Class Ase::EventLoop
Loop object, polling for events and executing callbacks in accordance.
#include <loop.hh>
Inherits the following classes: std::enable_shared_from_this< EventLoop >
Inherited by the following classes: Ase::MainLoop, Ase::SubLoop
Type | Name |
struct | QuickPfdArray |
Public Types
Type | Name |
typedef std::function< bool(PollFD &)> | BPfdSlot |
typedef std::function< bool(void)> | BoolSlot |
typedef std::function< bool(const LoopState &)> | DispatcherSlot |
typedef std::function< bool(int8)> | USignalSlot |
typedef std::function< void(PollFD &)> | VPfdSlot |
typedef std::function< void(void)> | VoidSlot |
Public Static Attributes
Type | Name |
const int16 | PRIORITY_ASCENT = 800 Threshold for priorization across different loops. |
const int16 | PRIORITY_CEILING = 999 Internal upper limit, don't use. |
const int16 | PRIORITY_HIGH = 700 Very important, used for timers or IO handlers. |
const int16 | PRIORITY_IDLE = 200 Mildly important, used for background tasks. |
const int16 | PRIORITY_LOW = 100 Unimportant, used when everything else done. |
const int16 | PRIORITY_NEXT = 600 Important, used for async operations and callbacks. |
const int16 | PRIORITY_NORMAL = 500 Normal importantance, GUI event processing, RPC. |
const int16 | PRIORITY_NOW = 900 Most important, used for immediate async execution. |
const int16 | PRIORITY_UPDATE = 400 Mildly important, used for GUI updates or user information. |
Public Functions
Type | Name |
uint | add (EventSourceP loop_source, int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL) Adds a new source to the loop with custom priority. |
bool | clear_source (uint * id_pointer) Remove source if id_pointer and*id_pointer are valid. |
void | destroy_loop (void) |
uint | exec_callback (BoolVoidFunctor && bvf, int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL) Execute a callback at user defined priority returning true repeats callback. |
uint | exec_dispatcher (const DispatcherSlot & sl, int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL) |
uint | exec_idle (BoolVoidFunctor && bvf) Execute a callback with priority "idle", returning true repeats callback. |
uint | exec_io_handler (BoolVoidPollFunctor && bvf, int fd, const String & mode, int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL) Execute a callback after polling for mode on fd, returning true repeats callback. |
uint | exec_now (BoolVoidFunctor && bvf) Execute a callback as primary source with priority "now" (highest), returning true repeats callback. |
bool | exec_once (uint delay_ms, uint * once_id, const VoidSlot & vfunc, int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL) Execute a signal callback for prepare, check, dispatch. |
uint | exec_timer (BoolVoidFunctor && bvf, uint delay_ms, int64 repeat_ms=-1, int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL) Execute a callback after a specified timeout with adjustable initial timeout, returning true repeats callback. |
uint | exec_usignal (int8 signum, const USignalSlot & sl, int priority=PRIORITY_NOW -1) Execute a single dispatcher callback for prepare, check, dispatch. |
bool | flag_primary (bool on) |
bool | has_primary (void) Indicates whether loop contains primary sources. |
MainLoop * | main_loop () const Get the main loop for this loop. |
void | remove (uint id) Removes a source from loop, the source must be present. |
bool | try_remove (uint id) Tries to remove a source, returns if successfull. |
void | wakeup () Wakeup loop from polling. |
Protected Types
Type | Name |
typedef std::vector< EventSourceP > | SourceList |
Protected Attributes
Type | Name |
int16 | dispatch_priority_ |
MainLoop * | main_loop_ |
std::vector< EventSourceP > | poll_sources_ |
bool | primary_ |
SourceList | sources_ |
Protected Functions
Type | Name |
EventLoop (MainLoop & main) |
bool | check_sources_Lm (LoopState & state, const QuickPfdArray & pfda) |
void | collect_sources_Lm (LoopState & state) |
void | dispatch_source_Lm (LoopState & state) |
EventSourceP & | find_first_L () |
EventSourceP & | find_source_L (uint id) |
bool | has_primary_L (void) |
void | kill_sources_Lm (void) |
bool | prepare_sources_Lm (LoopState & state, QuickPfdArray & pfda) |
void | remove_source_Lm (EventSourceP source) |
void | unpoll_sources_U () |
virtual | ~EventLoop () |
Public Types Documentation
typedef BPfdSlot
typedef std::function<bool (PollFD&)> Ase::EventLoop::BPfdSlot;
typedef BoolSlot
typedef std::function<bool (void)> Ase::EventLoop::BoolSlot;
typedef DispatcherSlot
typedef std::function<bool (const LoopState&)> Ase::EventLoop::DispatcherSlot;
typedef USignalSlot
typedef std::function<bool (int8)> Ase::EventLoop::USignalSlot;
typedef VPfdSlot
typedef std::function<void (PollFD&)> Ase::EventLoop::VPfdSlot;
typedef VoidSlot
typedef std::function<void (void)> Ase::EventLoop::VoidSlot;
Public Static Attributes Documentation
Threshold for priorization across different loops.
const int16 Ase::EventLoop::PRIORITY_ASCENT;
Internal upper limit, don't use.
const int16 Ase::EventLoop::PRIORITY_CEILING;
Very important, used for timers or IO handlers.
const int16 Ase::EventLoop::PRIORITY_HIGH;
Mildly important, used for background tasks.
const int16 Ase::EventLoop::PRIORITY_IDLE;
Unimportant, used when everything else done.
