public Functions
Type | Name |
virtual void | closed () Pairs with opened(). |
virtual void | failed () Never folloed by opened(). |
virtual void | http_request () Only if opened. |
bool | is_open () const |
virtual void | log (const String & message) |
virtual void | message (const String & message) Only if opened. |
String | nickname () |
virtual void | opened () Pairs with closed(). |
bool | send_binary (const String & blob) Returns true if binary blob was sent. |
bool | send_text (const String & message) Returns true if text message was sent. |
virtual int | validate () Return true to allow opened(). |
Protected Attributes
Type | Name |
const int | logflags_ = 0 |
Protected Functions
Type | Name |
WebSocketConnection (Internals & internals, int logflags) |
Info | get_info () |
virtual | ~WebSocketConnection () = 0 |
Public Functions Documentation
function closed
Pairs with opened().
virtual void Ase::WebSocketConnection::closed ()
function failed
Never folloed by opened().
virtual void Ase::WebSocketConnection::failed ()
function http_request
Only if opened.
virtual void Ase::WebSocketConnection::http_request ()
function is_open
bool Ase::WebSocketConnection::is_open () const
function log
virtual void Ase::WebSocketConnection::log (
const String & message
function message
Only if opened.
virtual void Ase::WebSocketConnection::message (
const String & message
function nickname
String Ase::WebSocketConnection::nickname ()
function opened
Pairs with closed().
virtual void Ase::WebSocketConnection::opened ()
function send_binary
Returns true if binary blob was sent.
bool Ase::WebSocketConnection::send_binary (
const String & blob
function send_text
Returns true if text message was sent.
bool Ase::WebSocketConnection::send_text (
const String & message
function validate
Return true to allow opened().
virtual int Ase::WebSocketConnection::validate ()
Protected Attributes Documentation
variable logflags_
const int Ase::WebSocketConnection::logflags_;
Protected Functions Documentation
function WebSocketConnection
explicit Ase::WebSocketConnection::WebSocketConnection (
Internals & internals,
int logflags
function get_info
Info Ase::WebSocketConnection::get_info ()
function ~WebSocketConnection
virtual Ase::WebSocketConnection::~WebSocketConnection () = 0
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /__w/anklang/anklang/ase/websocket.hh