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Struct Ase::ClapParamInfoImpl

ClassList > Ase > ClapParamInfoImpl

Inherits the following classes: Ase::ClapParamInfo

Public Attributes

Type Name
std::weak_ptr< Property > aseprop_
void * cookie_ = nullptr
double next_value_ = NAN

Public Functions

Type Name
void operator= (const clap_param_info & cinfo)

Public Attributes Documentation

variable aseprop_

std::weak_ptr<Property> Ase::ClapParamInfoImpl::aseprop_;

void* Ase::ClapParamInfoImpl::cookie_;

variable next_value_

double Ase::ClapParamInfoImpl::next_value_;

Public Functions Documentation

function operator=

inline void Ase::ClapParamInfoImpl::operator= (
    const clap_param_info & cinfo

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /__w/anklang/anklang/ase/