const int16 Ase::EventLoop::PRIORITY_LOW;
Important, used for async operations and callbacks.
const int16 Ase::EventLoop::PRIORITY_NEXT;
Normal importantance, GUI event processing, RPC.
const int16 Ase::EventLoop::PRIORITY_NORMAL;
Most important, used for immediate async execution.
const int16 Ase::EventLoop::PRIORITY_NOW;
Mildly important, used for GUI updates or user information.
const int16 Ase::EventLoop::PRIORITY_UPDATE;
Public Functions Documentation
function add
Adds a new source to the loop with custom priority.
uint Ase::EventLoop::add (
EventSourceP loop_source,
int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL
function clear_source
Remove source if id_pointer
are valid.
bool Ase::EventLoop::clear_source (
uint * id_pointer
function destroy_loop
void Ase::EventLoop::destroy_loop (
Remove all sources from a loop and prevent any further execution. The destroy_loop() method removes all sources from a loop and in case of a sub EventLoop (see create_sub_loop()) removes it from its associated main loop. Calling destroy_loop() on a main loop also calls destroy_loop() for all its sub loops. Note that MainLoop objects are artificially kept alive until MainLoop::destroy_loop() is called, so calling destroy_loop() is mandatory for MainLoop objects to prevent object leaks. This method must be called only once on a loop.
function exec_callback
Execute a callback at user defined priority returning true repeats callback.
template<class BoolVoidFunctor>
uint Ase::EventLoop::exec_callback (
BoolVoidFunctor && bvf,
int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL
function exec_dispatcher
inline uint Ase::EventLoop::exec_dispatcher (
const DispatcherSlot & sl,
int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL
function exec_idle
Execute a callback with priority "idle", returning true repeats callback.
template<class BoolVoidFunctor>
uint Ase::EventLoop::exec_idle (
BoolVoidFunctor && bvf
function exec_io_handler
Execute a callback after polling for mode on fd, returning true repeats callback.
template<class BoolVoidPollFunctor>
uint Ase::EventLoop::exec_io_handler (
BoolVoidPollFunctor && bvf,
int fd,
const String & mode,
int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL
function exec_now
Execute a callback as primary source with priority "now" (highest), returning true repeats callback.
template<class BoolVoidFunctor>
uint Ase::EventLoop::exec_now (
BoolVoidFunctor && bvf
function exec_once
Execute a signal callback for prepare, check, dispatch.
bool Ase::EventLoop::exec_once (
uint delay_ms,
uint * once_id,
const VoidSlot & vfunc,
int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL
Execute a callback once, re-schedules the callback if 0 != *once_id
function exec_timer
Execute a callback after a specified timeout with adjustable initial timeout, returning true repeats callback.
template<class BoolVoidFunctor>
uint Ase::EventLoop::exec_timer (
BoolVoidFunctor && bvf,
uint delay_ms,
int64 repeat_ms=-1,
int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL
function exec_usignal
Execute a single dispatcher callback for prepare, check, dispatch.
inline uint Ase::EventLoop::exec_usignal (
int8 signum,
const USignalSlot & sl,
int priority=PRIORITY_NOW -1
function flag_primary
bool Ase::EventLoop::flag_primary (
bool on
function has_primary
Indicates whether loop contains primary sources.
bool Ase::EventLoop::has_primary (
function main_loop
Get the main loop for this loop.
MainLoop * Ase::EventLoop::main_loop () const
function remove
Removes a source from loop, the source must be present.
void Ase::EventLoop::remove (
uint id
function try_remove
Tries to remove a source, returns if successfull.
bool Ase::EventLoop::try_remove (
uint id
function wakeup
Wakeup loop from polling.
void Ase::EventLoop::wakeup ()
Protected Types Documentation
typedef SourceList
typedef std::vector<EventSourceP> Ase::EventLoop::SourceList;
Protected Attributes Documentation
variable dispatch_priority_
int16 Ase::EventLoop::dispatch_priority_;
variable main_loop_
MainLoop* Ase::EventLoop::main_loop_;
variable poll_sources_
std::vector<EventSourceP> Ase::EventLoop::poll_sources_;
variable primary_
bool Ase::EventLoop::primary_;
variable sources_
SourceList Ase::EventLoop::sources_;
Protected Functions Documentation
function EventLoop
explicit Ase::EventLoop::EventLoop (
MainLoop & main
function check_sources_Lm
bool Ase::EventLoop::check_sources_Lm (
LoopState & state,
const QuickPfdArray & pfda
function collect_sources_Lm
void Ase::EventLoop::collect_sources_Lm (
LoopState & state
function dispatch_source_Lm
void Ase::EventLoop::dispatch_source_Lm (
LoopState & state
function find_first_L
inline EventSourceP & Ase::EventLoop::find_first_L ()
function find_source_L
inline EventSourceP & Ase::EventLoop::find_source_L (
uint id
function has_primary_L
bool Ase::EventLoop::has_primary_L (
function kill_sources_Lm
void Ase::EventLoop::kill_sources_Lm (
function prepare_sources_Lm
bool Ase::EventLoop::prepare_sources_Lm (
LoopState & state,
QuickPfdArray & pfda
function remove_source_Lm
void Ase::EventLoop::remove_source_Lm (
EventSourceP source
function unpoll_sources_U
void Ase::EventLoop::unpoll_sources_U ()
function ~EventLoop
virtual Ase::EventLoop::~EventLoop ()
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /__w/anklang/anklang/ase/loop.hh