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Struct Ase::Logscale

ClassList > Ase > Logscale

Logarithmically map (and invert) a range onto 0…+1.

  • #include <signalmath.hh>

Public Attributes

Type Name
double b2 = 0
double ir = 1
double r2 = 1

Public Functions

Type Name
double iscale (double mmvalue) const
Calculate normalized from ascale() result within[min … max] .
double scale (double normalized) const
Calculate scale value within [min … max] from normalizedx .
void setup (double min, double max)
Provide minimum and maximum values to be mapped.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable b2

double Ase::Logscale::b2;

variable ir

double Ase::Logscale::ir;

variable r2

double Ase::Logscale::r2;

Public Functions Documentation

function iscale

Calculate normalized from ascale() result within[min … max] .

inline double Ase::Logscale::iscale (
    double mmvalue
) const

function scale

Calculate scale value within [min … max] from normalizedx .

inline double Ase::Logscale::scale (
    double normalized
) const

function setup

Provide minimum and maximum values to be mapped.

inline void Ase::Logscale::setup (
    double min,
    double max

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /__w/anklang/anklang/ase/signalmath.hh