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Struct Ase::ProbeFeatures

ClassList > Ase > ProbeFeatures

Bits representing a selection of probe sample data features.

  • #include <api.hh>

Public Attributes

Type Name
bool probe_energy
Provide sample energy measurement.
bool probe_fft
Provide FFT analysis probe.
bool probe_range
Provide sample range probes.
bool probe_samples
Provide probe with bare sample values.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable probe_energy

Provide sample energy measurement.

bool Ase::ProbeFeatures::probe_energy;

variable probe_fft

Provide FFT analysis probe.

bool Ase::ProbeFeatures::probe_fft;

variable probe_range

Provide sample range probes.

bool Ase::ProbeFeatures::probe_range;

variable probe_samples

Provide probe with bare sample values.

bool Ase::ProbeFeatures::probe_samples;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /__w/anklang/anklang/ase/api.hh