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Struct Ase::UserNote

ClassList > Ase > UserNote

Contents of user interface notifications.

  • #include <api.hh>

Public Types

Type Name
enum Flags

Public Attributes

Type Name
String channel
Flags flags = APPEND
uint noteid = 0
String rest
String text

Public Types Documentation

enum Flags

enum Ase::UserNote::Flags {

Public Attributes Documentation

variable channel

String Ase::UserNote::channel;

variable flags

Flags Ase::UserNote::flags;

variable noteid

uint Ase::UserNote::noteid;

variable rest

String Ase::UserNote::rest;

variable text

String Ase::UserNote::text;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /__w/anklang/anklang/ase/api.hh