Class Ase::MainLoop
An EventLoop implementation that offers public API for running the loop.
#include <loop.hh>
Inherits the following classes: Ase::EventLoop
Public Types inherited from Ase::EventLoop
See Ase::EventLoop
Type | Name |
typedef std::function< bool(PollFD &)> | BPfdSlot |
typedef std::function< bool(void)> | BoolSlot |
typedef std::function< bool(const LoopState &)> | DispatcherSlot |
typedef std::function< bool(int8)> | USignalSlot |
typedef std::function< void(PollFD &)> | VPfdSlot |
typedef std::function< void(void)> | VoidSlot |
Public Static Attributes inherited from Ase::EventLoop
See Ase::EventLoop
Type | Name |
const int16 | PRIORITY_ASCENT = 800 Threshold for priorization across different loops. |
const int16 | PRIORITY_CEILING = 999 Internal upper limit, don't use. |
const int16 | PRIORITY_HIGH = 700 Very important, used for timers or IO handlers. |
const int16 | PRIORITY_IDLE = 200 Mildly important, used for background tasks. |
const int16 | PRIORITY_LOW = 100 Unimportant, used when everything else done. |
const int16 | PRIORITY_NEXT = 600 Important, used for async operations and callbacks. |
const int16 | PRIORITY_NORMAL = 500 Normal importantance, GUI event processing, RPC. |
const int16 | PRIORITY_NOW = 900 Most important, used for immediate async execution. |
const int16 | PRIORITY_UPDATE = 400 Mildly important, used for GUI updates or user information. |
Public Functions
Type | Name |
EventLoopP | create_sub_loop () Creates a new event loop that is run as part of this main loop. |
bool | finishable () Indicates wether this loop has no primary sources left to process. |
bool | iterate (bool block) Perform one loop iteration and return whether more iterations are needed. |
void | iterate_pending () Call iterate() until no immediate dispatching is needed. |
std::mutex & | mutex () Provide access to the mutex associated with this main loop. |
bool | pending () Check if iterate() needs to be called for dispatching. |
void | quit (int quit_code=0) Cause run() to return with__quit_code . |
int | run () Run loop iterations until a call to quit() or finishable becomes true. |
bool | running () Indicates if quit() has been called already. |
bool | set_g_main_context (GlibGMainContext * glib_main_context) Set context to integrate with a GLib GMainContext loop. |
Public Functions inherited from Ase::EventLoop
See Ase::EventLoop
Type | Name |
uint | add (EventSourceP loop_source, int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL) Adds a new source to the loop with custom priority. |
bool | clear_source (uint * id_pointer) Remove source if id_pointer and*id_pointer are valid. |
void | destroy_loop (void) |
uint | exec_callback (BoolVoidFunctor && bvf, int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL) Execute a callback at user defined priority returning true repeats callback. |
uint | exec_dispatcher (const DispatcherSlot & sl, int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL) |
uint | exec_idle (BoolVoidFunctor && bvf) Execute a callback with priority "idle", returning true repeats callback. |
uint | exec_io_handler (BoolVoidPollFunctor && bvf, int fd, const String & mode, int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL) Execute a callback after polling for mode on fd, returning true repeats callback. |
uint | exec_now (BoolVoidFunctor && bvf) Execute a callback as primary source with priority "now" (highest), returning true repeats callback. |
bool | exec_once (uint delay_ms, uint * once_id, const VoidSlot & vfunc, int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL) Execute a signal callback for prepare, check, dispatch. |
uint | exec_timer (BoolVoidFunctor && bvf, uint delay_ms, int64 repeat_ms=-1, int priority=PRIORITY_NORMAL) Execute a callback after a specified timeout with adjustable initial timeout, returning true repeats callback. |
uint | exec_usignal (int8 signum, const USignalSlot & sl, int priority=PRIORITY_NOW -1) Execute a single dispatcher callback for prepare, check, dispatch. |
bool | flag_primary (bool on) |
bool | has_primary (void) Indicates whether loop contains primary sources. |
MainLoop * | main_loop () const Get the main loop for this loop. |
void | remove (uint id) Removes a source from loop, the source must be present. |
bool | try_remove (uint id) Tries to remove a source, returns if successfull. |
void | wakeup () Wakeup loop from polling. |
Public Static Functions
Type | Name |
MainLoopP | create () Create a MainLoop shared pointer handle. |
Protected Types inherited from Ase::EventLoop
See Ase::EventLoop
Type | Name |
typedef std::vector< EventSourceP > | SourceList |
Protected Attributes inherited from Ase::EventLoop
See Ase::EventLoop
Type | Name |
int16 | dispatch_priority_ |
MainLoop * | main_loop_ |
std::vector< EventSourceP > | poll_sources_ |
bool | primary_ |
SourceList | sources_ |
Protected Functions inherited from Ase::EventLoop
See Ase::EventLoop
Type | Name |
EventLoop (MainLoop & main) |
bool | check_sources_Lm (LoopState & state, const QuickPfdArray & pfda) |
void | collect_sources_Lm (LoopState & state) |
void | dispatch_source_Lm (LoopState & state) |
EventSourceP & | find_first_L () |
EventSourceP & | find_source_L (uint id) |
bool | has_primary_L (void) |
void | kill_sources_Lm (void) |
bool | prepare_sources_Lm (LoopState & state, QuickPfdArray & pfda) |
void | remove_source_Lm (EventSourceP source) |
void | unpoll_sources_U () |
virtual | ~EventLoop () |
Public Functions Documentation
function create_sub_loop
Creates a new event loop that is run as part of this main loop.
EventLoopP Ase::MainLoop::create_sub_loop ()
function finishable
Indicates wether this loop has no primary sources left to process.
bool Ase::MainLoop::finishable ()
function iterate
Perform one loop iteration and return whether more iterations are needed.
bool Ase::MainLoop::iterate (
bool block
If true, iterate() will wait for events occour.
MainLoop::iterate() is the heart of the main event loop. For loop iteration, all event sources are polled for incoming events. Then dispatchable sources are picked one per iteration and dispatched in round-robin fashion. If no sources need immediate dispatching and may_block is true, iterate() will wait for events to become available.
Whether more sources need immediate dispatching.
function iterate_pending
Call iterate() until no immediate dispatching is needed.
void Ase::MainLoop::iterate_pending ()
function mutex
Provide access to the mutex associated with this main loop.
inline std::mutex & Ase::MainLoop::mutex ()
function pending
Check if iterate() needs to be called for dispatching.
bool Ase::MainLoop::pending ()
function quit
Cause run() to return with__quit_code .
void Ase::MainLoop::quit (
int quit_code=0
function run
Run loop iterations until a call to quit() or finishable becomes true.
int Ase::MainLoop::run ()
function running
Indicates if quit() has been called already.
bool Ase::MainLoop::running ()
function set_g_main_context
Set context to integrate with a GLib GMainContext loop.
bool Ase::MainLoop::set_g_main_context (
GlibGMainContext * glib_main_context
Public Static Functions Documentation
function create
Create a MainLoop shared pointer handle.
static MainLoopP Ase::MainLoop::create ()
Create a new main loop object, users can run or iterate this loop directly. Note that MainLoop objects have special lifetime semantics that keep them alive until they are explicitely destroyed with destroy_loop().
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /__w/anklang/anklang/ase/loop.hh