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Struct Ase::TickSignature::Beat

ClassList > Ase > TickSignature > Beat

Public Attributes

Type Name
int32 bar = 0
Bar of tick position.
int8 beat = 0
Beat within bar of tick position.
double semiquaver = 0
The sixteenth with fraction within beat.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable bar

Bar of tick position.

int32 Ase::TickSignature::Beat::bar;

variable beat

Beat within bar of tick position.

int8 Ase::TickSignature::Beat::beat;

variable semiquaver

The sixteenth with fraction within beat.

double Ase::TickSignature::Beat::semiquaver;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /__w/anklang/anklang/ase/transport.hh