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Struct Ase::ParameterMap

ClassList > Ase > ParameterMap

Parameter list construction helper.

  • #include <parameter.hh>

Inherits the following classes: std::map< uint32_t, ParameterC >


Type Name
struct Entry
Helper for new Parameter creation fromParam initializer.

Public Attributes

Type Name
String group
Group to be applied to all newly inserted Parameter objects.

Public Functions

Type Name
Entry operator[] (uint32_t id)
Slot subscription for new Parameter creation.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable group

Group to be applied to all newly inserted Parameter objects.

String Ase::ParameterMap::group;

Public Functions Documentation

function operator[]

Slot subscription for new Parameter creation.

Entry Ase::ParameterMap::operator[] (
    uint32_t id

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /__w/anklang/anklang/ase/parameter.hh